Stretch Mark Creams Good or Bad?

October 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Most girls and women have stretch marks in areas around the thighs, breasts, butt and pelvic juncture (where their thighs meet their waist) due to rapid weight changes, sudden height growth and pregnancy. Stretch marks are a result of tissues underneath the skin being suddenly pulled by fast growth and/or stretching of the skin. It is common in adolescent girls and boys due to sudden growth spurts that happen around their age. Stretch marks are often difficult to remove.

Even though stretch marks can fade over time, they are rarely completely removed without the help of an effective stretch mark cream or expensive dermatological treatments, such as aggressive microdermabrasion treatment or laser therapy.

Collagen is protein which makes up the connective tissues in your skin. Even though skin is fairly elastic, when the skin is overstretched, the normal production of collagen is disrupted. This causes stretch marks, which looks like white scars on the skin. Stretch marks stand out from the rest of the skin, due to their bright white or pinkish/purplish pigment.

Removing stretch marks involves patience and determination in applying effective creams to the affected areas, as well as applying a little extra pressure when massaging the cream into the affected area for increased absorption as well as adding pliability to the area. It also improves circulation which will help to regulate pigmentation back to its normal state. You should see significant improvement in the marks and coloration after a few weeks of following this technique when apply proven cream.

The best natural stretch mark creams in the product today have are very effective in increasing the skins elasticity and thus preventing and treating stretch marks from their root cause, which is the lack of elasticity and sudden stretching or trauma. If you are not convinced, I encourage you to do a little research of your own on stretch mark remedies, and I believe you will find pictures of people who have tried proven creams with outstanding results.

Some common suggestions to improve the appearance of stretch marks are typically to undergo expensive and lengthy therapies advised by your dermatologist. Although they help to lessen the appearance of stretch marks or ‘blend them’ with the rest of your skin rather than remain hyper-pigmented or not pigmented at all.

Another common suggestion is to use self tanners to cover up affected areas. This does improve the appearance of the stretch marks, but it does not solve the underlying problem. It only camouflages the stretch marks and does nothing to remove them!

Want to learn about best stretch mark removal? Visit for information on how to get rid of stretch marks easily.