Jock Itch Treatment Remedies To Help Clear Jock Rash

February 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Jock itch is a fungal infection of the groin area. This infection is not reserved for athletes alone, despite what the name says. Anyone can get this fungal infection. This red itchy rash can spread and become quite painful if not treated properly. If you are suffering from groin pain and itching then you need to learn more about a jock itch treatment you can use.

Jock itch can affect men and women alike. You don’t have to be an athlete to get it. This itchy red rash is the result of microorganisms combining with skin rubbing against skin in warm moist area. This infection is just more common in men because their anatomy makes it easier to catch. Individuals who have diabetes or weak immune systems are more susceptible to this fungal infection also. But the groin area is not the only place you can get jock itch, you can get it on your toes and other parts of the body also.

If you are looking for a great jock itch treatment that you can do in the privacy of your own home then look no further. The first thing you need to do is fill a bathtub with warm water and add a cup of Epsom salt to the water. Soak for at least twenty minutes. After you are finished soaking, dry your groin area completely. Do not leave any moisture on your genital area. Apply some tea tree oil to the affected area. If you don’t have tea tree oil you can mix some garlic with olive oil and spread that on your rash. It is important that you only wear cotton underwear to keep moisture from becoming trapped. Loose fitting clothing is a must for the same reason.

Another great way to get rid of your jock itch is to use a great natural lotion that is formulated especially for jock itch. These natural lotions will be quite effective without causing any damage to your irritated skin. Do some research online to find the best natural lotions. One way to be certain you are getting a good lotion is to read through the testimonials on the site.

A good jock itch treatment can start right at home. Simply use the home remedies mentioned above. These home remedies will work but they may take some time. If you want to get faster relief from jock itch then get a great natural jock itch solution.

To find a jock itch treament that works click jock itch treament for the best natural treatments.

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