Coping and Dealing with Acne

February 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

While most people have had acne at some point in time in their lives, for some it’s a constant battle. They are forever looking for treatments and cures in order to avoid further embarrassment. Coping and dealing with acne and trying to find the right treatment is different for everyone. The fact is, each person suffers from breakouts for different reasons. Therefore, what may have worked for your friend may not work for you.

To begin with, it’s important to note that the hormones are the biggest problem in the development of acne. For this very reason pregnant women, as well as teenagers are usually dealing with these breakouts. Even women who aren’t pregnant can often have acne because of the various changes in hormones that continuously happen each month.

You’ll be able to find all kinds of treatments, either by prescription or over-the-counter products, which will be able to treat your problem. While there is no cure, it can make a big difference in how often and how severe your breakouts may be in the future.

An overproduction of sebum is usually the cause of acne breakouts. The sebum is oil that is produced from the body. In addition to that, there could be bacteria buildup. And finally, the way in which your skin sheds the dead skin cells could also be the culprit. All the above could block the pores, hence developing acne.

Combined with the dead skin cells, this can produce any type of acne. In many cases, the diet plays a key role in producing this overproduction of sebum. Although some think that it has to do with chocolate and other junk food, this may not be the culprit at all. Instead, studies have shown that foods which increase the blood sugar are the ones that need to be avoided. These foods include white breads, potato chips, Rice, as well as potatoes. Try to reduce the amount of the foods aforementioned to see if there is a change in your skin.

In addition to that, try to wash your face thoroughly with water and dabbing it dry with a clean towel. This will wash away and absorb all the sebum there has been overproduced.

Looking to find the best info on Acne, then visit to find the best advice on Acne Treatment for you.

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