Follow A Simple 5 Minute Skin Care Plan To Look 5 Years Younger

April 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If your skin looks dull, it could be because you’re not treating it well. Your skin has a job to do, and that is to protect us. You should be returning the favor by protecting your skin. Each and every day, do something special to show your skin that you appreciate the work it does for you. We’re not saying you have to spend hours in front of a mirror, pampering your skin with all kinds of expensive potions or gadgets that make outrageous claims of turning the clock back 20 years or more.

There are just 5 simple things that you can do every day to ensure your skin looks youthful and radiant. Here they are.

1. The right way to cleanse.

Your face needs to be cleansed both in the morning and again in the evening. Your cleanser should be matched to your skin type; a gel is often preferred for oily skin; a cream is better for dry skin types. Your cleanser does not have to foam to be effective, although if a sudsy face makes you happy, go ahead and get a cleanser that foams. When you apply your cleanser, be sure to follow the directions, using a light touch, and washing gently for at least 30 seconds. Then rinse well with clean water and pat dry. If you wear make-up or heavy sunscreen, be sure to wash and rinse twice; once to remove the make-up and the second time to get down to business and cleanse your skin.

2. A good toner is important.

A toner should balance the skin’s protective barrier by creating an active antioxidant shield to fight damaging free radicals. Some ingredients to look for in a toner are white tea, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid (hyaluronic acid holds 1,000 times its weight in water). Also, if your cleanser is not ph-balanced, be sure to choose a toner that will restore your skin to a balanced ph factor.

3. Exfoliate routinely.

A gentle, non-abrasive exfoliation is necessary to clear dead skin cells from your skin’s surface. Exfoliating helps the skin renewal process and reveals a brighter, clearer complexion. Exfoliating also allows moisturizers to penetrate deeper into your skin. Exfoliation is good, but more is not always better. Be careful not to over-exfoliate or scrub your skin harshly. If you have oily skin, over-exfoliating will cause the oil glands to over-produce oil to compensate for the oil that you have stripped away. Obviously this can cause more clogging and more shine on an already oily face. So, exfoliate often, but gently, and your skin will love you for it.

4. Keep that moisturizer coming.

Hydrate and protect the skin with a moisturizer for your skin type. Choose moisturizers that will also combat the effects of pollutions on the skin. Some ingredients to look for are yeast, and Vitamins A, C & E. Moisturizing is equally important whether you have dry skin or oily skin, especially when you choose a moisturizer with added vitamins. Just like the other organs in your body, your skin needs regular nourishment. Feed it with a quality moisturizer.

5. Sunscreen is for every day.

Your healthy skin depends on the daily use of sunscreen. The sun causes about 99% of all the signs of aging you can see on your skin. Your face is quite susceptible to sun damage since it’s exposed to the sun on a regular basis; walking in and out of buildings or even driving your car puts your skin at risk. If your morning moisturizer does not contain sunscreen, be sure you find a good product to apply on top of your moisturizer. If you plan to be outdoors for an extended period of time, move your SPF up a few notches for optimum protection. The FDA-approved ingredients titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the preferred choices.

What else can you do to look and feel years younger?

Your routine skincare regime will start you off on the right foot, but you need to treat your whole body for optimum results. The proper diet plan, regular exercise, and drinking plenty of water will propel you into feeling younger and looking younger in no time. Back that up with regular monthly visits to your Skin Care Professional and your complexion will always have that youthful, ravishing appearance you long for.

Charlotte Field is a Skin Care Specialist specializing in Anti-aging, Relaxation and Results. If you’re looking for a Day Spa in Pensacola, FL visit

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