Anti-Acne Diets: How They Work

July 31, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

The dramatic hormonal and bodily changes that the human body experiences during puberty frequently cause the arrival of undesirable acne. This very common skin issue can be made worse if an individual has poor hygiene habits or does not eat a proper diet. Sticking to an anti-acne diet can help you to make your skin look and feel better.

An anti acne diet would be a diet which will help to lessen the effects of puberty and improper hygiene. There are actually many things in an anti acne diet that should be followed even by those who are not suffering from acne. These things should also be complemented by the right kind of hygiene and care for your skin. This is because the said skin condition can be aggravated by the touch of grimy or dirty hands and exposure to dust.

You will derive the best results from your anti-acne diet if you try your best not to touch your face excessively. Remember that certain types of make-up can also be responsible for the appearance of acne. If you have noticed that you break out worse after using a certain make-up product, it would be best to avoid using it again in the future.

Anti-Acne Diet: What to Cut Out

There are specific foods that should not be consumed by a person on an anti-acne diet. Any food that naturally contains high amounts of grease, oil, or fat should be avoided. The same is true of foods that have been cooked in fats, oils, or greases. It is important to keep in mind that the body does not need a high quantity of such products. Many people believe that the excessive amounts of fat and oil find in most fast food is a cause of pubescent acne problems. Breakouts can also be reduced by controlling the amount of sugars and processed carbohydrates that you take in.

Anti-Acne Diet: What You Should Eat

The most important foods to eat while on an anti-acne diet would include fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber and encourage healthy bowel movements. Foods containing natural grains are also high in fiber and thus a good choice. These foods are important because irregular bowel movements cause your body to keep a high amount of toxins within itself which can ultimately lead to acne breakouts.

Creating your very own anti acne diet can end up with satisfactory results if you follow the diet closely and accompany the diet with exercise and proper hygiene.

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4 Tips of Choosing a Great Tattoo You’ll Never Remove

July 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

It’s a great adventure going in and getting a tattoo – this is all the more so true if it’s your very first tattoo! If that is the case, there are some choices you need to make that will mean the difference between a good tattoo and possibly a bad tattoo. Let us review some general pointers to take along with you when you’re trying to decide on a tattoo.

1. Don’t use flash artwork. There is a lot of really good flash art work out there, but it would make your tattoo much more meaningful if you either altered an existing design to your tastes so that it’s original or came in with an idea yourself.

2. Working with a good artist. This is essential. Look around and see whose art stands out to you. Most all shops have web sites now and many times they highlight the portfolio of their tattoo artists. See if you can find someone whose work draws you in and then go from there. Most artists are happy to create custom work for you.

3. Avoid extremely specific tattoos. This means that you should think hard before getting a persons name on your arm or having a phrase inked into a visible spot on your flesh. This is also true to an extent with popular symbols placed on the body in very visible spots, such as the neck or forearms. While getting your boyfriend or girlfriends name on your body is not very recommended, no one would argue with turning your kids names into tattoos.

4. Be ready for a little bit of pain but don’t worry too much. It’s true that tattoos do hurt, no one is going to doubt that. But look how common they are! Somehow everyone else was able to deal with the pain involved. With that in mind, realize you can too.

Finding a good artist and getting an original meaningful design makes for the best tattoos. Don’t get impatient and just get anything – this is your body, this is your first tattoo: make it count!

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Stretch Mark Removal Options Explained

July 29, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Stretch marks refer to the pockmarks that indicate the fact that some layers of skin have already been hurt. People often cant adopt any protective measures to fight shy of this. Recently, this problem has started appearing regardless of fat or thin people, or even man or woman.

There are various ways of removing stretch marks. It is sensible to know all your options before you choose a particular treatment.

There is an expensive and effective way and it is known as Laser surgery. This painful way doesnt assure the total removal of those marks. All that it can do is that it can give birth to an appearance that the marks cant be seen as such. Thus, one might think about the other options rather than staying with this expensive one. There are several stretch mark creams that can be immensely helpful in order to lessen the outward show of stretch marks and they are even effective to stop future stretch marks.

If you want to come out of this problem of stretch marks, such stretch mark creams can be of paramount significance. They are not costly and painful and you can even use it quite easily like any lotion. All you need to do is that just massage it on the skin once or twice everyday. This is very effective option.

If you want to have good results i.e. the removal of the marks, the creams often do it quickly and sometimes even in a week. It will have its effect till the time you go on applying it. Most importantly, such creams can really stop any further stretch marks in the future. This quality makes it even more effective and profitable.

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Using Sunscreen is Crucial to Maintain a Healthy Skin

July 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Your skin is the most important part of you -in a sense that is. A glowing, beautiful skin is always attractive and most people would kill to have it anytime any day. Nutritionists and experts consistently advise taking good sunscreen care of the skin. Research has shown that people who neglect their skin and are altogether nonchalant about this important part of their bodies often get to regret it later on as they age faster than their counterparts. There are various ways via which the skin can be taken care of and maintained so that it consistently gives that ageless quality that we all so desire.

Apart from using moisturizers to protect the skin from scales and dryness, exfoliators and cleaners, skin care experts and nutritionists often advise that the amount of fatty food taken be low, fruits are also advised as a critical part of our daily diets. Because fruits contain anti-oxidants, the body tends to process it more and there are little or no fatty deposits.

Another important tip to note is reducing the amount of time spent in the sun. During the summer, it is normal for everybody to want to go to the beach and suntan. People often buy tanning lotions and creams. One other important skin protector used during the summer are the sunscreen lotions. Sunscreen lotions and creams basically prevent your skin from the direct contact of UV rays which can cause skin cancer. In fact, according to the FDA, over ten thousand people die of skin cancer every year. While skin cancer isnt caused by just extreme exposure to sun, over seventy percent of the total number of deaths recorded is as a result of skin cancer.

People who expose themselves to the sun without using any form of sunscreen are at a risk of developing melanoma, and aging faster. Estimates between the number of people who had cancer in 1998 and 2000, showed that between the ten year period, the number of people who had been diagnosed with skin cancer had increased by sixty seven percent and out of this, over fifty percent were melanoma related cases caused by increased exposure to the sun.

Protecting your skin from the direct impact of UV rays include getting fully clothed, applying sunscreen lotions containing SPF 15. This works great and should be applied fifteen minutes before even steeping out into the sun. If you have to use a moisturizer, make the sunscreen the foundation before applying the moisturizer. It is important to know that while tanning creams and lotions can protect you from getting sunburned, it cannot function as sunscreen which protects you from skin cancer and over-exposure.

While the sunscreen is mostly applied by many people during the summer, wise people apply it all year round. As they know that even when it isnt sunny and the temperature isnt scorching, they need to use it to help eliminate and fade away the wrinkles on their face or aging signs.

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Anti aging skin care

July 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Anti Aging Skin Care

One of the most interesting topics on skin care is anti aging skin care. As one gets older, the natural defence of our skin (and in fact of the whole body) weakens. Anti aging skin care is about protecting your skin from the negative effects of aging process. Anti aging skin care helps in maintaining a young and fresh look for a longer period of time. However, anti aging skin care doesnt end just here. Besides maintaining your looks (good looks), anti aging skin care is also about retaining the resistance to disease. Though the awareness about anti aging has increased over a period of time, still a lot of people are unable to recognize the aging symptoms (and hence are unable to determine if they are in need of additional anti aging skin care measures).

Here is a list of visible anti aging symptoms that will help you in the planning and execution of your strategy for anti aging skin care: baldness, forgetfulness, graying hair, wrinkle formation, loss of eyesight or hearing loss and menopause. The occurrence of one or more such symptoms is an indicator for upping the ante on anti aging skin care. Note that we are talking about introduction of additional measures for anti aging skin care, we are not talking about starting anti aging skin care altogether. Anti aging skin care actually starts much before the symptoms of anti aging appear. Serious anti aging skin care is building and following a proper skin care routine much earlier in life (say in your teens). Anti aging skin care doesnt mean adoption of any special skin care procedure but just following a normal procedure in the right earnest. Eating a lot of fruits, avoiding stress, drinking a lot of water and using natural therapies can delay the aging process.

Once the signs of aging start showing up, you should start using some additional measures in the form of anti aging skin care products. The market is full of anti aging skin care products. In fact there are so many anti aging skin care products that they will probably find you even before you find them. Also, with age, the skin undergoes significant change. So you will need to analyse your current skin care procedure to check if it still holds good i.e. if it is still suitable for your skin.

You should remember that aging is a natural process and there is nothing that can stop it from happening. All these anti aging skin measures can just help in delaying the aging process.

Good Tattoo Removal Options

July 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Tattoos are one of the permanent things you can do to your body that actually aren’t exactly permanent. There are a variety of methods widely available today for getting a tattoo off your skin. Let’s address a few of the more talked about techniques for tattoo removal and the relevant information for each technique.

1. Tattoo Removal Creams.

Tattoo removal creams are sold as an over the counter solution to removing or fading a tattoo. They are self-administered and do not require any kind of prescription or assistance from a medical professional. Older tattoos are more easily faded with this type of product. No pain or risk of scarring is reported with this method.

2. The Rejuvi Technique.

Similar in name only to the “creams” out there, rejuvi cream is an advanced technique for getting the tattoo off your flesh. Patients are treated by a trained medical professional who will use a device to push rejuvi cream into the tattoo of the patient. It then bonds with the ink. The body will see the bonded ink and rejuvi cream as a foreign entity and push it out of the body in the form of a scab. Over repeated treatments, this leaves the skin entirely tattoo free.

3. Laser Tattoo Removal.

One of the best solutions around, laser tattoo is available is most cities as an effective treatment for tattoo removing. This will require several treatments spaced out at appropriately intervals. There is little risk of scarring from this method but be warned, there is pain involved with each treatment. Those who were able to withstand the pain of the tattoo originally should be able to take the pain just fine.

Last, let’s mention one option not thought about too much. Why not consider a cover up tattoo instead of removing that tattoo? Either way, a lot of money is going to spent correcting the problem of having a bad tattoo. It is something to consider that you could instead have a great piece of art in its place!

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Melasma Can be Treated

July 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Melasma skin problems frequently show up when a woman is pregnant. Dermal Melasma can affect anyone, men and women. It is an area of discoloration or rash, dark brown to deep grey in color. Melasma mainly is found on cheek and upper lip areas and forehead. Neck, shoulder and upper arms occasionally are touched by Melasma.

A small percentage of men do get Melasma. Typically Melasma emerges on women between 30 and 40. Naturally dark skinned or frequent tanners experience it more often than people with light complexions. Higher levels of Melanin found in dark skin could increase chance of developing Melasma.

With Melasma pregnancy is often the cause. It may also be caused by hormonal contraceptives or tetracycline medications and drugs to prevent malarial. A phototoxic response could trigger the onset of Melasma. This can be cause by soaps, toiletries and cosmetics. An increase in Melanin from Sun light can also prompt Melasma.

Treatments for Melasma are abundant. Stop using any hormonal contraception may work as a Melasma cure. A skin remove Treatment for Melasma may involve Salicylic acid creams or tropical Retinoids such as Tretinoin to take skin off. Chemical peels, Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are also Melasma treatments. Melasma laser remedies can lighten stained areas.

Treat Melasma easily by reducing the production of melanin. Skin bleaching or lightening ointments deal with melanin production to prevent skin from darkening. The optimum Melasma cream is one with the natural ingredients Kojic or Azelaic acid. They work and are safe to use.

A Hydroquinone Melasma treatment could bring about damage and irritation to skin. Treating Melasma must include protecting skin with sun block. Melasma chloasma can deepen or return when exposed to sun light. Use gentle skin cleansers and moisturisers to maintain skins health.

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What Is The Best Wrinkle Cream For You?

July 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Searching for the best deep wrinkle cream can be quite a chore. With all the skin care products on the shelves, most of us really don’t know where to begin. I am here to tell you to take a deep breath and relax.

First of all, we all know our skin is aging by the minute. That’s natural and nothing to be ashamed of. However, it would be smart to not jump out there and grab the first thing you see that promises to get rid of your wrinkles.


Fancy labels and high prices-promising miracle results make a very tempting reason to purchase the first skin care product you come across. Many of the products people are using are not only not doing them any good. They may even be suffering harm, because of them!

Often short term miraculous results are causing serious skin damage in the long run. Some skin care product manufacturers use much lesser quality ingredients to make their products. If you check the label you can find alcohol, parabens, and preservatives in the wrinkle cream. These chemicals are proven to damage skin resulting in dryness, cracking and irritation.

Skin care products that claim to be the best deep wrinkle cream will often contain a wonderful ingredient like Nano-Lipobelle, but only a very minimal amount (just enough to be able to claim its in the cream), which contributes to successful short term results.

Sell the sizzle not the steak! And we have all been victims of this “hype” spending much more than we need to every year on products that don’t produce the results we are looking for long term. Another world wide slick marketing campaign has drawn us in! Don’t feel bad it’s happen to everyone at one time or another.

So what is the best deep wrinkle cream? It contains natural safe and effective ingredients which have been 100% proven to work. They are:

Cynergy TK, COQ10, Nano-Lipobelle

Everyone loses elasticity in their skin as time goes by, and everyone needs a skin care product that promotes its’ re-emergence. Nano-Lipobelle is a wonderful ingredient that has the ability to penetrate 7 layers deep into the skin. It is perfect for those who are looking for consistent results, such as an eye lift or a decrease in sags and wrinkles.

About our early 20s the natural antioxidant COQ10 in our skin begins to decrease and to maintain our youthful glow we need to replenish it. In a number skin care products the COQ10 is mixed in with harmful chemicals and subsequently does not work as well, because it is inhibited by these chemicals.

Cynergy TK is different from a lot of other ingredients found in skin care products, because it is able to stimulate the natural growth of both collagen and elastin. Scientific research has proven Cynergy TK can promote a 42% increase in the elasticity in the skin in only 18 days! Just imagine what this ingredient will do over a longer amount of time.

All of these natural ingredients help the skin retain moisture as well. When you find all these ingredients in a skin care product, then you have found the best deep wrinkle cream on the market. Make note of these ingredients, so you know what to look for the next time you plan to buy a skin care product to get rid of wrinkles.

Check the label on the skin care product you are interested in. See what is listed of these ingredients are listed with a bunch of harmful fragrances, preservatives or other unknown items you can be sure there will only be very minimal amount of the good stuff.

The cost of any skin care product must be reasonable, but more importantly, it has to work now and keep on working for the long term otherwise it’s not worth the cost at any price.

Do you have time to experiment with costly ineffective skin care products? Probably not. You want your best deep wrinkle cream to work from day one, keep on working and save you money. Who wouldn’t want that?

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Clarisonic- Waterproof Skin Care System, 1 System

July 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care Systems

Clarisonic- Waterproof Skin Care System, 1 System

Clarisonic is the sonic technology proven to gently yet effectively loosen dirt and oil to clear your pores. The Clarisonic Skin Care Brush uses a patented sonic frequency of more than 300 movements per second to clean, soften and smooth your skin. In just 60 seconds a day, the Clarisonic micro-massage action cleans more than twice as effectively as manual cleansing.


Remove Stretch Marks – Is It Possible?

July 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

It’s not uncommon for people to worry about getting stretch marks. They are easy to get and can happen when someone has a growth spurt, a woman goes through pregnancy, a person becomes overweight, and any other way that a person goes through rapid weight changes.

Luckily there is a remove stretch marks prevention cream available to the public that will actually do exactly what it claims. It will prevent stretch marks from forming as well.

Stretch mark creams are available all over the market. Most of them are useful in reducing the effect of the scarring, if not responsible for completely making them disappear.

Regular application of any of these creams can lighten the scar tissue and over time the skin may even be able to resume its original smoothness. However, there are creams in the market that prepare your skin to cope with the sudden stretching by nourishing them accordingly.

Not only are these creams efficient in increasing the elasticity of your skin so that the upper layer of the skin tissue does not tear, which is the primary reason for the appearance of stretch marks, but they also tighten the skin so that any previous stretch marks may fade away with time. These remove stretch marks creams are safe and effective. They are also not too expensive, which means that anyone can use them in their own privacy. Most of these creams are low on the fragrance since sometimes fragrance can be the main reason for the skin to dry up. They usually have a simple, pleasant smell which makes them perfect for use by anyone without feeling embarrassed for smelling from having applied it.

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