Supplements And A Healthy Diet

August 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

We are all more mindful of our health nowadays, almost certainly because fewer of us work strenuously physically any more, our diet of junk food has converted us into blobs and the health care industry is continuously telling us how unhealthy we are in order to sell us more treatments. Whatever the reasons, most people are striving more to take care of themselves.

There are different ways to attacking this problem of being unhealthy and some of the reason for this depends on why you are unhealthy and some of it on your personal approach to things. For instance, some people will know that they have got into an unhealthy rut and will make lifestyle changes like exercising more and eating more healthily, whereas others will buy a load of pills and hope that they work.

Then there is the middle road. We are busy and we do not all have an hour a day to spend at the gym and some of us could not work out even if we wished to. So, the middle way, may be to exercise as often as you can by walking or practicing yoga at home; eating more sensible food, that is stuff that you can eat raw or that you cook yourself and by taking a couple of supplements.

Which supplements might you decide on? Well, that actually depends on your diet. There is not much point in taking calcium tablets if you eat cheese sandwiches for lunch, a T-bone steak for dinner and drink milk every day, but there might be a decent reason for taking calcium supplements if you are a vegan.

I have a friend who will not eat vegetables and especially greens, but, knowing that his diet lacks roughage amongst other things, he eats porridge for breakfast and snacks on fruit. Another friend hates fish, he cannot even look at it, but he is aware of the value of omega 3 essential fatty acids and so he takes it in the form of capsules. He almost certainly gets more omega 3 than I do and I love fish.

So, the first thing to do is note down everything that you eat for a week or two and then analyze what is lacking in your diet. The analysis may be beyond you, although it almost certainly is not, but you could take your diary or food to your doctor or dietitian. It might surprise you a lot to find out exactly what you eat during a week.

As a point of interest, the majority of rural Thais do not eat beef or produce cheese or drink milk, so over the centuries they have added small bones to their diet. In the West if we get a small bone in our mouth, we tend to remove it, but a Thai will crunch it to tiny pieces and swallow it – fish bones, small bird bones, frogs bones. Not only does it replace the missing calcium but it keeps their teeth strong in a country that is only just developing dentistry for the masses.

Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on several topics, and is now concerned with pure omega 3. If you want to know more, please go to our site at Omega 6 9

Fleas And Other Parasites

August 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

We all dislike to think that we have bugs feeding and living off us. Mosquitoes are awful enough, but fleas, ticks and lice are even worse. They do not simply come over for dinner, they actually move in. Dogs and cats are normally to blame for bringing fleas into our homes, but ticks and lice we can bring ourselves too.

If you suspect an infestation or an immanent infestation of fleas or other bugs in your home, you ought to do something about it right away. The first thing to do is tie the dog up in the garden and clean up the house. Place your bedding and any loose covers, like cushion or chair covers, on a boil wash. Then get out the vacuum cleaner, put a large shake of flea powder into the bag and vacuum the whole house – even the chairs and the curtains.

Then take a large can of insecticide containing 0.5% permethrin and spray every fabric that you can see. This will kill all bugs and will keep your house bug free for about six months. Beware if you have fish or cats as permethrin will kill them too, although it is wholly safe for humans and dogs.

So, now you can turn your attention to Fido. Fleas are by far the most common problem, but some areas where there are deer, may have a lot of ticks as well. If you dog has ticks, make sure that you cut your grass short. Ticks prefer long grass.

Fleas and ticks frequently produce an allergic reaction in dogs which drives them crazy. They bite and scratch themselves until their fur falls out and their skin bleeds.

If you dog has a condition like this, you should wash him with a medicated shampoo, dust him with flea powder, put a flea collar on him and put a little oil on his sore skin. If he still will not leave it alone, you may have to get him a ruff for a few days until his skin heals over. For maintenance, a regular bath and a dusting should be sufficient.

Worms are another horrible thought. Imagine having worms living inside you. I know that we do all have parasites inside us, but they are supposed to be there. I am talking about the ones that are not supposed to be in there like: tape worms, round worms, hook worms and whip worms. A bad hook infection can even render your dog anaemic.

Hook worm larvae can pass through the skin, so when you are washing or grooming him, be on the look out for what looks like small cuts. Often the dogs stools will be runny and tinged with blood. These are dangerous pests and need to be treated immediately.

The other worms are less dangerous and all puppies have round worms. Round worms and pieces of dead tape worm in the stools are a sign of infection. A pot belly in a puppy is also a call to action. Worms are not difficult to treat and you should worm your dog every six months with a tablet. Not all of these worming tablets are appropriate for puppies though.

Owen Jones, the author of this piece writes on quite a few topics, but is currently concerned with natural tick repellent. If you would like to know more or check out some great offers, please go to our website at tick Repellent For Dogs.

Animals, Fleas, Ticks And Worms

July 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Fleas and other parasites have always to be given the highest priority by dog owners. The all too common incidences of flea bite allergy in the case of dogs causes concern to many dog owners every year. This is because flea bites can induce allergic reactions in the area bitten by the fleas. In these cases, the affected skin becomes hairless due to the dog scratching itself vigorously.

Heavy flea infestations can cause severe dermatitis in dogs. If the flea bites cause allergic reactions or dermatitis in the dog, it really ought to be taken to the vet, because on many occasions, the dog will be experiencing severe discomfort.

The vet will provide you a cream to soothe the itching and reduce the inflammation and some powder or a spray to kill the fleas. Prevention, however, is better than cure and medicated collars are available to treat and prevent an infestation of external blood-suckers like ticks and fleas.

Apart from fleas, other parasites like ticks and lice plus the internal parasites like hookworms, round worms, whip worms etc. can have an adverse effect on the the well-being of your dog. For instance, if hookworms have infected a dog, that dog will almost surely become anaemic soon. The signs of anaemia become more obvious according to the advancement of the hookworm infection.

Hookworm larvae can pass directly through the skin into the internal body and cause severe problems inside the infected dog. These dogs may have lesions on their paws and on their skin because of dermatitis. Often, skin rashes result too in these cases and the affected animal may also have diarrhoea, which is flecked with blood.

Nearly all dogs and definitely all puppies will have round worms at some time, which is why dogs can sometimes be seen rubbing their bottoms along the ground. However, if round worms are present in very large numbers, infected puppies show a pot belly, which is easily noticeable by the dog’s owners themselves. This can result in malnutrition and even death. A dose of piperazine salts is given orally for the treatment of this condition. However, broad-spectrum anthelmintics like pyrantel pamoate, fenbendazole etc. will also cure this very common condition.

Many drugs have arrived on the market to treat fleas and other parasites, although nowadays, the medical agent called ivermectin seems to be preferred by many dog owners to clear up fleas and other parasites in dogs. This drug is available for injection or oral use and is now even available for external application too.

If you are having problems getting rid of fleas on your dog, please follow the ‘fleas’ link or if you want to read more about dogs or training dogs, please go here: Man’ Best Friend – the Dog

Do I Need Calcium Supplements?

May 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Calcium is one of the most vital building blocks that your body requires. Everyone requires a steady replenishment of calcium, but it is particularly important for children in order to help them build healthy teeth and bones.

It is crucial for pregnant mothers so that the baby gets all the calcium that it needs without having to steal it from Mum and older people require it to ward off osteoporosis, to which elderly women are particularly liable.

Most individuals rely on milk to supply their calcium, but there is increasing evidence that most people cannot derive calcium from milk. A lot of children can but not all and very few adults. Some races of human beings are better at getting calcium from milk than others. Red meat is a decent source of calcium and so is cheese, but this does not help vegetarians and vegans.

If you cannot tolerate dairy products or eat meat, then you should be consuming calcium supplements to be certain of the health of your bones and teeth. There are a number of types of calcium tablets: some are solid and can be soluble or not and some are chewable.

Whichever sort you choose to take you ought to eat them before or after a meal but not during and you should not take them in conjunction with any other tablets in case they interact with them.

As always, you ought to check with your medical doctor before taking calcium supplements because there are some circumstances that calcium or too much calcium can aggravate. Pregnant women ought to mention that they take calcium tablets too, because the doctor may also be prescribing calcium in a general concoction of vitamins.

Too much calcium can become a problem for some individuals under certain conditions particularly those with some stomach conditions, kidney stones and diarrhea. If you eat meat and cheese, you might not require calcium and if you take supplements and already eat enough that might cause you long term worries as well.

Indications of taking too much calcium include constipation, vomitting, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth and a loss of appetite. If you experience any of these things you should stop taking calcium supplements and visit your physician.

It is simple for most individuals to get enough calcium in their standard diet. Those with the biggest difficulty in this matter are vegetarians, but calcium tablets are cheap enough. Calcium is frequently included in general purpose vitamin tablets as well, so procuring your RDA should never become a difficulty.

In Asia, people do not eat much dairy produce and many rural Asians eat the bones of fish, small birds and small reptiles in order to ensure that they get enough calcium in their diet. Most Westerners would baulk at eating bones, but it is not unpleasant and assists to keep teeth and gums strong as well.

Owen Jones, the writer of this piece, writes on a number of subjects, and is now concerned with omega 6 and omega 3. If you want to know more, please visit our web site at Omega 6 9

Employment For Sports Nutrition Education Students

April 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

There is such a lot of money concerned with sport these days that sports medicine and sports nutrition have become individual, specialized areas of study all on their own. Specialized nutritional information is used to get athletes into tip-top condition without over-stepping the mark into using illegal drugs.

There are increasing numbers of jobs for those with a sports nutrition education. Football clubs and other team sports clubs all employ experts with a sports nutrition education as do more and more fitness clubs and top sports people. Personal trainers are also taking supplemental courses in sports nutrition education.

Sports nutrition education concentrates on how the body reacts under the stress of a physical work and how you can get the last ounce of energy and performance out of a body by giving it the right nutrition. Danger assessment and minimization is also an vital function of the sports dietitian.

Students of sports nutrition education learn the function of exercise in healthy lifestyles and the relationship between nutrition and physical performance. This study will take into account aspects such as physiology, hydration, metabolism, weight loss and fuel consumption.

For example, all activity requires energy but the energy required to run a marathon is not the same as that needed to bench press 200 pounds. The long distance runner needs a slow-burning energy which will sustain him or her for hours where as the weight lifter requires short bursts of high energy.

This is why the trainer with a sports nutrition education needs to tailor a diet with all the requisite supplements to suit a client’s needs. One size does not fit all in the world of sports nutrition education.

A university sports nutrition education may include such topics as the following.

Human Physiology: the student will need to know how the body works; how it consumes food and nutrients, converts them into energy and uses that energy to supply power.

Anatomy: the student of sports nutrition education will have to know where the internal organs are, what they do and what they require to function at peek effectiveness. The interactivity between the organs is also vital.

This will lead on to lessons in exercise techniques and biomechanics. The sports dietitian will also have to be able to make physical performance judgements by taking tests and correctly interpreting the data.

The postgraduate with a sports nutrition education will by and large also be shown ways to seek employment. It is no secret that it is difficult to get a job these days, but sport pays its top performers very well so there is always a requirement for sports nutritionists with the right qualifications.

Having said that, it may be a decent concept, if you are finding it difficult to obtain effort, to offer your services free or cheap to a local team or your old school so that you can put some practical experience on your CV.

This will greatly enhance your likelihood of using your sports nutrition education to secure a paid place and will be helping the neighbourhood at the same time.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on several subjects, and is now concerned with super omega 3. If you want to know more, please go to our web site at Omega 6 9

Home Repairs Do-It-Yourself

April 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

It appears that there has been a decline in consumer confidence in the building and construction industry recently. This may be because of the scams shown on television or the bribery and corruption endemic in the corporate sector, but it is almost definitely the same reason why so many are now doing home improvements by themselves.

And why shouldn’t they? A little knowledge of the technical aspects combined with an eye for creativity is often enough to complete the home improvement on your own.

Why are people turning to DIY home improvements?

There are many people trying to pass themselves off as construction workers, although they do not have a lot of expertise in construction or home maintenance and they are literally are out there right now practising, learning their trades on homes like yours and mine around the country.

Not surprisingly, homeowners are finding that the jobs are not being finished to their liking. Sometimes they are even pre-paying for services that do not get done or are not part of the arrangement.

You do not have to rely on and pay someone to improve your home. Why not try to do it yourself?

You can enhance your home?s existing concrete surfaces using acid stains, acrylic paints, epoxy paints, and scoring techniques.

If you are tired of looking at drab gray concrete, there are some easy projects if you are sincere about having a go at home improvement DIY, you can easily give your patio, driveway or garage a revitalizing new look.

Attractive concrete work costs about double that of standard concrete, which is why many people cannot afford it.

However, there are inexpensive methods to beautify concrete after it has cured, without having to pay skilled tradesmen.

Acid-based concrete stains are becoming more and more fashionable for coloring concrete surfaces. They chemically react with the cement to generate permanent color with a variegated or mottled look similar to that of marble. This results in a natural, elegant looking surface.

Water-based concrete stains are an alternative to acid stains but are much more user friendly because they are so much less dangerous. These stains do not chemically react with the concrete; they are absorbed into the porous surface and act like a dye. The big advantage of water based stains is the wide array of colors on hand.

If you want to risk going beyond the basic staining of your concrete, consider using some scoring techniques to create patterns on the surface.

You can make your concrete resemble a tiled floor for instance. It is just up to your imagination. A mini angle grinder with a 4 inch grinding wheel is the ideal tool for this.

The key thing to remember when scoring is to trace out the pattern on the concrete first and ensure you are happy with the way it looks because scoring is irreversible.

Epoxy paints make an excellent coating for garage floors and cellar floors. Many industrial floors have epoxy coatings because of their hardiness and resilience to chemical spills as well as their appearance.

In recent years, however, it has become very popular for residential use with the availability of an growing number of different colors. This is not a complicated job, but the key to successful application is surface preparation.

Epoxy paints have also become available in a water based form making it safe for the DIY’er and perfect for indoor applications. They cost a little more than stains. For a 400 square foot area, you’ll pay out about $200 for the materials needed for this job.

You see? You do not have to spend big money to improve your home. You have the capacity to do it yourself. With some instructions and a little bit of work, anyone can turn dull concrete into a masterpiece of their own.

Owen Jones, the author of this article writes on several subjects, but is currently involved with Flowtron Bug Zapper devices. If you would like to know more, please go to our website at Indoor Bug Zapper

Killing Common Indoor Bugs

March 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Some of the commonest bugs we encounter indoors anywhere in the world are flies, spiders, fleas and beetles. Nobody likes to have a bug in the house, so most people will go to almost any extremes to get rid of these common indoor bugs. The less common indoor bugs may be woodlice, earwigs, scorpions and millipedes or centipedes, although they are not less wanted.

No matter where you are in the world, it can be very difficult to keep these common indoor bugs outside, unless you go to the extremes of keeping all your windows and doors closed all of the time, which is quite impossible. I now live in Thailand and I know for certain that this is not possible.

So, just what can you do about it? Well, let’s sort out all the flying bugs first, as of all the common indoor bugs, I find them the most obnoxious indoor bug. They are very annoying, buzzing around your head and mosquitoes and other flies can create painful sores and besides that, all flies spread disease. I cannot bear to see them strutting about on food, knowing that they have probably just come off some dung heap somewhere and now they are spitting on my food in order to taste it with their dirty feet!

My first line of defence is fine-mesh door and widow screens. They are not expensive and can be fitted retrospectively to any window. My window meshes slide, so they will cover only one half of a window at a time, but I do not think that’s a problem. You can still set up cross-winds, by opening two or more windows at opposing sides of a room. I just love to see the flies on the mesh trying to get in by day and the mosquitoes doing the same by night. At night, it is wise to burn as little light indoors as possible so as not to draw these common indoor insects.

My second line of defence is natural predators – lizards, like Geckos (Jin Jok, in Thai). Some people don’t like them in the house either. I can’t say I’m all that keen on them indoors myself, but they are hard to keep out and they do consume hundreds, if not thousands, of indoor bugs every day. I like to see them lying in wait on the outside of the mesh, ready to pounce on any bug trying to wriggle its way through the mesh.

My third line of defence is an indoor bug zapper. You know, the electric, handheld bug zapper that looks like a child’s tennis racquet. The come in two forms: battery and rechargeable kinds. They are brilliant at trapping and annihilating any flying indoor bug. The inset literally explodes and vaporizes on contact with the fully-charged wires of the indoor bug zapper. If you haven’t tried using one, you really should. They are most gratifying. These three defences keep our house pretty much free of flying insects.

The crawling common indoor bugs are less of a problem really. Door screens on springs will keep 99% of them out and the Geckos will help too. Spiders can get in fairly very easily, but then, I don’t mind them too much as long as they keep out of my way, as they consume other bugs too. They are on our side to be honest. However, for those who can not bear to trap them and put them outside, the handheld indoor bug zapper works well on spiders too.

Sometimes, Fleas can be a problem, if you keep cats or dogs, but then if you wash or dust the animal once a month, you should be able to keep these common indoor bugs under control quite easily. However, there are two final methods that we use. Every week, before we go out for the day, we spray every room with fly killer and every six-months we spray any rugs or carpets with a bug killer containing permethrin, which will survive washing and vacuuming for that long without losing its ability to kill common indoor bugs on contact. If you stick with these measures, you should be able to keep your home or office quite free of the most common indoor bugs and any less common indoor bug as well.

Have you ever heard of an indoor bug zapper? If you haven’t, or if you want to get an indoor bug zapper, please click one of the links to our web site or blog.

How To Deal With Sensitive Skin Care

March 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you have sensitive skin, you will already be aware of the fact that it can make your life quite difficult. Climate has an effect on sensitive skin and so on your sensitive skin care regimen. One of the first things you should do is avoid most commercial cosmetic products, because they contain harsh chemicals. However, there are people with sensitive skin who do not realize it yet, so how can you tell if you have sensitive skin?

Some of the most obvious indications are when:

you get skin problems when you shave; the weather can have an effect on your skin; you get skin irritations for no apparent reason; some soaps and detergents irritate your skin; you have to be very discerning when choosing cosmetics.

Extreme weather conditions will make skin care more demanding for everyone, but particularly if you have sensitive skin. The first step to take is to try products labeled ‘For Sensitive Skin’. It is a good principle to keep notes on each sensitive skin care product you buy and try. Your notes should include information such as product name, ingredients, weather conditions, temperature and your skin’s reaction to it.

Thin skin is the primary cause of sensitive skin. Skin is thicker on some parts of our bodies than other parts, but skin also tends to get thinner as we get older. The reason that thin skin is more sensitive is that the deeper layers of skin have less protection from the elements, temperature and chemicals.

Therefore, you can safeguard your sensitive skin care from the sun by putting on sunscreen. You can also steer clear of harsh brushes and strongly scented soaps and.detergents. If you feel that you have to use an exfoliant, try making your own. There are plenty of suggestions and recipes on the Internet, but olive oil and brown sugar mixed to a thick paste is a good one.

Try using hypo-allergenic skin care products, because they are normally targeted at people with sensitive skin. Perfumes and after shaves can be harsh, so it is worth checking the labels before buying anything. It is better to read the label before smelling, because then your selection will only be out of ones that are suitable for your skin type.

Often sensitive skin care includes killing fungus, yeast and bacteria, therefore, your sensitive skin care treatment should contain some sort of antibacterial astringent. A bacterial astringent will prevent bacteria from becoming established.

Regrettably, the onus is on you to make certain that the sensitive skin care products you buy are exactly what they say they are. Government agencies and consumer watchdogs are a huge help, but a lot of products in every category still slip through the regulatory net. The best thing for you to do, is to verify every ingredient on the tub’s label of contents on the Internet, before you buy it, but at least before you spread them on.

Once you have looked up the ingredients, write them down in an alphabetized note book. This note book will become a priceless resource in your search for dependable sensitive skin care products.

Owen Jones, the author of this piece writes on several topics, but is at present concerned with investigating teeth whitening dentists. If you would like to know more or check out great offers, please go to our website at Opalescence Tooth Whitening Systems

Extra-ordinary Uses for the Indoor Bug Zapper

September 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

I don’t know whether you have ever used a handheld, indoor bug zapper, but I think that they are marvelous. I’m talking about the handheld sort that looks like a child?s plastic, toy tennis racquet. They come in two basic types. I rather the rechargeable bug zapper, because batteries end up costing more than the indoor bug zapper itself, although you could always buy rechargeable batteries, but then they are steep too.

My wife and I like to spend time in the garden. We meet friends there, dine there and in general loaf about outdoors, as do most folks around here, when they are not working. Besides, it’s far cooler outside than indoors. A comfy chair, some snacks, a cool drink and a book or a friend and life does not get much better. In fact, it?s idyllic.

That is until about six or seven o’clock when the first wave of mosquitoes have judged that the sun’s rays have lost enough strength that they will not evaporate and they come out searching for blood. Some evenings are worse than others, of course. Usually, the mosquitoes are pretty tolerable, especially seeing as I have discovered the indoor bug zapper. (I don’t know why it is referred to as an ?indoor bug zapper?, it is just as effective outdoors as in).

It’s not that I like to slaughter things, but I find it hard to have compassion for mosquitoes. Nevertheless, I do get a certain amount of enjoyment from seeing and hearing mosquitoes and other bugs literally blow up with a flash and a spark as they come into connection with the electric and ground wires of the indoor bug zapper. These electric bug zappers can pack quite a charge, particularly if the batteries are new or the pack is completely charged.

The other day, I discovered a novel use for my handheld, indoor bug zapper. I’ll tell you how it came about. I was in the garden, as usual, and my bug zapper was close at hand as the first squadron of mosquitoes was due. I had my book in one hand and the bug zapper on my knees, when my wife asked me to go to the shop for her. No problem, so, I set off on the five minute walk.

I was half-way there when I realized that I had the indoor bug zapper in my hand, but it was not worth taking it home and beginning the journey again. Anyway, on my return trip, I had my small bag of groceries in one hand and the indoor bug zapper in the other, when a local tyrant of a dog came running out of a garden right for me. This has occurred often and, although he has never bitten me yet, it is quite intimidating. He stood there glaring at me with teeth bared and his ‘pack’ of sundry neighborhood pals came out to surround me and join in.

I don’t actually know what the best tactic is in this situation. I have tried standing my ground, but the intimidation just goes on and I have tried to keep walking, but he gets terrifyingly nearby on occasion. This time, I unexpectedly lashed out with the indoor bug zapper and just caught him on the nose. Well, I’m not sure if it hurt him, it did not appear to too much, but it gave him a very nasty shock in more ways than one, I can tell you! He jumped about four feet into the air as if he were on a pogo stick and then ran for all he was worth with all his pals following him. It was very satisfying after six months of persecution from this dog.

Nevertheless, I don’t take my indoor bug zapper everywhere with me, but I will in future, if any other local dogs bother me. I know it works a treat. I have seen that one since, but he keeps well away from me and doesn’t utter a squeak. I think I would take my indoor bug zapper with me, if I were roaming in an unfamiliar part of town or the park nevertheless.

Have you ever heard of an indoor bug zapper? If not, or if you want to get an indoor bug zapper, please click one of the hyperlinks to our web site or blog.

Electronic Bug Zapper

September 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

The indoor insect killer is the best way of ridding the area around you of insects, especially the flying ones such as mosquitoes. The electric bug killer evaporates any insect from a mosquito to a gnat instantly on contact with a nice, loud, electrical ‘zap’!

However, this does not mean to say that the indoor insect killer cannot be used outside, as long as it is not too wet. It should be treated like any other high voltage electrical equipment. Keep the indoor bug zapper dry and please do not use it while you are standing in the pool!

Models vary greatly, but there are basically only two types of indoor bug killer: the battery operated bug zapper and the rechargeable electric bug zapper. Both are equally effective at zapping bugs and employ the same principle.

The indoor insect zapper looks like a ‘kids’ tennis racket, but with three layers of ‘strings’, which are in fact wires. The innermost grid of wires becomes live at the touch of a button while the other two networks, one on either side, are earths.

When an insect is trapped between the wires of the hand held bug zapper, it creates a short, which evaporates it instantly with a loud crack and a flash. The indoor insect zapper will zap other bugs too, but they tend to fry instead of explode.

I have been using the rechargeable kind for five years and am extremely satisfied with the electric bug zapper. In fact, the electric bug zapper has come a long way in the last few years. A fully charged hand held bug killer is powerful enough to last for several hundred swipes and will hold it’s charge, when unused, for weeks without any appreciable discharge.

The rechargeable battery unit will take intensive use for the best part of a year, although its ability to hold a charge for several weeks gradually reduces after six or seven months.

The most recent indoor bug killer I’ve used has a main on/off switch, an LED that shines when it is live (the brightness of this light also gives an indication of the battery’s strength) and an LED that comes on when the zapper is plugged in on recharge.

The instructions say that the bug zapper should be (re)charged for about sixteen hours. However, I usually put it on charge over night once or twice every week or two, although the indoor bug zapper shows a large increase in performance with only a few hours recharging.

The latest version I’ve seen also comes with a powerful light called a ‘headlamp’. I have found this very useful when out in the garden, but I’m not sure whether it’s meant to lure the flies in the dark so that you can kill them if you’re feeling bored or just vindictive. You know, a bit like an Anglerfish.

I’ve used the headlamp on my electric bug killer for that reason as well, but the headlamp uses a lot of battery power. All in all, the hand held bug killer is a big asset at any outdoor event. The electric bug killer is useful to ‘clean out’ your bedroom before retiring; it’s unbeatable for evening mosquitoes and it will clear a lunch table of wasps too.

Have you ever heard of an indoor bug zapper? If you haven’t, or if you are interested in getting an indoor bug zapper, just click one of the links to our web site or blog.