What is Botox and is it available in Salt Lake City?

August 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Botox became hugely popular several years ago, when it was discovered to be a safe way of minimizing wrinkles and erasing the obvious signs of crow’s feet. This is possible because it freezes the face, stopping the muscles that move and encourage wrinkles. If you can’t make the movement that causes the wrinkle, then the wrinkle simply won’t appear. It is a treatment that is now available to all, in towns and cities across the world; including Salt Lake City in Utah. Thousands of men and women are taking advantage of this opportunity and as a consequence are feeling more confident in their appearance. But what exactly is Botox? The chemical itself is made up from Clostridium Botulinum, a bacterium that is dangerous if ingested, but not so in a cosmetic capacity. Because it has the effect of freezing muscles, it was originally developed to treat overactive eye spasms, but was soon tried as a cosmetic product.

Botox is now a universally popular way in which to combat unattractive signs of ageing, and to support refreshed, young-looking skin. Because of the small risk level and incredible results, many use it to achieve the new look they desire. Medical spas and clinics all over Utah offer the procedure, with some of the most efficient treatment centers located in and around Salt Lake City. Not only does this treatment help people on the outside, but it has fantastic potential for others on the inside. It has been found to help in medical capacities, such as reducing sweat, helping control migraines and even minimizing arthritis pain.

Chances are, if you were to book in for a Botox treatment at your local spa in Salt Lake City, it would be to have a treatment for your appearance. However, other uses are available! It is hugely useful to treat migraines and painful headaches. This is beneficial for both sufferers and doctors, as there are little or no negative side effects, unlike most prescription pain killers. No one has proven how Botox helps migraine pain, but it is believed that the drug impedes the sensory nerves that take pain signals to the brain, as well as making the muscles relax and abating their receptiveness to pain. It has been reported that those who receive injections only suffer nearly half as many migraines.

Botox is also an excellent way to treat those that deal with excessive sweating. This syndrome is normally treated with prescription anti-perspirants, but these do not impact the condition in any long term way. Injections help the sweat glands and can quell the sweating for months at a time.

One of the main benefits of getting a Botox treatment at a spa in Salt Lake City is that the treatment can last for 3 to 6 months. This makes it very cost effective, with injections only needed after this time frame. Also, there is no need for anaesthetic, so you can get a treatment in ten minutes flat, then continue on with the rest of your day.

If you want to enjoy the wonderful results that getting a Botox treatment can provide, then contact a spa or clinic in Salt Lake City, Utah!

Looking to find the best deal on Botox, then visit Roxy Albright’s site to find the best advice on services in Salt Lake City.

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