Tips On Anti Aging Skin Care

October 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

One needs not to be afraid of getting old. Everyone passes through that stage, unless one has a blood of a vampire. If you wish to stay healthy and young looking, have a healthy lifestyle and diet. Just stick to the rule to maintain a fit body and youthful skin.

Exfoliates scrape off dead cells. These products are in form of liquid, cream or foam. Some of the cleansing products in the market may have the tendency to dry up the face. That is why there is a need for a moisturizer. With the use of a moisturizer, it retains its water content and makes the face smoother.

Lack of sleep makes someone look tired. Lack of sleep can cause someone to be negative in almost everything. This may cause a person to be depressed of not doing anything. In that case, that provides the possibility of a person to look older. If one has a problem in getting regular sleeping hours, he needs to consult a doctor for a prescription on sleeping medications. Everyone needs 7-8 hour sleep daily.

Another is the avocado. This fruit does not only taste good but it has component that slows down the progression of getting older. It is even used to get rid of wrinkles. Just by making it into a paste with olive oil, avocado can be applied on aged skin. Leave the avocado cream on skin for 5 minutes and wash it with warm water, then with cold water to close the pores.

Skin damages such as wrinkles and age spots are mostly caused by too much exposure of the face or body to suns ultraviolet rays, particularly the ultraviolet A UVA and ultraviolet B UVB, being the invisible rays from the sun. So it is helpful to know some of the tips on anti aging skin care.

One thing that needs to be considered in choosing an anti-wrinkle product is having a sunscreen solution. It has to be with SPF rating of 15 or higher and it should be water proof. It must be used everyday, even on cloudy days. Clouds can never protect skin from exposure to suns rays.

As much as possible, avoid being under the sun the whole day, especially on the time of the day when the sun emits its heat intensely. If possible, wear clothing with sleeves to avoid suns heat to directly strike. Also wear hat which covers the face and sunglasses to protect the eyes from UV light.

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