Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 6 – Getting Your Necessary Nutrients!

September 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Aging may bring a tendency for bruising easily, but this condition doesn’t mean that you have to accept this situation as hopeless. If you really desire to prevent bruising easily, you will need to explore the variety of supplements that may be able to help you. Knowing which supplements will work for you the best is somewhat tricky; however, for many people, bioflavonoids and bilberry supplements offer a great deal of promise in helping you to control your easy bruising.

Since easy bruising can be a tendency that develops as you age, we should examine the particular causes. Some people’s skin becomes more fragile and contains less collagen as they grow older, while other people have to deal with the fact that their capillary walls are thinner and more frail than they were before and thus more likely to sustain breakage. Once you have determined why you may be bruising so often, you’ll be able to seek the particular supplement that provides you with the best results.

Even before you can pronounce the name, you need to determine what bioflavonoids actually are. Bioflavonoids are basically just plant pigments that can be dissolved in water, with about 4,000 of them that have been named to date. They are present in a variety of plant products including, grape seeds, teas, apples, grains, nuts and more. When you add bioflavonoids into your diet, you will be taking positive steps toward becoming a healthier person.

Bioflavonoids have significant antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. This means that they will keep you healthier, and the fact that they are an anti-inflammatory can do a great deal to help keep your circulatory system operating efficiently as well as aiding you in becoming less prone to conditions that will decrease your ability to heal. Bioflavonoids are known to help reduce bruising and muscle sprains.

Bilberry, a fruit bearing shrub, is another source for bioflavonoids other than the commonly known citrus plants. Bilberry fruits are delicious, and they are often used in many treatment products to control inflammation and certain illnesses. Bilberry combats hardening of the arteries which gives you the means to help you control your blood pressure.

Consider natural supplements of bilberry to help reduce bruising easily, because you can easily obtain it in a number of different forms. Keep in mind that supplements are probably the best form to use because consistently locating fresh fruit can be problematic. Health food and supplement stores generally always have bilberry supplements, so just visit your local health food store and determine how they can provide you with what you need.

For many people, bruising more as they age is something that they decide that they just have to live with. If you have the right information available to you; however, you will discover that easy bruising can be a condition that you can overcome so that the condition becomes a memory.

Determine how you are going to use bioflavonoids and bilberry properly to help you overcome your easy bruising. A unique daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned contains the proper amounts of these two nutrients along with other necessary vitamins and minerals for you to finally be able to prevent bruising altogether.

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