The Many Medicinal Uses Of Calendula Lotion

March 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Calendula lotion has many medicinal uses. Taken from the Latin word, calends, calendula literally means ‘the first day of the month’. Native to the hot climates of the Mediterranean, as well as Egypt, the plant blossoms throughout the year on the first day of each month.

With beautiful orange golden petals, the calendula is referred to as ‘the flower of the sun’. It has been used as a medicinal plant for ages, and is often called a pot marigold. It is larger than the smaller, more common, marigold. Calendula is one of the most versatile and best known herbs.

It has been revered for centuries and some cultures value it so much that it is known as the symbol of endurance. Its petals are an effective treatment for wounds and cuts because they have healing and antiseptic properties that helps prevent infection and promote healing.

Apart from its antiseptic properties, the plant also acts as an anti-inflammatory, an antifungal, an astringent as well as an antiviral. The lotion can also treat minor skin problems, sunburn, burns, rashes, acne and fungal problems. Many mothers use it for diaper rash and to soothe their nipples while breastfeeding.

Herbalists have recognized the amazing healing power of the calendula plant for centuries. The flowers have essential oils that can fight bacteria. The plant also contains calendulin, (a carotene like dye), resins, enzymes and organic acids. All these can help protect the body against infection while strengthening the immune system.

The lotion can help mend torn tissues, reduce scarring, decrease venous congestion, and minimize swelling. Our early ancestors were convinced that the plant could also promote compassion, love and caring. This suggests that they were well aware of the importance of holistic healing which is the main objective of medical treatments today.

During the manufacture of calendula lotion, other components are added to increase the benefits. Some of these are coconut oil, apricot oil, vitamin E and beeswax. Olive oil is well known for its soothing and restorative effects, while apricot oil moisturizes and softens the skin. Coconut oil is a lubricant, and vitamin E aids healing and is an effective antioxidant.

When you apply the lotion onto the skin, it is rapidly absorbed therefore it won’t mark or spoil clothing. Calendula lotion is wonderful for dry skin and it can also be used to treat eczema. Being a powerful moisturizer, it can restore the pH level of the skin. This amazing plant is rich in history and has always been linked to the sun because as the sun rises and sets, so the calendula opens and closes.

Explore more about calendula cosmetic uses and about calendula benefits