4 Tips of Choosing a Great Tattoo You’ll Never Remove

July 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

It’s a great adventure going in and getting a tattoo – this is all the more so true if it’s your very first tattoo! If that is the case, there are some choices you need to make that will mean the difference between a good tattoo and possibly a bad tattoo. Let us review some general pointers to take along with you when you’re trying to decide on a tattoo.

1. Don’t use flash artwork. There is a lot of really good flash art work out there, but it would make your tattoo much more meaningful if you either altered an existing design to your tastes so that it’s original or came in with an idea yourself.

2. Working with a good artist. This is essential. Look around and see whose art stands out to you. Most all shops have web sites now and many times they highlight the portfolio of their tattoo artists. See if you can find someone whose work draws you in and then go from there. Most artists are happy to create custom work for you.

3. Avoid extremely specific tattoos. This means that you should think hard before getting a persons name on your arm or having a phrase inked into a visible spot on your flesh. This is also true to an extent with popular symbols placed on the body in very visible spots, such as the neck or forearms. While getting your boyfriend or girlfriends name on your body is not very recommended, no one would argue with turning your kids names into tattoos.

4. Be ready for a little bit of pain but don’t worry too much. It’s true that tattoos do hurt, no one is going to doubt that. But look how common they are! Somehow everyone else was able to deal with the pain involved. With that in mind, realize you can too.

Finding a good artist and getting an original meaningful design makes for the best tattoos. Don’t get impatient and just get anything – this is your body, this is your first tattoo: make it count!

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