Skin Tags along with Their Causes

March 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Skin tags are also called acrochordons, fibroepithelial, papillomas, pedunculated or filoform benign moles. Moles, warts, and skin tags are all skin lesions which can cause a lot of frustration to some individuals. Before you decide to remove them, you need to know about their causes.

Moles, warts, and skin tags are simply hyperplasia or overgrowth of skin. These lesions are prominent as people age. According to some studies, the exact causes of skin lesions are unknown but factors like being overweight, pregnant, and insulin fluctuations can make a person prone to skin lesions.

The skin tags are mostly found in the upper chest, eyelid area, and groin. In some cases, you can also find skin tags on the hands, knees, feet, face, and even genital areas. You can never really tell if you’re going to develop skin tags and on what part of the body.

No one knows what causes them, so be on the lookout for skin lesions. Skin tags usually appear like bumps on the skin and later on a stalk will be attached to them. The best thing you can do it cut off the skin tag the minute you notice it. Don’t take a ‘wait and see’ attitude, the larger they get, the more painful they are to remove. If cutting it off seems too painful, there are products that will help you to freeze them off. You can find these in local stores and they don’t cost a lot. If you carefully read all of the directions on the package, you can freeze off your skin tags without feeling any pain and they’ll be quickly eliminated.

You will not get sick from skin tags. Some skin tags may be very bothersome if they’re on the eyelids, neck or face.

If you have skin tags and you’re uncomfortable to have them, it’s time to get rid of them. People who are overweight are prone to skin tags so you should start with a weight loss program. Pregnant women who develop skin tags should not be worried because the skin tags might disappear as soon as they give birth and their hormonal activities are back to normal. It really helps a lot to understand how skin tags and other skin lesions develop, that way you can easily decide whether you will remove them or just ignore them.

You should see a doctor if the color or size of the skin tag changes since this can be a sign of a cancerous skin tag. Also, before applying any OTC lotion or any other formula, it is always best to seek medical assistance.

Wanting tips dealing with how to get rid of skin tags? Furthermore you will learn about how to remove moles.

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