Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 6 – Getting Your Necessary Nutrients!

September 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Aging may bring a tendency for bruising easily, but this condition doesn’t mean that you have to accept this situation as hopeless. If you really desire to prevent bruising easily, you will need to explore the variety of supplements that may be able to help you. Knowing which supplements will work for you the best is somewhat tricky; however, for many people, bioflavonoids and bilberry supplements offer a great deal of promise in helping you to control your easy bruising.

Since easy bruising can be a tendency that develops as you age, we should examine the particular causes. Some people’s skin becomes more fragile and contains less collagen as they grow older, while other people have to deal with the fact that their capillary walls are thinner and more frail than they were before and thus more likely to sustain breakage. Once you have determined why you may be bruising so often, you’ll be able to seek the particular supplement that provides you with the best results.

Even before you can pronounce the name, you need to determine what bioflavonoids actually are. Bioflavonoids are basically just plant pigments that can be dissolved in water, with about 4,000 of them that have been named to date. They are present in a variety of plant products including, grape seeds, teas, apples, grains, nuts and more. When you add bioflavonoids into your diet, you will be taking positive steps toward becoming a healthier person.

Bioflavonoids have significant antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. This means that they will keep you healthier, and the fact that they are an anti-inflammatory can do a great deal to help keep your circulatory system operating efficiently as well as aiding you in becoming less prone to conditions that will decrease your ability to heal. Bioflavonoids are known to help reduce bruising and muscle sprains.

Bilberry, a fruit bearing shrub, is another source for bioflavonoids other than the commonly known citrus plants. Bilberry fruits are delicious, and they are often used in many treatment products to control inflammation and certain illnesses. Bilberry combats hardening of the arteries which gives you the means to help you control your blood pressure.

Consider natural supplements of bilberry to help reduce bruising easily, because you can easily obtain it in a number of different forms. Keep in mind that supplements are probably the best form to use because consistently locating fresh fruit can be problematic. Health food and supplement stores generally always have bilberry supplements, so just visit your local health food store and determine how they can provide you with what you need.

For many people, bruising more as they age is something that they decide that they just have to live with. If you have the right information available to you; however, you will discover that easy bruising can be a condition that you can overcome so that the condition becomes a memory.

Determine how you are going to use bioflavonoids and bilberry properly to help you overcome your easy bruising. A unique daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned contains the proper amounts of these two nutrients along with other necessary vitamins and minerals for you to finally be able to prevent bruising altogether.

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Slowing The Aging Process by Learning How To Manage Stress And Eating Healthy

September 29, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants can greatly improve your life. It has been proven in many studies that antioxidants help you look and feel much younger, reverses the aging of skin, hair nails and promotes a healthier body. If you want to extend your life and live a healthier lifestyle, then you owe it to yourself to look into the properties of eating a nutritional diet that contains the vitamins and minerals you need.

There many causes for aging prematurely. No one wants to look older before their time. The world in which we live and the foods that we eat are big causes for aging prematurely. The air is filled with pollutants and toxins that get into your skin and hair. Food pesticides are often ingested into the body where they can cause harm over time. All of these factors are proven to rob you of an extended youthful life.

By eating foods that naturally contain antioxidants, you can start reversing the effects of premature wrinkling. Your hair and nails will start improving over time as well. This is why foods rich in vitamins and minerals have taken center-stage in many popular health and beauty magazines. It is the best diet proven to help you look and stay younger.

How you manage stress will determine how fast you age. It has been proven that unmanaged stress can cause serous illnesses and even shorten the length of life. The effects of stress upon the body are numerous to include make you look and feel older than you are. Stress can cause undo wrinkles around your eyes, face and neck.

Another great cause of wrinkles is overexposure radiation produced by the sun or by tanning too much on tanning beds. Every year millions of people around the world bath in the sun all summer long. Incredibly, many do so with taking the right precautions. Overexposure can damage your skin and even cause skin cancer.

If you want to start reversing the damaging effects caused by too much tanning, start eating foods that contain lots of antioxidants. There is plenty of available research that proves antioxidants are known to help restore a youthful appearance. They are good for helping to promote healthier looking skin, hair and nails and they have a positive effect on the entire body as well.

Zinc and Calcium Magnesium are two essential minerals you need to take to help reduce the process of aging. These two minerals can be bought as a supplement from any health food store and taken accordingly. Collagen rich creams are also effective. People both young and old are using Collagen as a way to add moisture and elasticity to their skin.

It does not take much to change how fast you are aging. You don’t have to be a victim of the environment in which we live. Today, there is plenty of information on the internet that can help you in the fight to live longer and retain your youthful appearance. By changing your diet to eat foods that are high in antioxidants, you can protect the vital layers of your skin and turn the clock back on time.

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Will Tattoo Removal Creams Work To Remove My Tattoo?

September 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

People get tattoos all the time, but not always for the right reasons. At times they may place a person’s name on their body, one they think they will be with forever. Only to have something happen a few years after and separate from that person. Now they are stuck with that name on their body for the rest of their lives.

One of the biggest reasons that many people look to have a tattoo removed is because they placed a name on their body. Yes not a smart move, but we all do things that just are not smart. So these people want to know will a tattoo removal cream really take that tattoo off?

You will find different tattoo removal creams on the market in many locations. They are a much cheaper choice to the first choices you have. Plus these tattoo removal creams are a lot less painful too.

Your next step is basically a chemical peel, this part will expose those skin layers that have the ink in them. Next will be the last step where you apply that tattoo removal cream. As the cream combines with the ink, it will break the ink apart and remove it from the skin. The process in some cases will take only a few months.

The second step is a chemical peel that will be done, this will allow the rest of the layers of skin to come off. Getting you down to where you want to be, right at the ink spot. Place your tattoo removal cream on the tattoo. You will need to follow the directions to know how many times a day to do this.

Finally you’re ready for the last step of the process that is applying the tattoo removal cream to the tattoo. It’s made so that when it touches the ink it will break the ink molecules up, causing the tattoo to fade from your skin.

But yes it seems that in most cases these tattoo removal cream packs do actually work, if you check out on line you can see a few videos that will show the process even. The prices are a lot cheaper than the other choices that you can think of when it comes to having a tattoo you’ve grown tired of removed. Check out the different tattoo removal creams on the market and read other reviews.

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Home Laser Hair Removal Machines

September 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

There are numerous advantages to having a laser hair removal product available for consumers to take home and treat themselves. Laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods of hair removal in terms of permanence and is very safe when used properly. Now anyone can take the laser machine home and apply the treatment to themselves as many times as necessary without having to pay for multiple sessions at a clinic.

It used to be that the only way to receive laser hair treatment was in a clinic performed by a medical professional. Today that is only true for sensitive areas such as the face and neck. But portable home devices allows everyday people to treat themselves everyday if they so desired. The laser generates heat which destroys the hair follicle at the roots preventing the hair from ever growing back. Some people experience a slight tingle while others have reported a warm sensation during the procedure. But overall it should be a nearly pain free solution compared to shaving, waxing, or plucking.

Now people don’t have to spend the time and effort to research and schedule appointments with a clinic to have minor areas treated with laser. There are a lot of people who like the idea of removing unwanted hairs but limit themselves to temporary solutions because they don’t have the desire to go to a clinic. This home laser machine allows these people to receive the same treatment on their own time whenever they want.

It is also more affordable by thousands of dollars for treatment of a single area. Any procedure would require multiple repeat treatments for optimal results and the total cost of those repeat sessions could cost around $1,000 and $3,000. A home device would cost $800 to $1,000 one time. The device can be used as many times as desired and additional touch ups at no additional cost.

Typical results are very inspiring with reports of 50% to 80% reduction in hair re-growth. The results normally last at least a year or longer and touch ups are normally required once every other year or so. For maximum hair removal, the entire process would require treatment every 2 to 4 weeks for a period of 4 to 8 months depending on the size of the area and strength of the hair.

As long as the device is used properly and manufacturer instructions are followed, home laser hair removal machines are generally regarded as a very safe method of hair removal. The only major problems that can occur are when it is used on dark or tanned skin. As a general safety guidelines buy an FDA approved device, follow instructions and use common sense.

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Why Getting A Spray Tan Is Great

September 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, people who equate beauty with having a bronze tone to their skin want a way to be tan. One of the best ways to keep the look is a spray tan, regardless of whether you do it yourself, or use the services of a professional.

You’ve probably seen tanning products on TV infomercial channels, and you can now find many of these items at discount outlets and even pharmacies. Tanning sprays are fairly cheap and quite easy to use.

As you look or tanning products, you will find that there are a wide variety of products out there for your to choose from. These range from ones that you apply and then the tan develops over a few days, to ones where the coloring is applied instantly. No two peoples skin reacts to these products in the same way, so it is worth trying a few out and seeing which one gives you the tan you want.

Getting a tan at a salon means you will probably want to go for an all body tan. You have a number of options available to you here and this will probably be around how the spray tanning is administered. You could either use an automated booth or have the tan sprayed on by an assistant.

One of the good points about having a professional spray tan is that you do not have to deal with areas that you can’t reach. You may also enjoy not having any mess to clean up, and being able to see the change in a few hours.

Another option for a getting a fast tan by using a spray is going to a center that has an assistant who will spray the product for you. Once you decide which areas you want tanned, set an appointment and try it. If you are offered a special discount to commit to several sessions be sure you can cancel if not satisfied. If you are not happy with the results there is no reason for you to return.

However you decide to get your tan, you will be confident that when you hit the beach or pool you will look great and not have a body that looks like you never go outside. If this is the kind of situation you are familiar with, you will probably want to look at the tanning options available for you.

Using a UV tanning booth or tanning oil in the sun has plenty of risks associated with it from skin cancer to ageing. These methods also take longer so if you require a top up tan ahead of a big event, and want the healthier option then you should certainly check out self tanning as a way to look great.

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Helan Advanced Anti-aging Body Care Line Elasticizing Serum Treatment for Stretch Marks – Skin Renewal System with Intensive Action 12 – 10ml Vials

September 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care Systems

Helan Advanced Anti-aging Body Care Line Elasticizing Serum Treatment for Stretch Marks - Skin Renewal System with Intensive Action 12 - 10ml Vials

skin renewal
intensive action

Helan tackles the problem of stretch marks with the Elasticizing and Renewing Skin Serum enriched with

Carnitine PCA which firstly enables a good exfoliation of the outer layer and later stimulates regeneration in the deeper layers. Regularly and continually removing dead skin cells is important because it gives the skin luminosity as well as allowing it to be at its best condition for absorbing the active principles of the most effective be (more…)

Discover How To Get Rid of Stretch Mark Without Surgery

September 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Surgery is not the only way of getting rid of stretch marks. Everyone knows there are other options that are less risky and less costly. If you are not keen to go under the knife yet interested on getting rid of stretch marks there are plenty of other treatments available that are equally effective.

One of the most effective way of dealing with the problem is to know what causes of stretch marks. Conditions that result to overstretching of skin are the common culprits resulting to these unwanted streaks. Individuals who experience radical weight gain and subsequent weight loss display stretch marks in areas where fat cells are located like hips, waist, thighs, and lower back. Pregnant women also develop stretch marks as their bellies expand. Extreme weightlifting and exercise resulting to too much muscle development in a short time also cause stretch marks to appear.

Below are tips and noninvasive options against the infamous stretch marks:

Water Therapy – Make water your best friend. Not only does water keep your skin well hydrated for that dewy and plump look, people who prefer water than the usual sugary beverages are more likely to maintain their weight stable. Water also aids in flushing out toxins that can manifest in your skin.

Eat Healthy – Pile on the produce. Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential nutrients that play a role in healthy skin. Citrus fruits for vitamin C, nuts and monounsaturated oils for vitamin E, and carrots and leafy vegetables for getting your daily dose of vitamin A. Zinc is a mineral found in oysters an seeds that is also vital for the promotion of good skin. Added benefit by munching on fruits and veggies? Most of them are low in calorie, so go ahead, eat away!

Go For Protein Packs – Eat meat. Protein, as many of us know, is the main building block of the body including your skin. Specifically collagen and elastin, the substances responsible for the structure and elasticity of skin, respectively, are made up of proteins. Thus, the more protein you eat, the more raw material for collagen and elastin production, which in turn means the stronger and bouncier your skin will be. Choose lean and trimmed cuts of chicken and beef for meat lovers while tofu and nuts for meat freers.

Regular Exercise – Exercise daily. Not only is exercise good for your heart and your weight, it also keeps your body and your skin toned. Just imagine how good your skin will look and be free of toxins as you endure that hour-long spinning class.

Go Natural – Go try herbal. Creams, ointments, and lotions are worth trying. Results may be more gradual compared to surgical methods but they do work. Some random ingredients in these topical treatments include vitamins A, C, and D, zinc minerals Centella asiatica extract, and collagen elastin hydrolysate. Remember that results may vary from one person to the next. Nevertheless, these topical remedies have other advantages in soothing associated symptoms of stretch marks such as easing of itchiness and other discomfort. Cocoa butter, aloe vera, lanolin, and wheat germ oil are also herbal alternatives used to supposedly treat stretch marks.

Hide It – If one cannot wait to put on that bikini, concealers and other camouflaging cosmetic products are the way to go.

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Cellulite Removal And The Ways To Deal With It

September 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

The chunky deposits on a woman’s thigh can be defined as cellulite and once it appears, most women look for an effective way of cellulite removal. Cellulite is lumps of fat that are similar to cottage cheese. These deposits can also be found in the stomach and buttock regions. Whenever fat gets accumulated in excess, it presses against the connective tissues making the skin looks dimpled.

Men are not as prone to cellulite deposition as women as. For a woman, this cellulite deposits is mainly noticed after the menopausal stage, however, in some situations this is evident during the formative years. There are many reasons for cellulite to get deposited in the body of a person. In some cases, it is a genetic condition and hence it starts in the early stages of life. These cellulite deposits are also formed due to sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits. If the cellulite formation is determined in the early stages, it can be removed and controlled easily too. However, if it is noticed much later after significant formation, then, it becomes difficult to remove it.

Lack of water consumption, excessive caffeine intake and lack of exercise are all reasons for cellulite formation. This is because it leads to accumulation of toxins and waste products in the body due to unhealthy lifestyles. In this article, we list out a few ways in which we can remove and control cellulite formation.

Inculcate a lot of physical activity in your daily routine. This will help in the consumption of energy in the body thus helping in the removal of cellulite. Cardio vascular exercises are the most effective in the removal of fat. The various forms of cardio vascular exercise that you can do are cycling, walking, jogging, swimming and aerobics. Yoga is also effective in helping to remove cellulite deposits.

Caffeinated drinks like coffee also cause cellulite formation in the body. Caffeine prevents the body from releasing the toxins and hence, these toxins get accumulated in the fat tissues thus leading to cellulite formation. Hence, in order to get cellulite out of the body, we need to avoid these caffeinated drinks.

Water is a great medicine for the body. It helps to flush away all the toxins and wastes in the body. If you deprive your body of water, then, it will lead to inefficient excretion of wastes which will thus, aid in the accumulation of cellulite in the body.

You should have specific food which is rich in fiber to help you reduce and remove cellulite. It is recommended that you eat fiber rich food because they help in detoxifying your body. They also fight against cellulite buildup. Hence introduce more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet.

Introduce a lot of food rich in fiber in your daily diet. In addition to helping with digestion, the fiber present in the food will also prevent cellulite from accumulating in the body. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are rich in fiber content. Also, include an oatmeal diet for your breakfast which will also provide the much needed fiber content since oatmeal is very high in fiber.

There is a machine called “Endermologie” available. This machine use rollers and gentle suctioning to deeply message the areas with high cellulite deposits. This helps in removing the toxins and abnormal water build up in that areas and stretches the connective fiber.

Improve your lifestyle by quitting smoking and alcohol consumption. This will help in eliminating cellulite because it prevents the accumulation of toxins in the fat tissues.

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Getting Rid Of Eczema – 3 Over The Counter Eczema Treatments That Work

September 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you suffer from constant skin irritation, then over the counter eczema treatment can prove to be beneficial to reduce symptoms by a significant amount. This condition is often characterized with dryness, itchiness and redness which can be disruptive to your daily routine. The following are 3 highly effective methods that will get rid of eczema and ease the irritation.

1. Purchase creams that contain herbal ingredients

Perhaps the best treatment for eczema is to make use of ointments that contain herbal ingredients such as aloe vera or witch hazel. In fact, studies have shown these types of creams are much more effective at reducing swelling and irritation compared to other creams. It is essential that your skin does not get dry as this can cause severe irritation so be sure to apply moisturizer on the affected area throughout the day.

2. Antihistamine tables are effective

If the itching is so severe that you cannot control it, then antihistamine tablets will help to ease the irritation so you do not scratch the affected area. When it comes to the uncontrollable urge to scratch, antihistamine tablets will help to control the itching sensation. It’s important that you consume these in moderation so you do not suffer from negative side effects by consuming more than the recommended amount.

3. Use steroidal creams if symptoms worsen

If the above tips still do not work and symptoms continue to worsen, then you may need to take a more aggressive approach for more serious rashes. Steroidal creams such as hydrocortisone can be used to effectively treat the affected regions on your body. Using treatments together may seem like a good idea at first but be sure to consult with a doctor ahead of time just to be safe.

It has been shown that some foods and even some detergents can cause an allergic reaction so it’s important to stay away from it. Keeping your skin moisturized throughout the day and making use of antihistamine tablets will help to get rid of eczema.

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Useful Tips On Buying Natural and Organic Skin Care Products?

September 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

There are many reasons why you might turn to natural skin care. Maybe you just like the products better, or maybe you’re tired of putting impure preservatives and oils on your body. Thankfully, many people can recommend herbal products in their search for tips on buying natural skin care. These products cover a variety of needs and provide for whatever you’re looking for.

Say you want to find anti aging products. Natural skin care can do this in a way chemicals never could, giving you that much desired youthful glow. Not only does it make your skin look better, it actually improves its health, meaning the results you get are actually a reflection of how good your skin is – and your appearance will reflect this.

People with sensitive skin have a lot to be concerned about with older types of products. The oils and animal fats such things contain can do a lot of damage to them. This is reason enough to want to look for something different, and thankfully, when they find a higher end of products, they’ll realize that their previous concerns are no longer an issue.

Each person has a different skin type, and often they wouldn’t get what they wanted if they used products for the wrong type. Now, skin care is for everyone, as are the protections offered by products. No matter what your skin is like, you need protection from the kind of UV rays that could cause cancer, and you’ll get that with natural items.

One thing you might be concerned about is the price of natural products. If you don’t think you’ll be able to afford them, it’s easy enough to make some space in a garden or some pots and plant the kind of herbs that major companies use on their products. When they’ve grown, you can easily harvest them and make much of what they did yourself.

Both home made and store bought products do a lot in restoring your skin to what you might have had a long time ago. When you were young, you probably loved your skin, but since then it has been damaged by time and everything that comes with it. The vitamins found in your products counteract these affects to make it look new again.

Unfortunately, some people will try to take advantage of your good intentions and market things that aren’t natural specifically so they say they are. With any other part of your body, you would want to check to make sure that what a company said was the truth, and the same is true here as well. Read the labels closely to confirm what is said in bold print.

Your skin is an important part of your health, and you shouldn’t take it lightly. Read the fine print to know you’re getting what you’re looking for. When you see the difference it makes in your skin, you’ll be glad you did and will never go back to your old ways again.

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