Perfect Skin Care Techniques that Keep the Oily Face Blues Away

May 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Nothing quite beats the irritation that comes with having your oily shine come back a few hours into your day. Let’s say you’re at work, and you run into someone important to you. Then a few minutes you happen to look in the mirror. You’re so embarrassed by what you see that you want to hide under your desk. Have you ever gone through this? Just about the worst thing you can do is to scrub your face with bathroom soap. But the frustration is understandable if it compels you to do that. When you do this you dry out your face which increases oil production and leaves you stuck with oily face shine for the rest of your work day. Overly dried out facial skin sends your oil glands the message that they have a fire that needs putting out. This makes them more active because they want to heal your skin. That is a very typical scenario, and we have more tips for you to help you end all of that in this article.

Acknowledge that there is quite a bit that you can do to cut down on the secretion of oil on your face by your body. If you really want to do this you need to not only be aware of your skin type, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and use the best kinds of makeup you can.

Every person in the world knows it is important to go to bed with a clean and makeup free face. Overlooking this vital piece of advice means that you are basically setting yourself up for oily skin problems. It is imperative that you take off every last bit of makeup at the end of your day. It’s a good idea to take it off as soon as you get home from work. Make sure to use a proper cosmetics remover no matter when you decide to clean your face. Then, after it’s off, cleanse your face with a good face wash and then put on a very light layer of moisturizer.

Using high quality moisturizers is a good idea for people with dry and with oily skin. Try to remember that you need to use a product that was created for your particular type of skin. If your skin is oily you will need to choose a moisturizer that is light.

You might be wondering why moisturizer is necessary if your skin is already oily. This isn’t quite the mystery that it seems at first because using moisturizer keeps your sebaceous glands (oil glands) from jumping into overdrive. As you start to learn more about fighting against oily skin, you will see that it shouldn’t be nearly as hard as it might have been for you so far. A very important part of your skin care strategy should be to educate yourself about your own skin: learn as much about your skin type as you can. It is important to know your skin type so you will know from what angle to attack the problem. offers you Directory Submission Services for marketers big and little. Reach them by doing a web site search for blog seo or go straight to and begin building your company.

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