Special Nutritional Needs For The Elderly

December 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

It is always important to eat healthily, but the two stages that it is most vital are almost certainly your formative years and your declining years. In the start, you have to build your body to put it on a decent footing for the remainder of your life and in your later years, parts do not work as well as they used to, so it is better to give them decent quality materials to work with.

So the pointers below are valid for every phase of your life from being a young adult up, but they are particularly vital for older individuals.

It is vital to remain hydrated. Most people do not drink enough water, but older individuals tend to have less water in their bodies than younger ones and this needs to be replaced. It is generally recommended that people drink eight 250 cc beakers (a tumbler) of water (two litres) a day, but if you would like to be more accurate the ratio is 25 cc’s per kilo, so a 250 cc glass for every 10 kilos or 22 pounds.

Protein is important to older individuals and as they are normally less lively than younger people, they do not require so much carbohydrate. Therefore, it is better to become selective with your foodstuffs, eat less bread, rice, potato and sugars, but eat a bit more lean meat, eggs, cheese and particularly fish.

If you are going to consume carbohydrates, be certain to eat the wholemeal, whole grain, unprocessed versions of rice, bread and pasta. This is to increase dietary fibre. A great deal of older individuals suffer from constipation because they are less active and increasing fibre and roughage will help counteract this. Green leaf vegetables, all vegetables and fruit are fantastic for raising dietary fibre.

Cut down on fat and oil. You require some fat and oil, but it is not difficult to eat enough to lubricate yourself and the consumption of the correct amount of fibre, roughage and water will prevent constipation.

Iron is vital for healthy blood, so find out how much you need per day (RDA – recommended daily amount) and make certain that you acquire it either from red meat, cereals or supplements. The same goes for zinc which is not easily absorbed.

Calcium is extremely important particularly for women. Osteoporosis is very common. Osteoporosis is a calcium lack which results in brittle bones. Most individuals merely think of milk whilst they think of calcium, but milk is not good for adults. You can get it from meat, cheese and broccoli amongst other sources.

The B group of vitamins is also important for your blood and immune system. Numerous older people have a deficiency of Vitamin B12. This is a complicated condition and necessitates a physician’s advice, but it is widespread.

Next time you have to have a check up, look to see if they are checking your body’s level of vitamin B12 and if it is not in the list of tests, ask for it to be included.

Owen Jones, the writer of this piece, writes on a number of subjects, and is now concerned with omega 3 arthritis. If you want to know more, please go to our site at Omega 6 9

Here Are Some Ways That Can Help You Stop Easy Bruising Completely!

December 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

A bruise happens when the blood vessels in your body are damaged or broken. The blood inside of the vessels begins leaking out and goes into the tissue beneath the skin. Because of the blood accumulation under the skin, discoloration occurs and the bruise becomes visible. As the blood begins to fade away while the bruise heals, the bruising colors change to brown, yellow, and sometimes green. Here are some ways that can help you reduce bruising easily.

You should evaluate some of the medications you may currently be using. Sometimes certain medications can increase the likelihood for easy bruising. Medications such as steroids, antidepressants, anticoagulants, and even aspirin can sometimes cause you to be prone to bruising easily. You should read the side effects of all medications thoroughly and carefully to see if bruising is listed. If it is listed as a side effect, then do not discontinue taking the medication before consulting with your doctor about it. There may be alternative medications or ways to prevent the bruising from happening as much.

Grape seed extract can be an option for people interested in preventing bruises. It is said by some that it will strengthen the capillaries, and this would help prevent the blood vessels from breaking as easily. However, grape seed extract is also known to have severe interactions with medications, and can also cause internal bleeding if taken too often, so it should be used with caution and care, and only after a doctor’s referral.

Arnica cream can be used to reduce the healing time for existing bruises. Applying it once or twice each day to bruises that you have already can be very useful. The earlier you apply it in the development of a bruise, the quicker the bruise may heal. In addition, there will also be less vivid coloration to the bruise, and it will not hurt as much as it might have before.

Make use of particular supplements to help avoid easy bruising. Taking 500 milligrams of vitamin C and 1,000 milligrams of citrus bioflavonoids every day has been shown to help stop bruising and help bruises you already have heal faster. However, the results are not usually immediate. You will have to take supplements for a few months before they will change how your body reacts to the tendency to bruising easily.

You should also increase your intake of vegetables and fruits found in your diet. The bioflavonoids that were previously mentioned can be found in many of the fruits and vegetables that we eat. Bioflavonoids are important for the reduction and prevention of bruises on the body. You should consider supplements as a backup to a well balanced diet, but you should first consider adding more fruits and veggies into your diet instead of depending on supplements alone.

Consider how you should treat a bruise when you have one. You should rest the area that has been affected by the bruise, and put some ice on it to slow and soothe any swelling that may be occurring. You can also treat swelling bruises by elevating the affected area. If the bruise is large, you can put a compress on it, or consider wrapping it up gently to protect the area from further injury.

There are a lot of options for to help reduce bruising. Some of them are preventative measures and some of them are just proper treatment after a bruise has occurred. If you feel that you are experiencing bruises more often than you should be, consider talking with your doctor. One positive step you can take is to follow the same all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program that has helped people all over the world reduce their tendency to bruise easily.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the one writer to have written an entire reference book on bruising, showing people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Effective Tips To Help You Stop Bruising Easily!

December 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

A people grow older, they tend to be more prone to bruising than they were in younger years. As your body ages, there is less protection beneath the skin than there was in earlier years. While most bruises offer no serious health challenges and do not require special treatment, there are ways to prevent bruising and ways to help a bruise that does occur to heal quicker.

Protective clothing can help to prevent bruising. Long sleeve shirts and long pants provide protection to arms and legs. Sometimes this is all the extra padding that is needed. If you find that you are often bruising your hips, wear long sweaters that cover the hips. Wear your shoes to prevent bruising of your feet and your toes. For forearms and thighs look for protective pads that will cover these areas at your local drug store.

Sometimes it only takes a increase in your vitamin K intake to increase the clotting that will help you stop bruising easily. You can get vitamin K from leafy greens and the members of the cabbage family. For some people vitamin K supplements will help, however if you are taking blood thinners, talk with your doctor before taking these supplements.

Crushed fresh parsley leaves are an effective response for helping to heal an existing bruise. Parsley leaves used as a compress promote healing and can help bruises to fade in as little as one day for some people. The parsley leaves can be held in place using an adhesive bandage or gauze held in place with tape.

Make sure that you are taking the right amount of aspirin. Aspirin is a blood thinner and often prescribed for persons with heart conditions. If your doctor has recommended that you take aspirin on a regular basis, then you should only take a baby aspirin (81mg) every day, not an adult aspirin.

A good multivitamin supplement may also help. In addition to providing the vitamin K already discussed, it should also provide vitamin C. These vitamins can help to keep your body healthy and help you avoid the tendency for easy bruising.

If you do discover a bruise, remember the acronym RICE. You need to rest the injured area in order for it to begin to heal. Ice causes the capillaries to shrink and can help to prevent further subcutaneous bleeding. Compression and elevation work together to cause the blood to drain out from the injured areas. Following this procedure can not only help to prevent further damage to the tissues, it can also help to heal the damage that has already been done.

Finally, try to eat citrus fruit every day. While you can get some vitamin C from a multivitamin, citrus fruit can also help to strengthen the walls of the capillaries. As the capillaries become stronger, they are less likely to leak, and there is less bruising. Vitamin C is also instrumental in healing in the body. A daily dose of citrus fruit can help to prevent and heal bruises.

While bruises may not be harmful, they can be painful. They are can also be very ugly. By taking the proper steps you can both prevent bruising and help to heal any bruises that do happen to form. This will help to stop the pain more readily. Following the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program has been proved effective for helping reduce bruising easily for people all over the world.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the sole writer to have authored a complete reference book on bruising, teaching people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Electronic Bug Zapper

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you are not yet familiar with the hand held bug killer, you are really going to love it and if you have had one before, I bet you’ll welcome it back like an old, long-lost pal! The electronic insect killer does just what it says it does: it zaps bugs. But it does it really, really effectively.

Any bug that comes into contact with the electric insect zapper is fried. Smaller insects like gnats and mosquitoes are vaporized with a very pleasing flash and a crack. Larger insect, like house flies and wasps die, but don’t explode like the smaller ones.

Think about it, how many times have these flying bugs taken the edge off an otherwise enjoyable evening in the garden? Or how many times have you not been able to get a decent night’s sleep, because you know there’s at least one mosquito in the bedroom. It has happened to me dozens and dozens of times, I know! It is very satisfying to get your own back with the electric insect zapper.

I don’t like killing things without just reason – I’m married to a Buddhist- but mosquitoes? I’m sorry, they have to go. And the electric bug zapper dispatches them without any more ado. No waiting and hoping they’ll fly into the ultraviolet light and then into the mesh. No, one swish of the electric insect killer and the mosie’s gone and you can hear whether you killed her or not. (I say her, because the sucking mosquitoes always are females – honest, I wasn’t being sexist).

There are two basic kinds of electronic bug killer. There’s the battery operated bug zapper and the rechargeable electric bug zapper. Both work on the same principle, but I prefer the rechargeable type, although I guess you could use rechargeable batteries too. (I bet they would be more expensive that the bug zapper in the first place). Anyway, I have been using a electronic bug zapper of the rechargeable kind for five years and I am very happy with them.

Now-a-days, I spend a great deal of time in northern Thailand with my wife, so you can bet your life that I give my handheld insect killer a good work-out practically every night. We usually eat in the garden in the evening and all socializing is done outside by tradition, especially in the country, where we live, so it comes in real handy. I also use my electric bug killer to ‘sweep’ the bedroom for bugs before we go to sleep at night, just like a CIA agent.

The electronic bug zapper just seems to improve every time I buy one, which makes it hard to give you definite specifications. The electric bug zappers I had four or five years ago, often failed after six to nine months of purchase, although their ability to hold a charge reduced a lot after four or five months.

However, the new electronic insect killer will last 9-12 months and still be very pokey after nine months. My latest model even has a powerful torch called a headlamp incorporated into it. I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be for, but if you feel that vengeance is sweet, you can attract mosquitoes with it and then kill them with your hand held bug zapper.

Owen Jones, the writer of this piece writes on several topics, but is currently concerned with the Aedes mosquito. If you would like to know more or check out some fantastic offers, please go to our web site at Indoor Bug Zapper.

Will Glycolic Acid Help Your Acne And Will It Really Help?

December 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Acne is a skin problem in which the pores get blocked and frequently inflamed wth pimples appearing as well. Glycolic acid is often recommended for acne problems but is it really very helpful?

The oils in your skin can block the pores resulting in acne so to treat this problem properly you need to reduce the oil production. You also need to deal with any bacterial infection which has occurred within the skin and increase the skin cell turnover.

You can help to reduce the oil on your skin by using oil free skin care products. You can use a product like Benzoyl peroxide to fight the problem as it has antibacterial agents. To increase skin cell turnover you may use glycolic acid as it helps to remove the dead skin from the top layer of skin enabling the growth of new skin cells.

Concentrated glycolic acid is actually used by many industries as a rust removal agent, so you can see how it might be useful as a skin exfoliant. The strength of the acid that you would apply to your skin is of course much less than the concentrated amount, usually under 10%. However, due to the strength some doctors have concerns about patients self-treating with glycolic acid.

There are some forms of acne that should not be addressed with an exfoliating treatment. Acne Rosacea for example, is actually not acne despite the fact that its name suggests it is, this condition won’t respond well to exfoliation treatment.

If you suffer with pustules it’s also wise to avoid exfoliation as it can open up the pustules and spread the infection on the skin. By spreading the infection you will also spread the acne and will soon have more pimples breaking out.

You can spend a lifetime taking care of your acne and you might be successful in reducing it for quite a while, but new pimples can keep on appearing. It is better to treat your acne holistically so you can get rid of it entirely. You need to start by trying to find the cause of your acne so you can avoid it.

Check out any skin care products which you are currently using in addition to hair products. Skin care products and hair products are a frequent cause of acne if your skin reacts to them. Cosmetics can also cause acne, especially if makeup is not washed off properly by the end of the day.

An unhealthy diet is another cause of acne. Foods that are loaded with sugar or high in saturated fats can contribute to the condition, so changing your diet to one that includes lots of fruit and vegetables should successfully lower your acne. Also ensure that you are drinking lots of water daily to purge any toxins out of your body and also to keep your skin hydrated.

Have a good skincare routine by cleansing, toning and moisturising the skin daily. Always do this at night to wash off any makeup as well as washing off any dirt and sweat that has built up in the daytime.

If you’re considering using a glycolic acid acne cure, then seek advice from your doctor or a dermatologist first. Your doctor will let you know if he thinks this type of treatment could be beneficial for you.

To get more detailed recommendations on acne skin care treatment and strategies to keep looking great, check out our blog at www.renewlotions.com

Discussing Light Therapy For Healing And Pain Relief That Works

December 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

There is a little known but wondrous area of treatment for ills of every kind, which is light therapy for healing and pain relief. Used all over the world, with a history of succeeding when all hope was lost, light in its various frequencies has been well documented as a potent healing agent.

In 2002 The United States Food and Drug Administration, which is not known for its support of alternative medical theory, approved the use by doctors of a device that uses high-intensity blue light for acne treatments, specifically, the DPL therapy light system. The light destroys the bacteria that can cause acne, and promotes the healing of skin. Significant improvement is experienced by almost three fourths of patients who follow the twice-a-week, fifteen minute program.

No negative side effects were reported in any of the studies that were done prior to this treatments approval. This therapy is far safer than antibiotics, which destroy parts of natural immunity and limit sun tolerance. In fact, sunlight is known to help clear up acne, so now light can work in two ways to solve this problem. The blue light used in the treatment is isolated from other ‘bands’ of light (think of the layers of color in a rainbow), especially potentially harmful ultra-violet light that can harm skin if used for too long or used too intensely.

A great introduction to this subject is given in “Color Me Healthy” by Robert Jay Rowen, MD. Dr. Rowan describes many uses for light, including blood irradiation with red, a process that sounds scary and is not recommended for helping hands at home, but is actually a safe and effective course of health care.

Frequency of light works as do other frequency treatments, like music, homeopathy, and magnetic therapy. Just because we may not understand how it works, does not mean that we can’t accept the fact that it does. For example, therapists join light to another therapy when they stimulate acupuncture points with a beam of red light. Pain is relieved, swelling goes down, and general well-being is enhanced.

Too long a wavelength for the human eye to see, infrared light penetrates skin and tissue, taking healing heat deep inside to stimulate circulation. This results in increased oxygen and nutrient delivery to damaged cells, and faster removal of toxins. The treatment also promotes detoxification through the skin via perspiration. Infrared saunas promote whole body cleansing and are used in many European clinics.

Dinshah Ghadiali was a 19th century Indian, trained as a medical doctor but skeptical of many standard practices. His writings on chromotherapy (color therapy) relate his experiments with existing theories and the successes that led him to use light in many hopeless situations with joyous results. He began by shining light from a kerosene lantern through an indigo-colored glass bottle. Later he developed his own system he called Spectro-chrome.

Does this mean that all you need is a light and a glass bottle? Maybe, if the glass is the right color. Kits are available with isolated color films and guides to which color seems to benefit which condition. You can also find practitioners skilled in the art of color treatments. But in an emergency, go for blue or purple glass – after all, what do you have to lose? Exposing drinking water to a period of full sun is said to enhance health, so full light is good, too.

Light therapy for healing and pain relief should be taught in every school, but you will have to do your own investigating. However, rest assured that learning this safe, non-invasive, and effective way of treating illness will not be a waste of time.

Gretchen Robertvine just started using her DPL Nuve Blue, and is already experiencing results. She writes for organizations such as Better Health Innovations, a leader in light therapy lamp systems.

Sunscreen Health Check

December 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

In the world of consumer sales it can be hard to tell fact from fiction when alarms are being sounded. As sunscreen affects children along with just about every other segment of the population, further investigation is merited regarding possible dangers. Following are important facts about the safety of non-organic sunscreens.

Nano particles are a key concern regarding the safety of commercial sunscreens. These are simply particles that are so small that they can access parts of the human body that no commercial product has been able to penetrate before. The harm done by nano particles has not been completely determined yet, but when they consist of toxic materials there is clearly a possibility of risk.

One notorious component of commercial sunscreen is oxybenzone. While the compound provides benefits by protecting the skin, is has also been associated with cell damage, hormone disruption, and allergies. Of particular concern is a trend of low birth weight for girls whose mothers used oxybenzone during pregnancy.

To the relief of many, the FDA announced plans for ensuring the safety of sunscreens back in 1978. Unfortunately, these plans amounted to good intentions and were never completed. In June of 2011 the FDA finally released labeling standards for the commercial sunscreen industry.

Five out of the six active ingredients in sunscreen have been found to mimic estrogen in the human body. Risk groups for these effects include children and breast cancer patients. All of these chemicals were examined in actual breast cancer cells.

SPF ratings provide the public with a measurable assessment of a sunscreen’s effectiveness. However, these ratings do not take into account UVA ultraviolet rays, which can damage the skin and lead to skin cancer. Though not an issue of toxins, many sunscreen products leave the user under-protected and under-informed in this area.

The final word on the negative health effects of sunscreen is yet to be heard. Clear communication and action on the part of the FDA will be helpful to consumers, and the option of organic sunscreens will provide a healthy alternative.

Mark Bennet is a consumer advocate working in Northern California. In addition to writing informative articles, Mark has built helpful websites focused on locating best products and printable coupons.

Mosquito Repellent

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

The mosquito is the cause of numerous infectious diseases e.g. malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever etc. In fact, it serves as a vector to pass on such illnesses from person to person. Mosquito control is the procedure used to manage mosquito numbers. Different ways are used to control mosquitoes from growing and spreading diseases.

Sometimes, controlling the source of reproduction and growth of mosquitoes is achieved by decreasing their number i.e. removing standing water. Natural predators like dragonflies, mosquito fish and killifish are used to prey on mosquitoes.

In this fashion their population is kept under control and the likelihood for mosquitoes to cause any harm are reduced. Different sorts of insecticides are also used to eradicate mosquitoes.

A mosquito repellent serves the purpose of keeping an individual from the attack of mosquitoes which could cause serious damage to the health of the individual. A mosquito repellent is a substance which is used to repel and discourage mosquitoes from landing and biting. The out beak of mosquito-borne diseases can be controlled and prevented by the use of such repellents.

The body chemistry of every person is different, which is why some individuals attract mosquitoes more than others and become a part of a mosquito?s? menu more frequently. Study proves that synthetic repellents are more effectual than natural repellents. The reason is the long lasting nature of synthetic repellents.

DEET and IR3535 are very frequently used repellents. DEET is a somewhat yellowish oil which is applied to the body or clothing to deter mosquitoes. It must be used very carefully because it can cause skin reactions and irritation.

DEET is the oldest repellent in use; it having been invented in 1946. Its protection lasts for about five hours. IR3535 is a chemical repellent which is found in Avon products such as their ?Skin So Soft? line of goods.

Rather than applying synthetic repellents, natural repellents can be made by mixing different natural oils in specific concentrations depending on the type of mosquito. Citronella oil, lemon eucalyptus, clove oil, cedar oil, lemongrass oil, rosemary oil and cinnamon oil are the most popular oils used as natural mosquito repellents. The refined form of oil of Lemon eucalyptus is a very effectual insect repellent.

Mosquito coils i.e. mosquito-repelling incense, is also commonly used in Asia, South America and Africa. It is usually a coil made of Pyrethrum powder, shaped into a spiral. Contemporary mosquito-repelling coils burn for about eight hours without a flame.

Their ability to repel mosquitoes is very robust; it is also cheap and easy to use. Health and safety worries are of immense importance when using such coils. The spark from the coil could ignite a fire and the smoke contains formaldehyde which is very harmful to health.

Children and pregnant women should use mosquito repellents very carefully. The label on the repellent must be read very carefully before use and the directions ought to be followed strictly. Mosquito repellents ought to be kept out of the reach of children because of their harmful effects on health.

Owen Jones, the author of this article writes on a number of subjects, but is at present concerned with the Aedes mosquito. If you would like to know more or check out some great deal, please go to our web site at Indoor Bug Zapper.

What You Need To Read Regarding Snake Venom Cream

December 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Fine lines and wrinkles used to be considered an inevitable part of getting older. That is not the case today, thanks to the high number of treatments available which claim the power to reduce the appearance of these unsightly lines. Retinol creams and Botox are perhaps the most familiar current remedies, and while each can treat wrinkles with some success, there are also potential side effects. Today, a new treatment has appeared on the market, snake venom cream. This piece will examine the causation of fine lines and wrinkles and illustrate how this new treatment works to reduce their appearance.

Fine lines and wrinkles can be caused in many ways. Skin becomes thin and dry as we age. Also, since skin cells stop dividing as quickly as they use to, your body has a hard time repairing the damage that every day living does to your face. Collagen production also is reduced as we get older, and as such skin becomes less elastic. Facial muscles also play a role. Every time you wink or grimace, facial muscles pull on your skin, and expressions that you make often can become etched on your skin

Retinol creams are generally used to treat fine lines caused by the slower turnover of skin cells. Retinol treatments contain alpha-hydroxy acids, which work to gently eat away dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. The loss of the dead skin triggers your body to produce new skin cells, leading to higher cell creation and creating a more youthful appearance.

Botox treats wrinkles caused by the pulling of underlying facial muscles. The active ingredient in Botox is made from the same kind of toxin that causes the disease botulism. This chemical is injected underneath the skin, generally around the forehead and eyes, causing the paralysis of sub-dermal muscles. The paralysis of these muscles makes them stop pulling on the skin, allowing the skin to become smooth and wrinkle free. Unfortunately, however, if you use Botox too much, you can also temporarily loose the ability to make facial expressions.

These new face creams, derived from snake venom, function in a way that is similar to Botox. Particular types of snake venom function by interfering with neurotransmitters and preventing them from signaling the muscles. In the wild, this reaction causes death through paralyzing the snake’s victim.

Recently, several cosmetic companies found a way to synthesize chemicals from the venom of one particularly infamous snake, known as the Temple viper. This synthesized snake venom has the same properties as real venom in that it can block neurotransmitter signals, but is much weaker, making it safe to use.

When face cream containing the synthesized venom is applied every day, the chemicals seep into the skin and partially paralyze facial muscles. As such, skin appears smoother and wrinkle free, but because the synthetic venom is weak, muscles retain some functionality and people can still move their faces. Studies show that the daily use of snake venom cream for at least 4 weeks lead to a 52 percent decrease in wrinkle appearance and that 82 percent of study subjects felt that their skin appeared younger and smoother.

Though this product is not new to the market, it used to sell for a very high price that prohibited many people from trying it. Today, the price is much more modest, in line with what you would expect to pay for a retinol cream, and significantly cheaper than Botox treatments.

If you need to find a cure to wrinkles, you should consider snake venom cream. This wonderful cream can make wrinkles disappear and make that face nice and smooth. http://www.wrinklecreamdirect.com/synake