What is the top 4 causes of dry skin?

July 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Main Four Causes Of My Dry Skin

There are various things that could be causing your dry skin and pores. Finding out the cause of your dry skin is key to finding its cure. The loss of your body’s natural oils is the most common cause for dry skin. This loss of your natural body oil leaves your skin defenseless to the environment. Your family line and genetics can also play a part in your dry skin. The least likely reason for your skin problem is some internal ailment, which could be a sign of another much more serious condition.

Using the Wrong Type of Moisturizer

First make sure your skin is wet when you apply your moisturizer. Wet skin absorbs moisturizer better then dry skin so don’t wait till your skin dries when you get out of the shower to put your moisturizer on. Organic Oils like Organic Coconut Oil are much better moisturizers then standard commercial treatments. A great alternative is a lotions made from natural or organic oils.

Long Hot Showers and Baths

The more water your skin is expose to the easier it is to dilute and wash your natural oils off of your skin, your main defense against dry skin. The easiest step is to choose the shower over the long bath. Also reintroduce oils back to your skin after the shower with a body oil. A cold pressed oil is superior like cold pressed coconut oil to the stuff your usually reserve for babies! Also the coconut oil is better for the baby too, just as long their are no allergies.

Dry Hot Air

Dry Air a common if not the most common cause to dry skin. In the winter we expose ourselves to excessive hot dry air while try to over run the heater or cuddling up next to the stove. Also in summer we tend to be exposed to a much hotter and dryer climate. The best remedy is to use an organic lotion of organic body oil. Another good remedy is the use of a humidifier in your house.

Your Choice in bath Soap

Soaps and detergents quickly strip away the body’s natural oils. Soaps that you might often see titled “bath bars” are actually one of the worst things to use for your skin. Worst, because they are loaded in detergents rather than standard soap, and their chemical compounds strip your skin of its natural oils. A gentle Organic Soap is a much better alternative than a bath bar, especially anything that reads anti-bacterial. Fragrance free is another great thing to look out for. One final thing when treating your skin, instead of scrubbing your skin, gently massage the lather over the skin. Follow this advice and you skin with become much more subtle and silky.

Looking to find the best deal on Natural Soaps, then visit Organicfiji.com to find the best advice on Coconut Oil Soaps for you.

Organic Coconut Oil Cold Pressed Process

July 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

What is the difference among a Commercial Coconut Oil Skin Care Treatment and an All-Natural Coconut Oil Skincare Treatment?

Simple, it is the form of Coconut Oil used. The magic formula to a Organic Coconut Oil Treatment is using only Cold Pressed Coconut Oil manufactured from a “Cold Press” method of extracting the natural Coconut Oil from the Coconut. This method creates only Pure Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil. All-Organic Coconut Skin Care Treatments should use only Pure Organic Cold Pressed Oil in all of its products be it Organic Lotions, Coconut Oil Soap, Coconut Oil Sugar Polish, or Coconut Body Oil! Coconut Oil refined in any other way is inferior!

What is Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, and what is so special about Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil?

An All-Organic Coconut Oil Skin-care products are built on providing organic antioxidant rich skin care vitamins through the skin’s pores. The most effective sources of antioxidant supplements are found in naturally concentrated extracts. Botanical Oils prepared in an inert oxygen deprived environment, which have NOT been exposed to excessive heat or chemical compounds. This Cold Pressed Method stops antioxidant-destroying oxidation.

An Organic Coconut Oil Product employs a “Chemical-Free Cold Pressed Coconut Oil Process” that utilizes a precise set of low temperatures and pressures. This method generates a Coconut Oil extract in its purest kind; pure antioxidant rich oils that offer excellent nourishing and health benefits.

When the Coconut Oil is exposed to increased temperatures, chemical reactions within the oil also speed up. These chemical reactions multiply every 18 degrees the temperature is increased. So in essence, as the oil’s temperature increases , the more quickly its antioxidant qualities are destroyed by, oxygen, light, and air from the “pressing” process.

The most vital motive to “cold press” Coconut Oil is the internal chemical alterations that convert in the oil’s molecules at hotter temperatures. The Coconut oil will actually change its chemical make-up to an unnatural derivative. The unsaturated fatty acids can convert into unnatural trans-fat configurations. They also can oxidize, cross-link, dimerize, or polymerize. This alters the form and components of the Coconut Oil’s fatty acid molecules. Stripping the extracts of all their nutritional and supplementation worth! It can even make the oils toxic!

So why doesn’t all Commercial Coconut Oil Skin Care Products use Cold Pressed Coconut Oil instead of the “high heat processed” types?

The answer is simple- it’s less expensive, in all sense of the word. When the “high heat” processed technique is used it yields a higher quantity, additional coconut oil if you will, and it is processed at a much faster pass. So almost all Industrial manufacturers sacrifice the Coconut Oil’s all-natural and nourishing characteristics to save a few extra dollars. But a truly All-Organic Coconut Oil Skin Care Product Line would not ever sacrifice the high quality of its products by using over-processed Coconut Oil. So, when looking for a Coconut Oil All-Natural Lotion, Coconut Soap, Coconut Sugar Polish, or Coconut Body Oil make sure you are acquiring a Cold Press Coconut Oil Product.

Learn more about organic skin care products. Stop by Organic Fiji’s site where you can find out all about natural soaps, organic lotion, organic body oils, and what it can do for you.