How to Slow Aging of the Skin?

May 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

The gradual aging of the skin – is a problem that every person faces in course of time. There are two types of skin aging: internal and external. The inner skin aging – is a natural process that depends on inherited genes.

Skin – is the largest organ in the human body.

If you want to slow the aging process, you have to know about the causes of the problem and find possible tools to solve it. The combination of external factors leads to premature aging of the skin even if you have good genes.

One of the basic rules of prevention of premature aging of the skin – is protection from ultraviolet radiation. Disregard of the sunscreen leads to problems with the skin sooner or later: skin becomes uneven and rough, age spots and freckles appear, and veins show through. Dermatologists advise to use sunscreen with protection against UV SPF 15, staying in the sun over a long period of time. The higher the SPF, the greater the protection against UV.

Another widespread cause of premature skin aging – is smoking: nicotine entering the blood causes biochemical alterations that accelerate the aging process. You can always distinguish a smoker to the skin condition, which becomes an unhealthy yellow with age. More by token, with smokers the first wrinkles appear much earlier than at those who refrain from smoking.

However, the consequences of smoking can be easy eliminated, just having given up the cigarettes: the skin tone is aligned little by little, and improvement of the skin can be seen fairly quickly.

Retinol will help slow down the aging process. This is one of the most widespread forms of vitamin A; it takes part in normal formation of bones and teeth, helps to save good eyesight and healthy skin.

Another effective method to fight with premature aging – is regular exfoliation. Removing dead skin cells with the help of scrub, you can get rid of many skin problems caused by contaminated pores. Regular application of exfoliating scrub makes it possible to align and smooth skin, keeping it fresh and healthy for a long time.

Aging is a natural process and we can do nothing about it. Still today there are a number of products like Gerovital which are aimed to help you stay younger and nice-looking for a long period of time. Avail yourself of gerovital h3 spa – don’t let aging become an obstacle to your attractiveness.