Five Great Tips For Natural Skin Care.

August 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Natural skin care is the best way to go for great looking skin that is beautiful and healthy. This type of skin can be achieved without the help of different skin products, chemically enhanced or not. Here are five tips to help you look after your skin the natural way:

Tip number 1: Watch your diet. To be able to look after your skin properly you must first look after the inside of your body. Keeping a good, healthy diet and drinking a lot of water you will not only eliminate toxins that causes your skin to look oily but also help with your digestion what will help prevent acne.

2: Exercise on a regular basis. This will help to get your circulation moving and adding more oxygen to your blood. Doing a regular exercise routine you will prevent you skin from swelling and bloating, caused by bad circulation, that causes you to have red blots and rashes on your skin.

Tip three: exfoliate your whole body using a dry brush to remove any dead cells that can get stuck to your body. You would be surprised to see the amount of dirt and dust that your body can accumulate in a day, so by exfoliating in the mornings before you shower you will get rid of these, allowing your skin to breath naturally.

4: If you live somewhere where there is a lot of sun exposure be sure to protect your skin against the sun rays, especially on really hot days. This is because the rays of the sun can deteriorate the natural oils our skin has causing it to dry up, burn and wrinkle. If you live somewhere where it is very cold, it is a good idea to moisturize your skin.

5: Try not to use too many perfumed creams and deodorants on your skin as they can be very harmful due to the amount of chemicals that they have in them. If you do use them, try not to use them very often. The same goes for makeup as this clogs your pores not allowing your skin to breath properly, which can cause acne and other irritations.

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Anti Aging Eye Products

August 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

The eyes are a unique organ of the body that requires special care. As we age, the eyes are susceptible to a number of negative effects. This includes dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, fine lines, wrinkles, and crows feet. Cosmetic companies are now meeting consumer demands for eye products that reduce the signs of aging. One type of eye product is the use of eye creams.

Because the eyes are lacking fat and oil glands, eye creams are necessary to help soften and nourish the skin around the eyes. Some eye creams improve the firmness and texture of the skin, as well as hydrate the skin. There are eye creams that smooth fine lines, reduce puffiness, and remove dark circles around the eyes. Quality anti aging eye creams contains vitamins A and D as these vitamins are diminished in the skin when there is increased exposure to the sun. Many of these eye creams also contain Vitamin E and Aloe Vera. These nutrients make the skin around the eyes healthier and younger looking.

There are eye creams that increase collagen which stimulates growth of new skin cells as well as helping to repair damaged skin. Quality eye creams for dark circles will normally contain such ingredients as Kojic acid, Vitamin K, and hydroquinone. These ingredients help to prevent bruising and they also lighten the skin. Eye creams that remove wrinkles and puffiness will normally have such ingredients as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), peptides, caffeine, retinol, and vitamin C. The ingredients stimulate collagen production and firm the skin. When targeting both wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes, it is recommended that one uses an eye cream that targets a combination of skin problems. There is a new ingredient called Hylexin that has shown promising results in reducing dark circles under the eyes.

Peptides are an important ingredient in eye creams as they are very effective at reducing wrinkles. Products with a high concentration of peptides can be quite expensive. Another ingredient, Hyaluronic acid, which can be found in eye creams, is essential to firming and hydrating the skin. As well, eye creams containing the ingredient escinine, a botanical with anti-inflammatory properties, and manganese, a mineral that increases circulation, will drastically decrease under eye puffiness.

There are also all natural eye creams that can include Vitamins and minerals, natural oils such as nutmeg oil, sunflower oil, and sweet almond oil, as well as sea weed extracts, water/aqua, Avocado oil, rose distillate, glycerin, alcohol, pineapple extract, Beeswax, peanut oil, rose petal extract, Jojoba oil, Mango butter, fragrance essential oil, Shea butter, and much more.

As we age, our skin becomes more susceptible to damage. This is especially true for the skin around the eyes which makes having anti aging eye creams an essential part of skin care products to have at home and use in our daily routine. One must first figure out what eye problem they have such as wrinkles, puffiness, or dark circles under the eyes, and then pick the eye cream that best meets their skin needs. You will soon see improved, healthier, and younger looking skin.

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Get Yourself Dimple-Free With Anti Cellulite Treatments

August 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Are you looking for a solution to cellulite? Those fatty deposits on your skin can cause a lot of distress. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can get the best anti cellulite treatment for you.

Anti cellulite creams are one method that many people turn to. Unfortunately, though, they don’t work as well or as quickly as most people would like. Many people expect miracles that simple creams simply aren’t designed to produce.

In fact, there are no quick fixes when it comes to cellulite removal. If you really want to get rid of the ugly, cottage cheese-like appearance of cellulite, you need to be a bit more patient. It could involve a major change in your lifestyle. It’s not just a case of slapping on some sort of miracle cream and watching your dimples disappear.

First, if you want to fight cellulite, you need to avoid smoking and other bad habits. You see, collagen gives your skin its health and stretchiness, also known as elasticity. Smoking destroys that collagen and your skin’s health along with it.

Diet and exercise are also very important for cutting back on ugly cellulite. It’s important to stay as healthy as you can, after all. Exercise can help you burn fat and build muscle. A healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can also be a huge asset. That’s because it can provide you with a ll of the proper nutrients that your body needs.

Still another way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is cellulite massage. You can go to a professional or do them at home. You can also get special massagers for home use, which are cheaper and more convenient than a trip to the masseuse. Though, if you can, nothing beats a professional touch.

Tanning creams can actually be helpful for concealing cellulite, too. They can make your skin look better, obviously, and they can also make you look slimmer. Also, if you like to tan, they’re healthier and safer than tanning beds. Tanning beds can increase your cancer risks, after all.

So, what is the best anti cellulite treatment? Well, it’s actually a combination of things. You need to really be careful of the lifestyle you lead, to begin with. Then you can support that with massage therapy or even an anti cellulite cream. Of course, as always, the last key part of the recipe is that you have to be patient, if you want to lose those ugly cellulite dimples.

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Luxurious Bath and Body Spa Product Recipes: Make Your Own Lotions, Soaps, Facials, Lip Balms, Treatments and More! (Kindle Edition)

August 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Facial Spas

Luxurious Bath and Body Spa Product Recipes: Make Your Own Lotions, Soaps, Facials, Lip Balms, Treatments and More!

Relax your mind and body with spa products you can create at home. Don’t worry about harmful chemicals that may be found in store bought products. Create your own natural bath and beauty products at home!Also, use these recipes to start your own spa product business. Includes all the following Products you can make at home AND MORE!:1. Apple Tart Soap 2. Apricot Freesia Tarts 3. Aspen Dreams Bath Salts 4. Balancing Bath Salts 5. Balancing Epson Salt Bath 6. Balancing Fizzy Bath S (more…)

AcneFree Clear Skin System, 3-Step Kit (Purifying Cleanser, Renewing Toner, Repair Lotion)

August 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care Systems

AcneFree Clear Skin System, 3-Step Kit (Purifying Cleanser, Renewing Toner, Repair Lotion)

See results in as little as 3 days! Clinically proven to fight acne 24/7. Breakthrough time-released Benzoyl Peroxide formula. For all skin types and ethnicities. For all ages – teens to adults. Dermatologist preferred 3-step system for acne. A major breakthrough in acne treatments. Time released Benzoyl Peroxide formula works 24/7. Is powerful yet non-irritating. Use the Acne-Free 3-Step System every day, twice a day. Even after acne clears, continue using for preventative care. S (more…)

Who Will Gain From Laser Hair Removal?

August 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you are determined about doing away with unwanted hair, you most likely think about laser hair removal, which is a cosmetic medical technique that uses a laser beam ” an forceful, pulsating emission of light. The method destroys hair by passing a ray of light through the skin, directed at melanin, the dark pigment in hair. Once the ray hits the hair follicle ” the position where hair growth occurs ” its strong temperature destroys the hair follicle right, successfully destroying the hair.

Who Might Benefit from Laser Hair Removal?

The method of using a laser to remove hair were first introduced in the late 1990s, but back then, the technologies limited the technique to light skinned individuals with black hair as the initial sorts of lasers were not able to discriminate between the skin pigment and hair follicles, which led to the burning of patients with darker skin or fair skin and pale hair. But, current laser technology has advanced to let patients of every skin and hair types to gain from laser hair removal.

Normal therapy spots for laser hair removal include upper lip, legs, back, armpits, chin and bikini line, but in nearly any location of the body it is feasible to treat unwelcome hair.

Exactly How Successful is Laser Hair Removal?

Hair removal by laser is over and over again referred to as lasting, however the method does not strictly guarantee permanent hair removal, but it does increase the hair-free phase from a couple of months to up to numerous years. Long-term (if not permanent) hair removal is most likely to happen when the patient undertakes many treatments.

Laser hair removal is a great deal faster than electrolysis, the most important “permanent” hair removal alternative. For instance, professionals says that it takes only 5 to 10 minutes to zap all the hairs during a bikini area treatment with laser hair removal versus five to 10 hours to treat the same area with electrolysis. This is since with laser hair removal a group of hair follicles can be targeted together rather than just one by one, as with electrolysis.

What are the Risks Associated with Laser Hair Removal?

Hair removal with laser maintains to be the most important hair removal method performed in North America, and patients can feel sure that the modus operandi will be a safe, swift and efficient procedure to get rid of unwanted hair.

Patients must at all times decide on a authorized, educated doctor who is board certified in dermatology or a similar specialty to carry out the treatment.

It is firmly recommended not to have laser hair removal done at a spa, salon or clinic that allows nonmedical personnel to perform the procedure.

Though complications from laser hair removal are rare, possible complications or risks may include:

Hair Regrowth

Imperfect hair removal or regrowth because of hair that is resilient to the laser treatment might take place. Hair changes may also take place, including lighter or finer hair regrowth, or the increased growth of hair in regions bordering to the treated areas.


Burning might take place if a patient is treated with laser technique that is not right for their skin class or color; patients should take care that clinics have set their laser parameters specifically for them.

Hypopigmentation and Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) and hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin) may trigger spots to develop that are either darker or lighter than your normal skin tone due to an excess or shortage of melanin. These conditions generally takes place as a consequence of sun exposure after a laser hair removal; we recommend that all patients stay out of the sun for a minimum of two weeks before and 2 weeks after every procedure since when skin is not in its natural (un-tanned) state, it becomes hard to adjust the laser parameters correctly, therefore increasing the risk of hyper- or hypopigmentation as a side effect.

Other, more atypical complications may include:

Blistering and scarring

Changes in skin’s texture

Crusting or scabbing

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3 Points About Rosacea Treatment

August 19, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Have you noticed every so often someone who always seem to have a blushed, red appearance on their face? This could be a friend who has what’s called rosacea, a skin disorder characterized by what’s known as facial erythema, which is a fancy word for saying their face is red. Along with this comes bumps similar to acne and terrible inflammation of the skin, making it quite sensitive to heat. Rosacea is one of the most prominent skin problems people experience, yet most people have never heard of it unless a family member or friend has to deal with it.

In this article we will briefly address some common concerns and points related to rosacea treatment, including over the counter, prescription, and natural treatments. If you or a loved one has to deal with rosacea, this article will introduce you to the basics involved in coming up with a treatment plan.

1. Knowledge of personal rosacea triggers is essential.

Be sure to understand rosacea triggers and work this into your overall treatment plan. This means identifying certain foods, conditions, weather, etc. that cause an eruption in symptoms. For most people, this means things related to heat, such as hot tea or coffee, a hot shower, or spicy food, but it can also include such seemingly random triggers as yogurt, fruit, or even – ironically – rosacea medication! Learning to modify ones behavior in regards to triggers is a very important part of the puzzle when it comes to an effective treatment plan or lifestyle.

2. Use both prescription and over the counter treatments.

Ask your doctor what over the counter medications he or she has seen other patients successfully implement, and try them out for yourself. It could be that you have more success with non-prescription drugs than you might expect. At the very least, you could discover a good combination of the two that works better than either would alone. Ask you doctor about any risks in combining medicines and make sure you are being safe in doing so before proceeding.

3. Don’t forget about natural rosacea treatments too.

Natural treatments can directly help the inflammation of the skin. For example, many people have success rubbing fresh lavender leaves against their face for instant relief. Others believe the drinking green tea daily has health benefits that eventually cause a reduction in rosacea symptoms. Take a look into natural treatments, try some out, and see what you can do for yourself in this regard.

It is true that there is no single cure for rosacea. It takes a life long dance with various treatments to keep the worst symptoms at bay and the mild symptoms under control. Ask your doctor or dermatologist how to come up with a treatment plan and begin taking action today so you can feel better tomorrow.

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How Do You Decide On The Best Facial Skin Care Products?

August 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

As you get older your thoughts turn more and more to facial skin care. You start to see the lines and wrinkles forming, you start perhaps to see some dry skin. You start to notice that your skin just doesnt seem to look as good as it did in the past.

That’s what happens as you age. Your mother had good reasons to look for solutions and good facial skin care treatments.

As you age your skin loses skin health. More specifically your skin loses various skin properties that are common in youth but decline with age.

For instance your skin loses its skin elasticity with age. Elasticity is what holds your skin in place. Its what gives it that smooth youthful look and feel.

If you pull a fold of skin on a child and let go it snaps back into place. If you try that on an older woman it’s doesn’t quite snap any more.

Losing elasticity means your skin is losing it’s ability to keep itself strong, so you start noticing lines and wrinkles and skin sagging.

One of the biggest reasons is the loss of collagen and elastin. I’m sure you’ve heard of collagen and elastin, 2 important skin proteins. Often you see collagen and elastin listed in the ingredients of some facial skin care products.

So one of the most important factors in a good facial skin care treatment is to replace lost collagen and elastin.

Lets see how you do that:

1. Keeping your skin healthier.

There are a range of lifestyle factors that help contribute to loss of skin health with age. The first of these is excessive sun exposure. Its called photoaging.

Sun strips out your skin’s natural oils but even worse, it burns your skin. Sunburn is just terrible for your skin. Avoid excessive sun, especially in summer at midday.

And just as bad for your skin is smoking. Just don’t smoke. It affects your blood circulation and poor circulation is very bad for your skin.

And there’s even more lifestyle factors that affect your skin, like good healthy diet, plenty of sleep and less stress. Believe it or not these help promote good skin too.

And exercise too, more exercise is always good for skin by promoting blood circulation.

2. Replacing lost Collagen and Elastin.

This is the primary goal of a good facial skin care system. But most facial skin care systems aren’t good, and don’t replace lost collagen and elastin.

Remember the last time you bought a bottle of skin care product like moisturizer? Were collagen and elastin listed on the label. If they’re in the bottle surely they add more to your skin, right?


You see its been known for some time that the molecule size of collagen and elastin is too large to enter the skin. It just remains on the surface.

So why in the world would they put collagen and elastin in the bottles. Aren’t they just wasting money? Not at all because when consumers see collagen and elastin listed they buy the bottles. It’s marketing.

So what is the solution? If you cant replace lost collagen and elastin by putting them in the bottle how do you do it, given that replacing collagen and elastin that are lost with age is so important?

You produce facial skin care products that stimulate the skin to produce more of it’s own.

Is this possible? Yes it is. You see theres a company that makes a fine facial skin care treatment range that does exactly that. It makes high quality natural skin care products that stimulate the skin to start producing more collagen and elastin.

How? By using new patented ingredient that actually helps the skin to produce more of its own proteins. Theres no collagen or elastin in the bottles.

And studies have shown visible result beginning within a month. Pretty impressive.

So if you’re interested in the best natural facial skin care products there’s definitely an answer to combating aging skin. Find out which products do this on my website.

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Surgery for Cellulite Treatment

August 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Are you considering undergoing surgery for cellulite treatment. Youre not alone. Many women that seek treatment for cellulite turn to plastic surgeons around the world for advice. The desire to look perfect has become more prevalent in our culture, and new solutions to beauty problems are starting to become readily available.

Can you really get rid of your cellulite through surgery? And what about non-surgical treatments for cellulite – are they effective? The following is a look at ways in which cellulite can be resolved:

Liposuction ” One of the most common surgical procedures, liposuction involves removing fat from specific areas of the body. Many people think that lipo will help get rid of their cellulite. This is not necessarily true however. A technique called cellulite lysing has been used by some plastic surgeons as a way to effectively get rid of cellulite. This uses a liposuction cannula ” a hollow tube powered by gas or electricity that creates a v shape within the fat cells. This area is then injected with fat to fill the space and smooth the skin.

Mesotherapy ” This non surgical procedure involves injecting small amounts of medicine beneath the surface of the skin. This helps break down the fat tissue and can lead to improved circulation. Many women report good results through the use of mesotherapy. Before you invest in this procedure however, be aware that meso often involves several sessions and can be cost prohibitive for some people.

Fat Injections ” A technique that has been gaining popularity recently is fat injections. The fat is obtained from sites in the abdomen and flank areas of your body. It is used as a filler for areas that may need to be smoothed out. Fat injections can make your skin look smoother and younger. However the results do not always last.

Endermologie ” This non surgical procedure involves using a mechanical roller massager to break up cellulite and help you achieve the appearance of smooth skin. While this is a non surgical procedure, it can be costly however and does involve several sessions. The results are not guaranteed to last ” a proper diet and lots of exercise will also be needed.

In conclusion, there are many techniques available today that can help you get rid of cellulite. Surgery for cellulite treatment is also available. However it is not necessary to go under the knife to get rid of cellulite.

Many women report good success at treating their cellulite simply by exercise and eating correctly. Certain massage techniques have also been effective at getting rid of cellulite. Dont forget that surgery for cellulite treatment can be painful and expensive! Make sure to do research and find a surgeon you are comfortable with before you go under the knife!

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How Can Starting an Aerobics Program Actually Help Me Prevent Bruising?

August 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you were to glance down at your arms right now, would you notice any bruises, or would you recall having bruises there recently? The condition that a lot of people must deal with is that as they get older, they become more likely to bruise easily and much more likely to notice bruises also. When you are younger, the body is considerably more resilient and in the event bruises did appear, they went away quickly. That being the situation, what can a person do?

The truth of the matter is that treating bruises can be a little different for everyone, because there are many different issues that you might be contending with. One interesting way to deal with bruises; however, is to take a look at aerobics. Whether you do them at home behind closed doors and with the curtains drawn or whether you head to the gym to do it with your friends, a consistent aerobics program can help you.

How can an aerobics program help overcome easy bruising? Aerobics is beneficial because it improves your circulatory system. When you researching bruising causes, you will find that poor circulation is a major culprit, because as we grow older, the walls of our capillaries can grow thinner and much less flexible and toned than they were when we were younger. Knowing this, you will discover that there are numerous reasons how an aerobic program can be a great way to help alleviate your bruising easily.

With aerobics, you are going to get your blood pumping, and this in turn will help your blood vessels in terms of becoming more toned and flexible. This means two things; first they will be less likely to rupture if they come into contact with something, and secondly, they will help improve your body’s immune system, making you much more quick to heal.

When you consider beginning a new aerobics routine, you shouldn’t think that you need to start off with a two hour workout from the beginning. You will achieve the best results by making sure that you increase your activity level slowly over time. This will help you significantly both in terms of continuing with your program and in terms of making sure that you get a feeling of physical well being after each workout.

Remember that you should wear light clothing that breathes well, because the last thing that you want to do is to get overheated. Some people also like the idea of having a step that will let them do step aerobics, while others prefer a quasi-martial arts activity like Tae Bo.

With all of the opinions there are about how much activity you can and should do, you should understand that you will need to answer some questions about how you want to design your personal program. One decision you’ll need to make is whether you’re going to spend just twenty minutes a day every day or whether you’re going to work out on alternating days with longer workout periods.

Take a moment to consider how much aerobics can help you. This is something that can make a huge difference in helping you to prevent bruising. Also don’t forget that you can combine working out with a good, all natural, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which can help prevent bruising altogether.

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