Helpful Treatments to Get Rid of Acne

May 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Of the various acne treatments available, some work better than others. Since acne can be caused by a variety of factors, the same treatments don’t work for everyone. That’s why you may want to consult a dermatologist if you have an especially severe condition. Using the following natural remedies should be just as helpful for most cases.

Some nutritionists consider fresh wheatgrass juice a super food and drinking it can help clear up acne. You can find this product in health food stores and juice bars, or online.

Drinking the fresh juice is best even though you can get it as a supplement. Getting a wheatgrass juicer and making it at home is the best solution for some people. This is fairly expensive, but you only have to consume an ounce per day to get the benefits. Because wheatgrass is a powerful cleanser, you should try to limit the amount of junk food and sugar that you eat. After you acne has cleared, you may find that you want to continue taking wheatgrass juice for its many other health benefits.

One of the best natural treatments for acne is tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca oil. Melaleuca oil is very effective for treating acne because it is a very powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial product. One of the many causes of acne is bacteria and melaleuca oil is very effective at fighting off bacteria. You should use clean cotton to apply it. You will need to dilute the tea tree oil because when pure, it is very strong and can cause irritation. Carefully follow any instructions on products that contain tea tree oil. To make sure it doesn’t further irritate your skin, you should also only use a little bit to start. You can naturally treat your acne effectively with tea tree oil.

You can also treat your acne with garlic, a natural remedy that works for many conditions. Because of its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties, garlic is one of the best substances to use when treating acne. Crush garlic cloves use a garlic press or a mortar and pestle, then apply it to your face.

Leave it on for about five minutes, not much longer, as otherwise it can cause an irritation. Soon, your acne will disappear if you do this on a daily basis. Taking a garlic supplement will help this process and will allow the garlic to work on you internally as well. It is true that acne is incredibly common in teenagers and adults but that doesn’t mean that you just have to deal with it. If your acne is severe, you should talk to a dermatologist but if you are like most people, you can naturally treat your acne with simple remedies like the ones discussed in this article.

For details about top acne products check out his brand new website about adult acne treatments.

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