Easy Recipes For Making Your Own Oatmeal Facials at Home

May 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Why spend tons of money at the spa when you can give yourself nearly the exact same facial at home using ingredients that are in your kitchen? The best facials use only natural ingredients. Oatmeal in particularly great at cleansing and moisturizing skin. Many body products are made with oatmeal. To help cleanse and moisturize your skin, try one of the following oatmeal based facials.

Try mixing together a tablespoon of oatmeal powder, the white of one egg, and a few drops of lemon oil. You can find lemon oil at most natural or homeopathic stores or you can check the organic section of your grocery store. Oatmeal powder can be made by grinding up the oatmeal you have on hand. You shouldn’t use the instant kind for this, though. Because this mixture uses egg, be sure to mix the ingredients thoroughly and completely. Once mixed together, spread the mixture on your face, avoiding your eyes. Leave the mask on for about twenty minutes, or until it is dry. Once dry, use water and a soft washcloth to wash it off.

Allow to dry which takes about twenty minutes or so. After it’s dried, wash off with water and a soft washcloth. Crush up some oatmeal in your blender or food processor. In a separate container, mix together a couple of tablespoons of honey with a quarter cup of plain yogurt or buttermilk. Augment this “wet” mixture with your “dry” mixture and jumble until you have formed a paste. Smear the mixture all around your face with your fingers.

Be watchful to stay away from your eyes and the area around them because this skin is quite sensitive, which includes raw ingredients. Leave the paste on your face for fifteen minutes or so, until it starts to dry out. Put clean and warm water to use for washing the paste off your face. If you have any to spare, put it away in the fridge for tomorrow (however don’t save it for more than a day). This mix is lenient enough that you can use it daily if you have the yearning.

Lemon juice, oatmeal and tomatoes can make a fantastic scrub facial for your skin. Use a blender to combine ingredients into a paste that will be a coarse texture. Follow your normal washing routine.

These are just a few of the oatmeal facial recipes that you can use to give yourself clean, clear and beautiful skin. Would you spend hundreds of dollars on something you can get in your own kitchen? You really shouldn’t.

I wrote this document about DIY Oatmeal Facial because it’s health related and while looking at a career in the med assisting sector, I composed a summary about medical assistant salary you’ll find worth reading.

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