Adult Acne Skin Care – Tips For Clearer Skin

May 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Adult acne skin care is a delicate issue because the key to it is to be as minimal as possible. This article will give you advice and guidance on the best skin care treatment you can give to your skin to keep your adult acne at bay and to not aggravate your skin further.

Most people believe that acne is caused by dirt and muck but unless you have a job where you get filthy, zits are not as a result of dirt clogging your pores. They are inflammations in the skin so no matter how much you clean this will not get rid of them.

In fact if your skin care routine is too intense, you can actually make your adult acne worse. The best thing to do is to keep your adult acne skin care routine to a minimum.

1. Use water or a mil cleanser to wash your face.

What you put on your face can make a big difference. Try to use only water or something mild, as harsh cleanser/chemicals can exacerbate your acne. How? Well harsh cleansers can irritate the skin and dry it out. When this happens it will trigger the bacteria on your skin to produce more sebum to undo the drying. When the sebum canals are blocked you can get an accumulation of sebum which also irritates the skin. This new irritation causes you to produce even more sebum and the blockage causes inflammation.

2. Avoid Moisturiser

Most moisturisers on the market contain chemicals that attract water which can make your skin retain it. This water retention causes sebum canals to pinch off (i.e. zits) and this is what you want to avoid.

3. Use Oil Instead Of Moisturiser

We all want to protect our skin some way so a good alternative to moisturiser is oil. Oil is cheaper, you only have to use a fingertip for your entire face and it is much more effective. Try using coconut oil (As it smells good) or alternatively try walnut oil. These are easy to get a hold of, but if you struggle try ebay or something similar.

Get rid of acne the easy way visit Treatment For Pimples to discover how you can cure your acne within 2 months.