Stop Blushing Tips

August 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Facial blushing blushing is something every one has to deal with in situations that makes us feel embarrassed and shy, however for many some blushing can happen a lot more often making it a serious problem to their social lives.

However there are equally as many people who blush in the face in many other situations making the sufferer feel awkward and stressed about their blushing which in turn causes them to blush even more.

What causes your face to go red when you blush is the blood vessels in your face swell when you have one or more self conscious thoughts.

Two of the most common emotions that trigger blushing is people besides embarrassment and shyness is anxiety and the fear of being judged, this causes the body to go into stress. A common denominator in people who have a problem with blushing is they usually have a low self esteem or lack confidence.

A good way to cure blushing and attack it at the core of the problem is to build your self esteem and confidence. So what is confidence and self esteem? is it basically the level to which you like your self.

Listening to your self talk and observing what you say to yourself thought out the day can give you a hint to what level of self esteem and confidence you have. Many people won’t admit they don’t like themselves however will tell themselves all day things like “why did i do that, I can’t believe I am so stupid”

Confidence is different all together, you may have heard the saying fake it till you make it, and with confidence sometimes that is what you have to do, however the best way to build self confidence is to build it up slowly. Confidence comes from competence.

When you first leaned how to ride a bike I am sure you weren’t that confident, however after riding more and more you became more and more confident and competent. In fact now I am sure you can jump on your bike and not even think about it any more, You can probably do jumps and even ride with no hands.

Self confidence is built in small amounts at a time and soon than yo8u know you are able to pull off big tasks, this is the same with your blushing problem.

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