How to Slow Aging of the Skin?

May 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

The gradual aging of the skin – is a problem that every person faces in course of time. There are two types of skin aging: internal and external. The inner skin aging – is a natural process that depends on inherited genes.

Skin – is the largest organ in the human body.

If you want to slow the aging process, you have to know about the causes of the problem and find possible tools to solve it. The combination of external factors leads to premature aging of the skin even if you have good genes.

One of the basic rules of prevention of premature aging of the skin – is protection from ultraviolet radiation. Disregard of the sunscreen leads to problems with the skin sooner or later: skin becomes uneven and rough, age spots and freckles appear, and veins show through. Dermatologists advise to use sunscreen with protection against UV SPF 15, staying in the sun over a long period of time. The higher the SPF, the greater the protection against UV.

Another widespread cause of premature skin aging – is smoking: nicotine entering the blood causes biochemical alterations that accelerate the aging process. You can always distinguish a smoker to the skin condition, which becomes an unhealthy yellow with age. More by token, with smokers the first wrinkles appear much earlier than at those who refrain from smoking.

However, the consequences of smoking can be easy eliminated, just having given up the cigarettes: the skin tone is aligned little by little, and improvement of the skin can be seen fairly quickly.

Retinol will help slow down the aging process. This is one of the most widespread forms of vitamin A; it takes part in normal formation of bones and teeth, helps to save good eyesight and healthy skin.

Another effective method to fight with premature aging – is regular exfoliation. Removing dead skin cells with the help of scrub, you can get rid of many skin problems caused by contaminated pores. Regular application of exfoliating scrub makes it possible to align and smooth skin, keeping it fresh and healthy for a long time.

Aging is a natural process and we can do nothing about it. Still today there are a number of products like Gerovital which are aimed to help you stay younger and nice-looking for a long period of time. Avail yourself of gerovital h3 spa – don’t let aging become an obstacle to your attractiveness.

Methods to Make Your Homemade Facials with Oatmeal

May 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Why spend a ton of money on other cleansers, toners or moisturizers when you can get the same effects from the items in your kitchen cabinets? It’s true, many local spas are turning to homeopathic ideas for the sole purpose of reinvigorating and cleansing your skin. Why pay for what you can give yourself at home for far less money! Here are some recipes for facials that you can use (we’re betting you have all of the ingredients on hand already).

Next is a fairly easy homemade facial recipe that requires oatmeal. Combine a couple of teaspoons of oatmeal and a teaspoon of baking soda. Add an adequate amount of water to transform the baking soda and oatmeal mixture into a fine paste. Apply the paste on your face while watching out to avoid your eyes and the skin within close proximity to them. Smear the paste tenderly onto your skin and, subsequent to waiting an instant, put some clean warm water to use to wash your face clean. Pat your face dry with a clean and velvety towel.

The next recipe consists of a third of a cup of oatmeal and half a cup of hot water.

Set the oatmeal to the side and give it time to thicken up. Now take a few tablespoons of yogurt, honey and an egg white and mix well to ensure the egg is completely mixed in. Now combine all ingredients. with your hands spread the mixture onto your face avoiding the area around the eyes. Let sit until dry. Now that you’ve allowed that to dry rinse with warm water.

This should keep your skin from feeling excessively oily, while helping it feel clean and moisturized. Rinse away any leftover oatmeal bits with some water and then pat dry thoroughly with a clean and soft towel. There are tons of different oatmeal facial concoctions out there to opt from.

Perhaps you want to experiment with your own recipe this is ok too. You’ll want to be sure and do a patch test before you smear any mix onto your skin and end up with irritation. Don’t go to the expensive spa when you are likely to find a recipe right at home that will do the trick.

I authored this article about DIY Oatmeal Facial because it’s health related and while imagining a career in the dental hygienist arena, I published a summary entitled Medical Assistant Certification you’ll find worth reading.

Review: Milk and Honey Masque

May 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Benefits of using milk in a mask:

Milk has two powerful ingredients that soften the skin like no other natural product. First, it contains lactic acid which is a mild exfoliator. The second is fat in the form of lipids that help to smooth and hydrate the skin. When combined together, both work wonderfully to soften even the toughest skin. Milk baths are not a new phenomenon, Cleopatra, the last pharaoh used milk baths to soften her skin after a long day as Queen. If you prefer to use a nonfat milk, that’s fine. However, a source of fats will need to be obtained in its place. Almond milk or soy milk will do just fine.

How is Honey Beneficial?

Honey is a natural humectant. This means that it draws moisture from the air. This is why honey is often used in hydrating masks. Honey also has anti-inflammatory properties making it great for soothing masks too. Finally, honey is wonderful for all skin types as an anti-bacterial and natural preservative. It never goes bad. They say that the honey found in King Tut’s tomb is still edible to this day!

How To make the masque:

To make this mask you will add 2 tablespoons of honey to 2 teaspoons of milk. Wisk the mixture together until well blended. Dip the cotton pad into the mixture and apply to the face using smooth fluid motions. Let sit for 10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. Pat dry.

Natural Beauty Blogger Review of the Milk and Honey Mask:

You have to give this masque at least 3 to four hours to work well. I didn’t notice a change at first, but after a few hours, there was a big difference. In fact, I was surprised by how well it really did work!

Want to find out more about natural beauty, then visit Jessica Smith’s site on how to choose the best scents for your needs.

Body Butter Cream: A Revolutionary New Skin Care Product

May 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Why body butter?

Richer than a lotion, body butter is a nutrient dense cream that is applied liberally to the skin. Body butter can be derived from mango butter, shea butter, or any other natural butter.

Why are some body butters whipped?

A whipped body butter is beaten by machine until it increases in volume. This increased volume comes from air that is being injected into the product. The consistency will be lighter and more luxurious in texture.

Benefits of Body Butter?

The first benefit of using a body butter is hydration. You skin actually absorbs all of the products that we put onto it, including body butters. This is because they are an extreme emollient that does two things: hold moisture in and keeps dryness out. Body butters actually act as a natural barrier for the skin.

Nourishment is the second benefit of using a body butter. They’re excellent for nourishment because of their ingredients. These ingredients are high in both omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants. The omegas repair the skin and antioxidants keep the skin from being damaged further. Popular oils that are often made into body butters are mango, kukui, cocoa, and shea butters.

The last benefit of using a body butter on your skin is the softening effect that it has. Body butters help to smooth the skin over time. In fact, some body butters are so powerful that their effects can actually be seen instantly.

The best place to buy body butter

Body butters can be found in so many stores now due to their increased popularity. However, there is one body butter than we recommend: a whipped body butter by a company called iVi Scents. They sell whipped body butters in lots of scents, all of which are nontoxic and paraben free.

Learn more about body butter cream. Stop by iVi Scents where you can find out aboutshea body butter and what it can do for you.

Perfect Skin Care Techniques that Keep the Oily Face Blues Away

May 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Nothing quite beats the irritation that comes with having your oily shine come back a few hours into your day. Let’s say you’re at work, and you run into someone important to you. Then a few minutes you happen to look in the mirror. You’re so embarrassed by what you see that you want to hide under your desk. Have you ever gone through this? Just about the worst thing you can do is to scrub your face with bathroom soap. But the frustration is understandable if it compels you to do that. When you do this you dry out your face which increases oil production and leaves you stuck with oily face shine for the rest of your work day. Overly dried out facial skin sends your oil glands the message that they have a fire that needs putting out. This makes them more active because they want to heal your skin. That is a very typical scenario, and we have more tips for you to help you end all of that in this article.

Acknowledge that there is quite a bit that you can do to cut down on the secretion of oil on your face by your body. If you really want to do this you need to not only be aware of your skin type, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and use the best kinds of makeup you can.

Every person in the world knows it is important to go to bed with a clean and makeup free face. Overlooking this vital piece of advice means that you are basically setting yourself up for oily skin problems. It is imperative that you take off every last bit of makeup at the end of your day. It’s a good idea to take it off as soon as you get home from work. Make sure to use a proper cosmetics remover no matter when you decide to clean your face. Then, after it’s off, cleanse your face with a good face wash and then put on a very light layer of moisturizer.

Using high quality moisturizers is a good idea for people with dry and with oily skin. Try to remember that you need to use a product that was created for your particular type of skin. If your skin is oily you will need to choose a moisturizer that is light.

You might be wondering why moisturizer is necessary if your skin is already oily. This isn’t quite the mystery that it seems at first because using moisturizer keeps your sebaceous glands (oil glands) from jumping into overdrive. As you start to learn more about fighting against oily skin, you will see that it shouldn’t be nearly as hard as it might have been for you so far. A very important part of your skin care strategy should be to educate yourself about your own skin: learn as much about your skin type as you can. It is important to know your skin type so you will know from what angle to attack the problem. offers you Directory Submission Services for marketers big and little. Reach them by doing a web site search for blog seo or go straight to and begin building your company.

Easy Recipes For Making Your Own Oatmeal Facials at Home

May 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Why spend tons of money at the spa when you can give yourself nearly the exact same facial at home using ingredients that are in your kitchen? The best facials use only natural ingredients. Oatmeal in particularly great at cleansing and moisturizing skin. Many body products are made with oatmeal. To help cleanse and moisturize your skin, try one of the following oatmeal based facials.

Try mixing together a tablespoon of oatmeal powder, the white of one egg, and a few drops of lemon oil. You can find lemon oil at most natural or homeopathic stores or you can check the organic section of your grocery store. Oatmeal powder can be made by grinding up the oatmeal you have on hand. You shouldn’t use the instant kind for this, though. Because this mixture uses egg, be sure to mix the ingredients thoroughly and completely. Once mixed together, spread the mixture on your face, avoiding your eyes. Leave the mask on for about twenty minutes, or until it is dry. Once dry, use water and a soft washcloth to wash it off.

Allow to dry which takes about twenty minutes or so. After it’s dried, wash off with water and a soft washcloth. Crush up some oatmeal in your blender or food processor. In a separate container, mix together a couple of tablespoons of honey with a quarter cup of plain yogurt or buttermilk. Augment this “wet” mixture with your “dry” mixture and jumble until you have formed a paste. Smear the mixture all around your face with your fingers.

Be watchful to stay away from your eyes and the area around them because this skin is quite sensitive, which includes raw ingredients. Leave the paste on your face for fifteen minutes or so, until it starts to dry out. Put clean and warm water to use for washing the paste off your face. If you have any to spare, put it away in the fridge for tomorrow (however don’t save it for more than a day). This mix is lenient enough that you can use it daily if you have the yearning.

Lemon juice, oatmeal and tomatoes can make a fantastic scrub facial for your skin. Use a blender to combine ingredients into a paste that will be a coarse texture. Follow your normal washing routine.

These are just a few of the oatmeal facial recipes that you can use to give yourself clean, clear and beautiful skin. Would you spend hundreds of dollars on something you can get in your own kitchen? You really shouldn’t.

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Helpful Treatments to Get Rid of Acne

May 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Of the various acne treatments available, some work better than others. Since acne can be caused by a variety of factors, the same treatments don’t work for everyone. That’s why you may want to consult a dermatologist if you have an especially severe condition. Using the following natural remedies should be just as helpful for most cases.

Some nutritionists consider fresh wheatgrass juice a super food and drinking it can help clear up acne. You can find this product in health food stores and juice bars, or online.

Drinking the fresh juice is best even though you can get it as a supplement. Getting a wheatgrass juicer and making it at home is the best solution for some people. This is fairly expensive, but you only have to consume an ounce per day to get the benefits. Because wheatgrass is a powerful cleanser, you should try to limit the amount of junk food and sugar that you eat. After you acne has cleared, you may find that you want to continue taking wheatgrass juice for its many other health benefits.

One of the best natural treatments for acne is tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca oil. Melaleuca oil is very effective for treating acne because it is a very powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial product. One of the many causes of acne is bacteria and melaleuca oil is very effective at fighting off bacteria. You should use clean cotton to apply it. You will need to dilute the tea tree oil because when pure, it is very strong and can cause irritation. Carefully follow any instructions on products that contain tea tree oil. To make sure it doesn’t further irritate your skin, you should also only use a little bit to start. You can naturally treat your acne effectively with tea tree oil.

You can also treat your acne with garlic, a natural remedy that works for many conditions. Because of its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties, garlic is one of the best substances to use when treating acne. Crush garlic cloves use a garlic press or a mortar and pestle, then apply it to your face.

Leave it on for about five minutes, not much longer, as otherwise it can cause an irritation. Soon, your acne will disappear if you do this on a daily basis. Taking a garlic supplement will help this process and will allow the garlic to work on you internally as well. It is true that acne is incredibly common in teenagers and adults but that doesn’t mean that you just have to deal with it. If your acne is severe, you should talk to a dermatologist but if you are like most people, you can naturally treat your acne with simple remedies like the ones discussed in this article.

For details about top acne products check out his brand new website about adult acne treatments.

How does Microdermabrasion work and how does it differ from getting facials?

May 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Microdermabrasion is basically a procedure that involves using lifeless, natural, mineral crystals (usually Corundum Powder) and brushing them over the skin to act as an abrasive means of removing dead skin cells and tissue. The roughness of the crystals smooth down the skins surface by rubbing off the dead cells and leaving new fresh skin exposed. This method causes little trauma to the skin being treated and can be done with amazing precision that has been unobtainable through other methods. There is, for example, much more control over the abrading procedure, than in the case of a chemical peel. There are a number of fantastic treatments aside from microdermabrasion, such as facials and varying peels, but this is the most accurate method if you are looking for specific areas to be treated.

When microdermabrasion first became available, the beauty industry quickly fell in love with it. It can only be assumed that it gets the job done, as it has survived beyond fad lifespan – more popular today than ever! It is in fact because of the extremely successful results that it continues to grow in strength, with thousands of people left satisfied after treatment. One of the major benefits of this method is that it improves the skin, but takes less time and effort than other treatments. Also, it does not cause the need for rest or down time afterwards and is generally quick to perform. But what are the specific benefits of this treatment?

Microdermabrasion is effective on so many different conditions that it could be hard to keep track! These include but are in no way limited to: Acne Covered Skin, Acne Scars, Ageing Skin, Thickened skin, Congested Skin, Fine lines, Enlarged pores, Blemished Skin, Wrinkles and Brown spots / pigmentation. Regardless of your condition, whether it be scarring, fine lines and wrinkles or acne, there is a way to have it improved! A good home skin care regime is still essential, and facials help overall skin condition fantastically, but microdermabrasion can give you dramatic results quickly.

A fantastic use for microdermabrasion is as a predecessor to other skin care treatments. It has been found to hugely help recovery time of procedures such as laser resurfacing as it improves the skin’s dermal layers. It is thought this happens because it prompts the increase of collagen and elastin in the dermis and this leads to speedier recovery. This faster recovery time is evident in numerous examples that have been researched scientifically.

One of the main benefits of this treatment is the speed and efficiency. There is no long recovery or down time when choosing this option – just fantastic results and then back to your responsibilities. Also, this method can be used in conjunction with other skin care treatments, such as facials, and has very few side effects.

Now is the time to take advantage of microdermabrasion, next time you book in for your facials, enquire!

Looking to find the best deal on microdermabrasion, then visit Roxy Albright’s site to find the best advice on this service, and other services such as facials.

Valuable Skin Care Advice to Get Rid of the Oily Look Prior to Lunch Time

May 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

You are one of many if you struggle with oily skin, especially with the skin on your face and you seem to suffer from a perma-sheen. Oily facial sheen is definitely unattractive. Maybe you’ve been using heavy layers of makeup in an attempt to hide the problem. Wiping it away with a nearby piece of paper, a napkin or even your hand is an even worse idea. Just so you know, you shouldn’t ever use your hand to wipe your face unless you are out of other options. You’ll only be wiping the oil on your hand onto your face plus making your face dirtier. You need to understand your skin and how to properly care for it and we are here to help you with that.

Use a decent powder make-up product that is notably manufactured for absorbing oil produced by the skin. Furthermore, you can utilize this merchandise for quick touching-up during the day. You can find this special class of make-up product on the market. This is an extra alternative strategy for minimizing the oily look, and it’s convenient because you can use it at work or anytime. These items are lucid and come in the form of a powder. What you’ll do is lightly apply it over your regular make-up, if you wear make-up. Put some work into learning about natural home remedies when you learn about skin care.

If you love wearing makeup, are you sure that you have chosen products that won’t worsen your condition? Do you wear a heavy amount of makeup? If you wear a lot of make-up, then you need to work harder to keep your skin clean or wear less make-up. You do this because it is possible that your shiny face is your skin’s attempt to keep the heavy makeup from invading your pores. You need to be watchful of ingredients because you need to avoid skin care products that are oil based. In other words, it’s like pouring gas into a fire.

There are good reasons that people with dry and oily skin need to use high quality moisturizers. Don’t forget that you need to choose one based on your skin type. When you have oily skin, you need to choose lighter moisturizers. You might be wondering why moisturizer is necessary if your skin is already oily. This isn’t the paradox you think it is because the moisturizer helps your skin stay moist which keeps your oil glands under control.

If you struggle regularly with oily skin problems and are feeling stressed out by them or if your self esteem is taking a hit, you need to be really smart about your approach to fixing the problem. The more you know about your skin and how to take care of it, the better able you will be to keep your condition under control.

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Finding the Best Skin Care Products on the Market

May 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

You know, every single producer of skin care products will tell you with a straight face their particular line banishes the break-outs and will clean your skin and make it healthy. Some even promise to restore youthful elasticity and to take years off of your skin’s life. It’s no wonder so many people end up only confused after listening to all the hype that’s so prevalent. So are there any cleansers or toners the best performers if they all claim to be the best? So how is anyone supposed to figure out a skin care regimen that works for them? Is there a way to know if all you’re doing is dropping a lot of money on a way to clog your pores? We’ll explore some tips and hints to help you find out which products are best for your skin.

Talk to your doctor because sometimes breakouts and other skin issues can be caused by something other than simply not taking good enough care of your face. Your family doctor will be able to clarify any other potential issues and provide good recommendations for your skin care. Perhaps dietary changes plus some exercise may be in order. You could have a vitamin deficiency and never know it. Some prefer to wait before seeing their doctor, but you really should if your efforts to improve your skin condition have no produced good results.

It’s important to allow your products time to be effective. You’ll not find any skin product that will create a miracle on your face in a single day. Try to allow at least several weeks before passing judgement on it. That’s plenty of time to see the cleansing affects and if break-outs are clearing up. You can drop it and try something new, if necessary. It’s quite common to need several tries before finding something you feel is right.

You can also ask any of your friends with similar skin type and maybe get a good recommendation. Of course you’ll find people who don’t want to talk about any failures with skin care, but their results will always be obvious to the casual observer. Asking a friend who has dealt with your problem or whose skin is similar to yours can be a great way to get a review of a bunch of different products without your having to actually buy them!

It’s not all that hard to determine how good a product is for your skin. Be bold – try other things you’ve never done before with your skin care. You’ll know soon enough what’s best to use.

About the author: Marco Wright is a web designer and writer. Please visit his last website. He can assist you obtain the most suitable permanent eyelashes available for you. For information about permanent false eyelashes go to his recent web-site about applying false eyelashes.

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