Revitol Hair Removal Cream Review

May 21, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

When it comes to removing body hair, we have a lot of options. You can always shave, which will leave unsightly razor burn. Then again you can wax, which is very painful and, if you have it done professionally, can cost a fortune. Then there is the hair removal creams we all see advertised.

The problem with these is that, in some cases, they can cause painful skin burns from the formulas the manufacturers use. The good news is, I have found a hair remover cream that will eliminate body hair while keeping your skin safe and smooth.

Revitol Hair Removal Cream is an all natural product from one of the leading skin car manufacturers in the industry. This cream is fantastic in that it completely removes all the hair from where ever it is applied and moisturizes while doing it. This leaves your skin completely smooth with no hair and no painful rashes.

It does it by combining clinically tested, all natural, plant extracts that will help moisturize the skin, remove the hair, and it even includes a hair inhibitor that will slow the hair regrowth. You no longer have to worry about razor burn, bumps, ingrown hairs, or other embarrassing blemishes caused by other hair removal products. Oh, and did I mention the best thing? It doesn’t smell bad! If you have used other hair removers you know, they stink. Not the case with this product.

The fact of the matter is, Revitol Hair Removal Cream works. It is all natural so you don’t have to worry about any uncomfortable or even painful rashes. They include a 90 day money back guarantee, so if it doesn’t work for you; then send it back! With all of these benefits and virtually no downside, I see no reason why you would not buy Revitol Hair Removal Cream today.

Find out more about Revitol Hair Removal and read a Revitol Hair Removal Cream Review.

Beauty And How It Affects Northern Women

May 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Beauty is not an equal standard in every country. There are many different ideas of what is beautiful and how to get there. In fact, the idea of what pretty looks like is as various as the cultures of the world. While some may see it as purely natural, others appreciate the use of pigments to add color to what we were born with.

No matter which country you live in, there are plenty of models to follow in regards of how to get the modern look. Fashion magazines are great at spreading the word on new trends and how to wear the latest cosmetics to match. As well, the Internet shows fashion from every corner of the world. For those who feel less than confident at actually applying products with the right technique, you can look up various helpful videos and classes on the web for help.

Sometimes it can be difficult to decide what look is the best for your particular skin type and color. Are you a warm or a cold color person? Should you wear pinks and browns or green and blue color schemes? While every skin tone is different, there are certainly general aspects that apply to each group. Once you get these down for your personal look, then you will be able to create new and different color palettes that are unique and tasteful.

In Canada, they have some very cold weather to deal with at times. For cosmetic purposes, this can really dry out your skin. Keeping your skin well-hydrated will ensure that the cold climate doesn’t cause further damage. Since dry skin can cause excess wrinkles and cracks in the skin, this is an important part of any skin regimen.

This country is also known for its beautiful women and they are big fans of outdoor sports. So, next time you need some great advice on how to keep your body beautiful in all types of weather, just check with someone familiar with Canadian weather. Sometimes the colder weather is the biggest challenge of all in regards to makeup and skin care.

A favorite with many cosmetic manufacturers, many samples and freebies are earmarked especially for Canadians. By searching on your favorite search engine, you can find several offers to try various new products or limited time offers that will only be shipped to a Canadian address. One reason for this might be to get the opinion of women who live in various climates to see how the cosmetics withstand the temperate on a day-to-day basis.

What about the business of beautiful people? Is that special to one country or worldwide? While many famous models are from the northern country, it’s fair to say that each country has its share of women modeling their culture on the global stage. People will certainly support their own however, and that is no doubt a patriotic war that will never have a clear winner.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that is true no matter what country you reside in. While certain countries may seem to have a corner on the market, it is attainable by anyone who has a mind to learn the trends and follow them. It is ever-changing, ever-improving, and constantly reaching out to brave new worlds.

There are many steps that can be taken to remain youthful and radiant. Hair removal, exercise, skin care, hair care and a trip to the beauty salon can all help this process.

Help On Selecting The Best Treatment For Acne

May 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

People from all walks of life are afflicted with acne. Most people incorrectly believe that acne is strictly limited to teens and young adults. What some people do not understand is that, by failing to take the proper skin care steps, they are creating excessive oil beneath the epidermis (top layer) of skin. If you suffer from acne, you owe it to yourself to investigate the top treatments for acne so you can avoid breakouts.

Women frequently think of a facial as being a relaxing day at the spa. For those who suffer from acne, a facial can become a very simple treatment for acne. One approach is to purchase facial masks, which you apply nightly. All you need to do is apply the facial mask before bedtime, and then remove it when you get up the next morning. Oil and dirt will be removed from your pores overnight. Week by week, you will notice fewer breakouts.

Topical treatments are another option. These are usually a form of antibiotics that are used on trouble areas of the face or body. Normally sold over the counter, these products may be all you need. However, if you find you need a stronger product, you should pay a visit to your dermatologist. Your dermatologist will have additional products he can recommend for treatment for acne, which you can use on a daily basis. Using the topical creams does help on a long term basis, so you must remember to apply each day!

A simple method to help clear up your skin is to ensure you are properly hydrated, so be sure to drink plenty of water. Sugary drinks are a “no-no” – too many of them and you are sure to have frequent breakouts. It might be time to put down the juice and soda and stick with good old, H2O. This treatment can be used alongside a topical or even facial treatment for the best type of results.

Regular washing with unscented soap will clean your pores and help eliminate breakouts. Most people do not realize how beneficial it is to wash your face daily. For best results, you should plan on washing your face twice per day – once in the morning and once prior to going to bed. This will ensure your pores are clean and you don’t have excessive oil or dirt build-up. Regularly washing off the dirt and oil will make you feel fresher, as well.

Despite what some say, treating your acne need not be difficult. Fortunately, there are numerous topical creams available to help clear up your skin. Simply washing your face regularly is one of the best ways to keep yourself clean and avoid acne breakouts. Try all of these techniques and see for yourself which treatment for acne is best for you.

Want to find out more about best acne products, then visit Steve Johnson’s site on how to choose the best treatment for acne for your needs.

Enhancing Your Natural Beauty With Makeup

May 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Beauty enhancing cosmetics are available in a wide range of products thanks to great advances in our modern cosmetics industry. To beautify our personal appearance most people opt for cosmetics to enhance their allure and with such a wide range available, the current range and variety is unsurpassed.

Some preparation is required before applying your make up, to ensure that the overall effect is longer lasting. Your first step is to select a cleansing lotion designed to suit the unique needs of your skin and to thoroughly cleanse your face, neck and decolletage area. This is akin to a painter preparing his canvas before setting out to create a wonderful masterpiece.

Toning solutions are highly under-rated, but are an essential step to refining your pores and aid in the removal of any lingering traces of cleansing lotion. They serve prevent daily grime from settling in the pores and clogging them. Be sure to invest in a richly moisturizing lotion that is, once again, designed to cater to the unique needs of your skin type.

At this point you should apply a blemish stick to disguise any blemishes or skin discoloration that you may have. Use a good quality concealing stick to disguise dark circles under your eyes. You are now ready to apply your foundation. Select a shade that is as close as possible to your own, keeping in mind that foundation should look as natural as possible as it is a base layer used to minimize the appearance of minor blemishes.

Ensure that your foundation is blended smoothly into your hairline and that you blend it over your jaw line onto your throat, not stopping abruptly in a distinct hard line that will give an unnatural look. Do not neglect the eyes and apply a small amount of foundation to both upper and lower lids. Whether you prefer a loose or compact powder, always apply it in light, sweeping motions, not forgetting your throat and decolletage area. Select a natural shade to blend in with your foundation.

Which color palette you choose for your eyes is dependent upon your personal taste and upon the occasion. When selecting eyeshadow, steer clear from colors that are similar to the color of your eyes, as they will tend to dull and distract from your eyes, creating a muddying effect rather than brightening your eyes.

Those with grey, green or blue eyes should select eyeshadow shades that range in the warmer color spectrum, but those with dark or brown eyes can generally choose colors from the cooler spectrum. Apply a darker eyeliner to both upper and lower lids along the lash line to enhance the shape of your eyes.

Apply a darker eyeshadow to the crease and eyelid, blending with a lighter shade on the brow bone. You can also apply color along the edge of the lower lid. Carefully apply a good quality mascara to both upper and lower lashes in a darker shade. Proceed to apply your blusher to the hollow of the cheeks, below the cheekbone and as a final touch, add your preferred lipstick or fruit gloss. Your look is now complete, but do be sure to touch up during the day or night, ensuring that you are the beauty of the ball!

There are many steps that can be taken to remain youthful and radiant. Hair removal, exercise, skin care, hair care and a trip to the beauty salon can all help this process.

Best Acne Scar Treatments With Amazing Before And After Pictures And Testimonies

May 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Did you know, some of the best acne scar treatments can be conveniently applied from the comfort of your home?

Scars from acne can leave an everlasting effect on an acne sufferer, long after the acne has been resolved. Acne scars are both physical and emotional. Looking in the mirror, you have a constant reminder of your acne ordeal.

Up until recently, you could only find some relief with a trip to a clinic, under the care of a professional. This included costly expenses into the hundreds of dollars or MORE! Plus, you didn’t have the privacy or convenience of it being in your own home. Down time could also be extensive.

These days, all that has changed and we are pretty lucky. There are a few high quality and powerfully effective at-home professional topical products, chemical peels and MORE!

Exploding rapidly in popularity is the amazing at-home Collagen Induction Therapy or some refer to it as Micro Needling or Skin Needling.

This wonderful invention is taking acne scar treatments by storm. What makes this invention so wonderful? Well, it is due to it’s extremely low cost, especially when compared to traditional scar treatments and the added convenience of at-home use. Its very easy to use and with really NO down time.

How does this treatment work?

Collagen Induction Therapy is simply performed with a Scientia Derma Roller . This roller is made with tiny needles that sit on top of a rolling ball. When the roller is rolled across your skin’s surface, tiny (almost) microscopic holes are made on the top layers of skin. When your blood begins to clot, it causes collagen and elastin to form. This is the beginning of your skin’s rejuvenating process.

All this may sound traumatic, but is very gentle, so gentle it can be used on a regularly basis from the comfort of your home. I also understand, it may sound too good to be true. I strongly suggest you take a look at the incredible before and after pictures and read the client testimonies.

After doing my research, I feel strongly that Skin Needling is one of the best acne scar treatments available!

Loretta is a former severe acne sufferer who has found effective ways to combat acne scars and conquer the severest of acne. You’ll want to stop by at The Best Acne Scar Treatments and learn of other powerfully effective ways to rid yourself of acne scars and live an acne free life. Loretta’s website is loaded full of other highly effective acne information that will get you on your way to clearer skin.

Acne No More Review

May 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

There is nothing as frustrating as having spots all over your skin especially around your face. I had this problem once but I didn’t give it much attention. At first I thought the spots that appeared on my face were just normal pimples and that with time they would disappear. After a couple of weeks I realized that the “pimples” had started to grow and at times were painful and this got me very worried.

After spending considerable time doing research, I discovered that what appeared on my face were not normal pimples but a condition known as acne. I searched for possible solutions on the net. There are products that several online readers recommended that I use, so I went and bought them. I tried using gels, cleansers and creams that were found in drug stores but the problem would not go away. It just kept growing and getting worse.

I almost gave up looking for a cure when a friend of mine who had the same problem came to my rescue. She told me about this book that can get rid of skin acne. I could not believe that a book could really cure skin acne. Anyway, I had nothing to lose. So when I went home I logged on to their website and carried out a research about this product. I found a lot of interesting facts and solutions in this e-book and also read about the benefits others had after following the instructions from this ebook. Needles to say I bought Acne No More.

What I found interesting is that the author begins by explaining what acne is. This helped me understand acne and what causes it. The author writes in a simple way that is easy for an ordinary person to follow. The book, Acne No More provides its readers with health topics that are designed to prevent acne. Some of the topics that were very useful to me included topics like internal cleansing and having proper diet.

The book gives a list of diets that if followed will help you in not only curing acne, but preventing it altogether. I can assure you that the diet works. The diet is not restrictive but allows you to develop one you are comfortable with. I started putting what I read into action and within three weeks into using Acne No More I began seeing the positive effects of the program.

I can proudly say that after six weeks using the program provided by the Acne No More, my skin had a complete transformation. Not only was the acne gone, but my skin became healthier and soft. Everywhere I went my friends asked me if I had a plastic surgery. But I always tell them that it had to do with Acne No More. Today, thanks to Acne No More, I have regained my self confidence and I don’t feel embarrassed standing in front of people like I used to.

Visit my website about cures for acne for an, acne no more review written by a professional.

The True Honest Strivectin Stretch Marks Review

May 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

You will see in the following Strivectin stretch marks review that this is not only a one of a kind skin product, but also a great skin cream and can do wonders for your skin.

When I say that this product is one of the best on the market, I do not mean for stretch marks. I am a male and I have been using Strivectin for a cream after I shave. It is great for making your skin feel great after a shave.

It was five years back that I first heard of this product. I worked for the company that makes and markets it. I worked as a representative and maintained the account at a major clothing and department chain.

When it comes to getting older and my looks, I am one vain man. I continually heard the praises of the Strivectin and one day I made the decision to try it out.

The first thing I noticed about the product was that it made my skin feel great after a shower and a shave. After a couple of weeks, I began to like how it felt on my skin and thought that it really might be getting rid of some of the small wrinkles that were forming around my eyes.

Two months after I started using the product, my mom came from out of state to visit me. We went grocery shopping one day and I noticed that she was looking at me sort of odd. I asked if there was something wrong, and she said, “No, you just look different than the last time I saw you, are you happy, you look really healthy and good.” I smiled at her and said that it must have something to do with the weather here where I was living.

Upon returning home that evening, I decided to get out some older pictures of myself from four or five months back. What I saw was quite interesting. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed that I did look different than in the pictures. I did look better and the dark circles under my eyes were much less noticeable now.

I am still using the product today, no one has guessed my age correctly for quite some time and they are continually off by 2 to 3 years to the younger of my actual age.

This product is great, it is a little pricey, but a tube will last me about 8 months.

To read more about stretch mark lotions, advantages, disadvantages and potential side effects of various brands go to – website that reviews many products and ingredients, including Strivectin stretch marks cream. This website was made to educate customers about safe and effective methods to get rid of stretch marks.

Tips To Help You Find A Great Eye Wrinkle Cream

May 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you have wrinkles starting around your eyes then you are probably wanting to find a good eye wrinkle cream. The best creams will nourish your skin while reducing the appearance of wrinkles. But finding a good cream can be a little tricky because there are hundreds to choose from. Keep reading to learn how to find a good eye wrinkle cream.

If you want to find the best eye wrinkle cream you need to start by learning which ingredients are the most effective at getting rid of wrinkles. Once you have a list of these ingredients your search for a great cream will be much easier. One ingredient that you want to look for is Retinol. This vitamin A compound is a powerful antioxidant that fights the free radicals that damage skin cells. Retinol will also get rid of acne.

Hydroxy acids are another ingredient that has been proven to reduce wrinkles. This ingredient works by peeling away the top layer of skin. You are left with smoother and fewer noticeable wrinkles. Keep in mind that when you apply a skin cream that contains hydroxy acids you may notice a slight burning sensation. If you have sensitive skin this ingredient may be too strong for you.

Coenzyme Q10, kinetin and copper peptides are other ingredients you should look for in an eye wrinkle cream. Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant. Your body produces plenty of this naturally when you are young, but as you age it is unable to produce as much. Your skin will start to thin and wrinkles will appear. When you apply a skin cream that contains coenzyme Q10 it should help make your skin appear much younger by reducing wrinkles. Kinetin is also an antioxidant and a moisturizer that can improve your skin’s appearance. Copper peptides improve your skin by increasing collagen production and promoting wound healing.

As you look for a great eye wrinkle cream keep these ingredients in mind. It may be a good idea to write them down and refer to them when shopping. If you can find an eye cream that contains most of these ingredients then you can be sure it will be effective.

To find out which creams work visit eye wrinkle cream to read reviews and testimonials of the very best eye creams on the market that come with a complete satisfaction money back guarantee. Click eye wrinkle cream today and start making your eyes look more vibrant and younger looking.

Simple Beauty Tips For Women Over 40

May 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

This is the time to shake things up a bit. There are some beauty tips for women over 40 that will update their look. And help with some of the signs of aging. This is the age that has not made to old but isn’t young anymore either. Somethings can be done to reduce the appearance of fine lines around the eyes and dullness in the hair and skin.

What stage you are at will be the determining factor in just what needs to be done. If its just the hair, address that. If its the skin tackle that. If you are not showing any signs of aging you can still benefit from some updating and small changes. Clothing is easy. Tone down the colors to just one that pops. The more vibrant colors can make a paling complexion look even more so. Look to updating pieces in your wardrobe and accessories. Take the time to see if the items you wear truly fit the body you have.

Take a long look in the mirror. Think about the woman you are now, today. There is nothing so beautiful as a woman of this age who knows who she is and is accepting and comfortable with it. Think of what you have accomplished and overcome. Ask yourself do the clothes, make up, hair and presence match?

We should look our beautiful best as much as possible. Presentable is not enough. You are sexy and vibrant. Women do not have much time for themselves so what they have has to count. The simplest way to get the best from what you have is to go to your favorite salon and let them know you are ready to update your style and look. Since they know you they will know what direction to move in.

Aging skin looses its dewy appearance and becomes dry. It should be treated with care. This is for skin on the face and body. Drink plenty of fluids each day to keep skin hydrated. When washing do not use hot water. Warm water only. It will not strip skin of its natural oils. Pat skin dry when done. No rubbing or scrubbing. Then apply moisturizer to seal in water. To remove dead skin cells exfoliate once a week.

Exercise is possibly the biggest gift you can give yourself. It will help bring back your glow. It helps keep some things from making a fast trip south. With weight training you can slow down, halt or even reverse the descent. Go for 30 minutes a day for three days a week. Do the strength training twice a week.

An up to date hairstyle is necessary to look your best. If you are still wearing a style you did 15 years ago, it is no longer appropriate. Honest friends will tell you. Go for a shoulder length style or shorter. As color fades with time think about adding some highlights.

Foundation is only needed to even skin tone. If it is not necessary don’t use it. If it is needed do so with a light reflecting foundation or a tinted moisturizer. These will be lightweight and not settle into the fine lines. Lips should always be coated with a balm before adding lip color. Add a little shine to make them look slightly moist. No frosts or metallics. Color should be complimentary. The point of it all is to enhance the beauty you already have. No drastic changes are needed.

Aging is unavoidable, though, the way we take care of ourselves can help us age gracefully. Hair removal, exercise, skin care, hairstyle and a trip to the hair salon can all help this process.

Exquisite Mature Skin Care: Using Rosehip Seed’s Proven Effects

May 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Rosehip seed oil has become widely recognized as an effective skin and beauty care agent in the last decade, with great interest surrounding its scientifically-validated beauty-enhancing effects. The oil has been heralded as a miracle cure for skin, useful for a great myriad of conditions, from premature aging and sun damage to scarring and other damage. What is this wonderful red liquid, where does it come from, how does it work, and most importantly, can it work for you?

Rosehip seed oil is extracted from the seed of a wild rose bush native to higher regions of Chile. The plant is now cultivated elsewhere in South America, with many countries producing the oil as it’s popularity has increased significantly over the last several years.

The oil can be solvent extracted or cold-pressed, though pressing is the optimal method, as there is no chance of chemical traces being left in the final product. The cold-pressed oil is the most natural; the oil has an exceptionally high essential fatty acid content (‘essential’ meaning the body cannot make it on it’s own from other oils), and is considered quite delicate. Rosehip seed oil should be kept in a cool place, perhaps even under refrigeration, away from light, and should be used within one year of storage.

The oil is a fantastic source of natural vitamins and antioxidants – most notably, it contains a version of vitamin A that is very similar to the active ingredient of Retin-A, a commonly used wrinkle-reducing pharmaceutical preparation. Rosehip seed has been found to have the same positive effects as Retin-A without the side effects of over-drying and peeling of the skin.

The first major study on the oil included individuals with diverse forms of skin damage: deep wrinkles and other premature aging, sun damage, radiation damage, acne scarring, burn scarring, dermatitis, and more. The oil had significant, noticeable effects in regenerating the skin, reducing wrinkles and scars, and helping the skin to regain its natural color and tone. In all ways, the oil returned skin to it’s original, natural healthy state for many of the study’s participants.

A second major study was done with middle-aged women with noticeable premature skin aging. Again, Rosehip seed produced noticeable, significant effects in smoothing the skin, leading to a younger texture and appearance.

In addition to its skin healing effects, rosehip seed oil is also a perfect moisturizer due to it’s high content of essential fatty acids (EFAs). The oil penetrates the skin quickly and does not leave the skin feeling greasy or oily.

Rosehip seed oil may be used directly on the skin daily – It may also be blended with other oils like jojoba and sweet almond, and will still give noticeable results at one-tenth of the concentration. In addition, rosehip seed oil makes an excellent carrier oil for aromatherapy, blending it with essential oils having skin regenerative properties will make an exceptional natural skin care product.

To further enhance the effects of Rosehip seed, essential oils can be added. Helichrysum Italicum, Lavender, and Carrot Seed oils are highly effective additions. Helichrysum is the premier essential oil for regenerating the skin, Lavender does the same with a very soothing and anti-inflammatory action, and Carrot Seed oil will bring hydration to dry and prematurely aging skin. Add essential oils to Rosehip seed at concentrations anywhere between 1% and 5%.

Using rosehip seed oil for healing your skin or just giving it a little needed nourishment will almost certainly produce positive, noticeable effects. This fantastic oil, with its wonderful range of uses, will likely take an important lace in your natural beauty collection.

Visit the website for more on essential oil research, Lavender essential oil and more.

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