Are Warts, Moles, Or Skin Tags Damaging Your Self-Confidence?

August 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you are a teenager and suffer from acne problems in a rather severe way, you know how this may lower your self-confidence. The same applies if you have a wart, mole or skin tag in parts of your body that are visible. Here I am talking about those ‘horrible’ warts, moles or skin tags you may have or think that you have on your face.

Unfortunately, today’s society is quite materialistic and it fosters in us an exaggerated sense of the importance of how we look. A lot of programs and advertisements on TV, the Internet, in magazines and in other written, audio and visual media make us think that being ‘pretty’ or ‘handsome’ is the only way to be successful in life. Values have less and less meaning in our society.

This is at least somewhat true. Businesses like to make us feel like we need things so they can market merchandise to us. Qualities that are infinitely more significant are: a good mind, the capacity to strengthen mutually beneficial friendships with other individuals and the ability to gain the necessary skills you need in order to be a success in your chosen field. These all make you feel better about yourself.

However, it is also true that your self-confidence will help you to build all these and much more. This is because your self-confidence is also related to your looks. Therefore it is important to take care of how you look.

Nevertheless you have to control yourself and remember that although being good looking is a plus point, you have to take it with a pinch of salt and remember that there are many other things that can help you to build your confidence and succeed in life. .

Therefore, if you continually stare at your face in the mirror and you are always looking at your wart, mole or skin tag, bear in mind that what you are seeing in the mirror is most likely a gross exaggeration, and the fact is that your wart, mole or skin tag is really not as unsightly as you think it is.

However if you want to get rid of it, remember that there are many ways you can do so. But remember that although removing your wart, mole or skin tag will increase your self confidence, do not make the mistake in believing that being good looking by itself will solve all your problems.

It would be better if you think of this as an extra point for yourself and as an extra way in which you can boost your self-esteem.

Looking for details about how to remove moles? Furthermore you will learn about how to get rid of skin tags.

Remedies meant for Warts, Moles along with Skin Tags

August 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you notice horrible looking skin lesions anywhere on your body, these lesions could be warts. Moles and skin tags are additional lesions on the skin and these can appear on various locations of the skin besides your hands or your feet. You can try using one of various over-the-counter medications or you can try making your own home remedies in order to eliminate the unattractive lesions.

Warts are usually caused by papilloma virus, which is harmless. However, strains of the virus can result in other more serious problems, so you want to get rid of them immediately. They generally appear on the knees, feet, and hands; when you have them on the hand, they can cause some embarrassing moments because they are visible. It’s not necessary to buy over-the-counter medicines because there are things you already have at home that will be effective in remedying the situation (see below).

Apple cider or white vinegar: if you don’t have apple cider vinegar at home, you can make use of white vinegar instead. Apply the vinegar directly on the warts. You will feel a bit of pain especially if the vinegar is applied on the feet but this won’t last for long. After the application, it is advised that you put a band aid or plaster over the affected area.

Banana peels: if you eat bananas, keep the peels. They can be used to treat your warts! Bananas are high in potassium and can remedy the situation. Simply slice the banana peels into strips and apply like you would a band aid. Place the banana peels directly on the warts and secure with a plaster; leave it on for several hours.

Try one of these two excellent home remedies for a week or so and see if you get any results. If you’re not convinced, then it’s probably time to try non prescription medicines. If you’re using natural home remedies you have to be patient and make sure that you apply them every day for visible results.

Also, good hygiene is paramount. For example, you should avoid borrowing other people’s clothing. If you prefer, you can see your physician.

On the search for info on the subject of how to get rid of skin tags? You’ll also read about how to remove moles.

Juvenile Warts – Just What Are They and also What May Be Done

August 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Juvenile warts (known as flat warts) are nothing more than a benign tumor that causes little or no physical harm. Juvenile warts most frequently affect young children and teenagers. You can find them on a youngster’s face, arms, hands, and knees.

HPV or the human papilloma virus is usually the cause for these warts. This virus enjoys warm, moist settings. They’re often found on bathroom floors and areas around a swimming pool.

It finds its way into the body through small cuts. It is particularly important to wear shower shoes in communal showers or on wet floors surrounding swimming pools, this limits your exposure to the human papilloma virus.

The human papilloma virus is contagious and it can be transmitted form one person to another. Sometimes an individual may be a carrier of the virus for several months or even years until it develops into a wart. Because of this it is difficult to determine when the individual had got the virus.

Despite the fact that juvenile warts are not a threat to your health, they have been known to multiply, therefore early treatment is imperative. This wart could also interfere with a child’s self-esteem, which is another reason to have it treated.

There are many over the counter wart removal treatments. Unfortunately many of these are not effective at all. Some of them may help to kill the wart but remember also that warts have a tendency to re-occur. Some types of wart removal treatment may also damage the skin.

You can have a juvenile wart surgically removed with electrosurgery, cryosurgery, or laser treatment.

Electrosurgery uses a heated needle to remove warts. Such a process is however painful, even though aesthesia is administered to reduce pain. One of the disadvantages of this wart removal treatment is that it generally leaves a scar.

A juvenile wart can be medically frozen and removed, a process called cryosurgery. Generally, an anesthesia is applied; you may need more than one session to completely remove the same wart.

Laser therapy involves directing a powerful beam of light to the wart to ‘burn’ it. This type of treatment can be extremely expensive especially if there are a lot of warts.

Alternative and home treatments for warts may also be used to effectively treat your juvenile warts. Although some of these methods produce little results, others are known to be quite effective and have been used for many years.

Struggling to find info regarding how to remove warts? You can also find out about how to remove skin tags.