Guinot Day Cream Base 777 Is Your Beauty Maintenance

February 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Everything is so easy these days when beauty is the issue. If you are overweight level, just go to a plastic surgeon and he or she can give you a tummy tuck or do a routine liposuction. From a size 14, you can be a size 2 instantly. If your face and neck is showing age, there is an easy remedy – Botox! If your lips are not that pouty, if your nose is not strong and if your eyes need defining, your doctor can fix that. But is it really worth it going through the knife? Are you not afraid of the bad effects it might bring after a decade or so?

If you ask those people who have tried some sort of physical reduction or enhancement, most of them will tell you: Don’t do it! They know how it feels to change something in your body. They know of the pains, the aches and the suffering they are experiencing now. Why should you attempt to be in the same position? True, you get to be beautiful and young looking but is it worth the risk? Say no to regrets now before it’s too late.

This is one of the reasons why Rene Guinot of Guinot Institute have started his empire almost 50 years ago that offers beauty and skin care systems for women around the world. With his “go-natural” ways, women don’t have to resort to the scalpel and injections to achieve timeless beauty. Jean Daniel Mondin, the company’s CEO has improvised some more – offering services to women in select salons at affordable prices with their very own Guinot specialist using Guinot products, the non-invasive method.

Every woman wants to look young and radiant. They want to be on top of the world by having equilibrium between family and career. But more to that, to be on top, a woman wants to look the part and that is being beautiful. Guinot has that covered for you. For an instant face lift, Guinot Lifting Day Cream Base 777 Energie Lift is the product to use. It has phyto hormones and amino acids responsible for cell renewal. It also has Vitamin C that repairs damaged epidermis.

Guinot Lifting Day Cream Base 777 Energie Lift is very easy to use. Pair it with any Guinot skin cleansing system and you will reap of the benefits in looking young for a longer time. This is safe. This is natural and there is no health risk. What have you got to lose? Try it and you will see for yourself.

Find more on European skin care tips at Mila Simanovski’s website. Take proper care of your skin with Guinot products and your skin will say thank you.

All You Need To Know About Tanning Bed Parts

June 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Daily maintenance as well as an appropriate hygiene of the tanning bed parts will ensure the good functioning of a tanning bed. The most important tanning bed parts are going to be summarized further on.

The main elements of a tanning bed are the Ultraviolet bulbs. They contain silicon in crystal form and emanate a small quantity of ultraviolet rays which cause the skin to get tanned. These tanning lamps come in lots of varieties, among which Cosmedico, VLR, Wolff, VHR, Voltrac, 9K9. Traders who sell tanning beds will also be able to provide the necessary tanning bed parts. If you want the bulbs to work with your tanning bed, first you must check their specific features in order to find the mandatory similarities. You should also be attentive to the estimated lifetime of the lamp. It may last for one thousand hours as the Wolff sunbulb does.

In some cases, the UV beams might be propagated from the back and lateral of the sunlamp. Mirrors can be of help to prevent that from occurring. Most of the times they have W”-like shapes and are made of shiny, smoothed aluminum. The UV bulbs may cause terrible burns, so the tanning bed has an acrylic shielding which neutralizes this effect. Only a harmless quantity of UV radiation is allowed to penetrate. Still, the shielding of the tanning bed gets old with the passing of time. This is why, when necessary, it must be changed with a brand new one, which will call for some money spending.

Another tanning bed parts of major importance are the 4 ventilators, whose role is to maintain a certain temperature on the interior. If such elements did not exist, the whole system would get excessively hot and would break easily. The tanning bed fans are disposed axially and they are functioning on 110 or 220 V. Among the most common models, mention should be made of carriage and squirrel cage ventilators.

In order to measure the time spent on a tanning bed, each of these products have a timer. Depending on the system, every tanning bed is conceived to have an upper limit of exposure on its timer. The typical amount of time allowed on a tanning bed is no longer than 20 minutes.

In accordance with FDA, a timer with a limited exposure time is a must in the States, otherwise such a tanning bed cannot be commercialized.

Before you buy tanning bed parts online, make sure you check Mr. Eritreo’s free link to a video on Indoor Tanning Tips, and more information about tanning beds and tanning bed parts at Tanning Bed Parts in general.

Natural Acne Treatment Alternatives

May 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Many people are on the lookout for acne treatment products or solutions. You will normally find that that most of those solutions that are available at your neighborhood drug or pharmacy are based on man made chemicals or other harsh ingredients.

A trip to any local doctor’s medical clinic to get guidance with your acne breakout will usually lead to the same type of issue. Many of the solutions that he can offer you are chemical dependent or may even involve harmful drugs in addition. For those that never choose to expose their system to these varieties of products there are actually natural acne cures which might perform equally well for you.

Natural acne remedies have been applied by people for countless years and in some instances have been shown to be just as useful as the non-natural choices. They are great because they basically do not contribute to unexpected reactions and negative effects due to their far more chemical free sources. They are also less prone to bring on adverse reactions for anybody who is currently using any other prescription medication. Last but not least, natural solutions are just less complicated for your body to take and use in the easiest way possible.

What options are available?

There are lots of actions an individual can take to get all natural products into the body to assist you to prevent bad acne. Some of these products are precisely what you will find in everyday nutrition. The most successful means by which to assist yourself, in cases like this and also any other, is simply to regularly take the correct foods to support your system in fighting bacteria, maintaining it’s right harmony and also allow it to stay healthier. Taking in a properly balanced diet plan, that is primarily abundant with minerals and vitamins will be the perfect step you can consider to start with.

Naturally there are actually food items that you ought to keep clear of although not for the issues you imagine. Certain people state that sweets, oils and also dairy food lead to acne breakout yet this isn’t strictly true. They do not commonly entirely induce acne but sometimes perform a significant function in indirectly creating or aggravating your acne breakouts. This can be due to hormone disruptions they bring on or severe variations in blood sugar levels or a comprehensive variety of various uncomfortable side effects that end in acne breakout. It really is very hard to work out for each individual which food will cause what response therefore just usually keeping away from them may easily be useful.

Coupled with an adequately nutritious diet there are several health supplements that have been recognized to help out with the fight against bad acne. Detailed below are a few and a trip to the local health food retailer most likely will give you a good deal more.

Chromium and Zinc: Zinc is a purely natural mineral of which you need in your eating plan anyway and has also been evidenced to be particularly beneficial at the treatment of inflamation related ailments of which acne is an example. A wide selection of non-prescription acne management supplements normally include it but it is significantly better for the body, and a lot more valuable, when you are getting the allocation by means of diet. Chromium has been proven to help often due to it’s part in good skin performance. These two usually are consumed by having a basic multi-mineral supplement.

Nutritional vitamins: Generally healing acne is in many cases assisted by making certain you are receiving a good variety of natural vitamins such as B Group vitamins in addition to C, E, D and A. Usually a regular multi-vitamin will provide all you need. Very frequently you will be able to obtain a ready made combination designed for the specific goal of natural acne treatment.

Using natural techniques to eliminate your acne breakouts generally is one of the best things you can do because it is regularly the truth that mother nature is aware of what is best for you and your body.

Looking to find out more about how to get rid of acne? Click here to read the full Acne No More Review.

What to Expect When You Use a Microdermabrasion Kit at Home

May 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

You hear of more and more ladies ditching their normally expensive professional dermabrasion treatments for some that are cheaper and can be used at home. Even people who have never tried the treatments are beginning to listen to the pros of using an at home kit.

There are right ways and wrong ways to use home microdermabrasion kits, and their growing popularity makes this information imperative, as it affects great numbers of women. Aware of a brand new market, many cosmetic companies are creating their own, at-home kits for consumers. But deciding which one to try raises all sorts of questions.

Although home kits are completely safe to use, some can also induce minor side effects while working to achieve the astonishing end results. Sometimes consumers aren’t prepared for the possible side effects. Also, consumers who may have special skin conditions should take advanced and advised precautions. A common oversight for most consumers is not gaining prior knowledge on how microdermabrasion works. Before using any home kit you should learn about how the treatment works, what end results can be accomplished using the kit, and what the products contained within the kit are, especially what ingredients are contained within the special application creams.

So the pertinent question is, which home kit is right for your skin?

You have already made the decision that your skin will benefit from microdermabrasion, but you refuse to pay outrageous amounts for in-office treatments. What it all boils down to, then, is finding the right kit for you and your needs. Choices abound with a range of prices and features you can select from. Of course, price is a big factor in making your decision, but there are other important considerations to determine as well.

Not all kits produce the same results. Concentrating on your specific needs will help to determine the best kit for you. Some kits focus mainly on reforming skin tone while reducing redness. Yet there are still others that claim that while they can reform skin tone and reduce redness, they will also be able to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and help old acne scars disappear. If you want a product that can produce all of these features, look for a kit made by Dermanew or Neutrogena. These brands provide a special applicator tool or sponge for you to be able to apply the crystallized creams. Olay sells a product that is an all-in-one microdermabrasion and peel system , but doesn’t utilize an applicator, and it doesn’t offer the same results. In this kit, the cream is applied with your hand.

A main thing to consider when evaluating kits, is the sensitivity of your skin. As most of these kits can induce side effects, such as mild breakouts, being able to purchase a kit specifically designed for sensitive skin is a huge sell point. Dermanew has created a microdermabrasion kit for sensitive skin. Consumers that are acne-prone can also get a kit from Dermanew especially created for their skin type.

The most vital part of the kit is the cream. Look for creams that include crystals made with aluminum oxide, as these are the same kinds professionals use. The crystals provide the strength to get the peel you’re looking for.

Here you’ll find tips on how to research and purchase the right home microdermabrasion kit for your skin. There will also be advice for those new to performing microdermabrasion at home, and the mistakes they must avoid. And perhaps most important of all, you’ll become aware of those who should never consider using a microdermabrasion kit.

Natural Skincare? What Is It?

April 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Skincare products. We all know what they are don’t we? They should make your skin look and feel younger and make wrinkles go away.

But what are natural skincare products? What exactly does the natural have to do with skincare products?

Skincare is all about making your skin younger and more wrinkle free, but sometimes it the products don’t work.

But they’re marketed to make you buy them so that your skin will look younger, or that you’ll believe that.

Mainstream skincare companies make products that may or may not work well, however they have another problem. They often contain dangerous ingredients. Ingredients that may damage your health, and your skin.

This isn’t just confined to skincare lines. Many cosmetics can also contain dangerous ingredients. Ill give you one quick example, but there are many, and there are whole organizations set up to combat this.

A study done recently found lead in over 50% of big name lipsticks tested. And it’s not good to get lead in your system. See what I mean?

There’s lots more examples from cosmetics lines, personal and beauty products.

How can this be? Surely our government protects us from this? No. The FDA isnt required to test the safety of these products, or how well they work. So these companies can use them, usually because they’re cheaper than the natural alternative.

Now that this is becoming more well known there are more people turning to safer more natural alternatives. But what exactly is natural skincare?

Well there’s no definition, so what it is is hard to say. Basically its supposed to be a natural skincare line that doesn’t contain dangerous ingredients, and ideally should work well. But natural products can have their problems with dangerous ingredients too, because as with other products they aren’t tested by the FDA.

So there’s a dilemma. If big name skincare products can contain dangerous ingredients and even some so called natural products can too how do we find the best natural skincare line? One that is safe to use and works well.

There are ways to find out. I tell you on my website about the process that we use to find a natural skincare line that is both effective and safe to use. The best news is that there is a natural skincare range that is both very effective and safe to use.

And even better news is that the company that makes these products is so convinced about their efficacy, and safety, that they actually offer you a money back guarantee. Be

Something that is rare to find in the skincare industry.

There are some skincare companies that would go broke if they offered a money back guarantee on their products.

If you want to find out which natural skincare products are effective and safe to use and come with a money back guarantee visit my website to find out.

Want to know more about Natural Skincare, or to find the best Natural Skincare Products? Visit Peter’s Website Natural Health-Natural Skin Care.

Effective Cellulite Treatment: What Are The Most Effective Cellulite Reduction Techniques?

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Cellulite can be a fairly difficult condition to deal with. If you are dealing with cellulite, you are likely wondering if there is an effective cellulite treatment on the market right now that you can try. Before you get started with your cellulite treatments though, you should understand that most cellulite treatments have not been thoroughly researched yet. This means that there are many different solutions available on the market that claim to work, but there are not that many treatments that have actually been proven to reduce cellulite.

Once you begin to research cellulite treatments, you are likely going to discover that there are many expensive treatments available. Some of the most expensive treatments are often considered to be the most effective treatments though. These cellulite removal techniques are also fairly painful, which often discourages many people from taking advantage of them.

There are special surgeries, massages, and other techniques you can take advantage of in order to remove cellulite from your body immediately, but if you desire to use some of the cheaper methods that are available, you may want to look into other treatments that are available today. One of the most popular massage approaches to removing cellulite is known as Endermologie.

Endermologie is a great solution, because this approach to removing cellulite not only reduces the body’s ability to produce cellulite, but it also decreases the size of cellulite patches as well. This technique increases the body’s circulation. Poor blood circulation is often believed to be one of the primary causes of cellulite development within the body.

Endermologie is one of the most successful and popular methods available for removing cellulite today. This method is often considered to be very popular because the FDA has already approved its use. This means that this approach to removing cellulite from the body is not only fairly effective, but it is also fairly safe as well. This technique for removing cellulite utilizes a small tool that vibrates and creates a suction effect along the surface of the skin.

This vibration pattern and sucking action results in smoother skin on the surface of the body. The primary goal of this treatment is to improve the circulation of the fluids present within the cellulite attached to the body. Once the fluids are in motion, and the entire body achieves better circulation, the cellulite is effectively reduced.

If you desire to use a more gentle method when it comes to the removal of the cellulite from your body, you should definitely investigate cellulite creams. Special creams are often incorporated into specially designed massage techniques as well. By incorporating these creams and massages together, you can increase the circulation of the body and reduce the buildup of cellulite in specific portions of the body. After this approach has been applied for a few weeks, you’ll begin to see results.

Many people feel that most of the cellulite treatments available on the market today are simply being falsely marketed. Some also feel that most of the treatments available today are too expensive for average sufferers of cellulite to take advantage of. If you desire to use an effective cellulite treatment, you will definitely want to look into the possibility of using exercise to eliminate your cellulite. Exercise is a great way to combat cellulite for two reasons. First it targets the fat within the body specifically, but exercise also improves your circulation as well. By improving the circulation in your body, you can reduce the size of the cellulite patches your body contains.

Interested in losing that cellulite? Find out how you can get started fading them today with a proven and effective cellulite treatment. And for more tips on reducing stretch marks and cellulite visit:

All Natural Skin Care Ingredients. Do They Matter?

March 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Really, what does it matter? Who cares what the ingredients of natural skin care products are as long as the products work? I saw that exact comment on a skincare website recently.

I dont care whats in it as long as it works.

Firstly lets talk about why so many people are now turning to natural skin care products. The reasons seem to be twofold as far as I can tell.

1. Bit by bit there is a growing realization that there are some fantastic naturally occurring substances that really are very good for your skin.

This is clearly true. A good example is Phytessence Wakame. This is a seaweed that has fantastic properties for optimum skin health. It is found around Japan and is eaten by the Japanese and is one of the big secrets of why Japanese women have such great skin.

Or perhaps Shea Butter, the oil from the nut of the African Shea tree, one of the best moisturizers around. And theres many many more examples of natural skin care ingredients that are as effective, and in many cases better, than the ingredients used in mainstream big brand skin care products.

2. There is also a growing realization that the big brand name products often contain dangerous ingredients. That is often the case where there is a chemical ingredient that can be used in a product that is way cheaper than a more natural, more expensive, alternative.

I have also written extensively about the dangerous ingredients that can be found in skin care products and cosmetics, (and some so called natural skin care products too).

So there are what I consider the 2 major reasons why people are turning to more natural alternatives. So it would seem that natural skin care ingredients do matter.

You the consumer wants SAFE ingredients and EFFECTIVE ingredients. So the whole consumer movement towards all natural and organic skincare products is driven by a concern about what INGREDIENTS are in them.

Give us safe and effective products any day.

Do all natural skin care products contain only safe and effective ingredients? No sadly.

But there is a way to work out which products are safe and effective and I’m pleased to say that there are some very good, effective and safe natural skin care products that are well worth using.

The company that makes the best natural skin care products lists all the ingredients on it;s website and has also signed the Compact For Safe Cosmetics.

That is pretty persuasive. Find out who they are on my website.

Want to fiind the best Natural Skin Care Products? Or learn more about natural skincare ingredients? Visit Peter’s Website Natural Health-Natural Skin Care.

Hot Healthy Skin Tips For Great Looking Skin.

March 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Here’s 3 healthy skin tips. Because although there are so many women out there looking for great skin care products, what they are in fact looking for is healthy looking skin.

What you need to look and feel great is healthy skin, because healthy skin resists lines and wrinkles and other skin blemishes much more than unhealthy skin.

Healthy skin just makes you feel good about wearing it.

So many women think of getting great looking skin without making the link between how her skin looks, and how healthy her skin is. You cant have great looking skin that is unhealthy.

As promised, here’s 3 healthy skin tips.

1. You can’t have healthy skin if you’re unhealthy.

It may sound a little trite but if you’re healthy your skin will be more healthy too. If you’re unhealthy this will show in your skin.

So do you know what you have to do? I think you do.

Good diet is important for skin health. Drinking sufficient water is important for your skin.

And it may sound a little silly but more exercise translates to better skin. Why? Because exercise improves blood circulation and your skin relies on good blood circulation.

2. Avoid the 2 worst things you can do for your skin.

What are the 2 worst things you can do for your skin? Smoking and sunburn. Both are just terrible for skin health and you can’t have healthy looking skin if its burned to a crisp and you smoke.

3. Source the right vitamins for healthy skin and make sure you’re getting them.

There’s plenty of nutrients important for great skin health, and I won’t list them all here. One to mention though is omega 3 oils. You probably know about omega 3 already, but didn’t realize that it’s great for skin health too.

It’s not easy to get all those nutrients essential for skin health through diet. But there is a way.

You need to be using the best natural skin care products.

Why do you need all natural skin care products? Because many or most regular skin care products can contain ingredients that are suspect to your health and to your skin’s health.

The best all natural skin care products actually contain many of the vitamins and minerals essential for great skin health. The very best scientists have researched skin health and know what nutrients the skin needs, and can now ensure that the best products do contain the right skin nutrients.

And the very best natural skin care products don’t contain any ingredients that may damage your health or your skin.

There’s is no magic formula to having great looking healthy skin. Follow these simple rules and you’ll have great looking skin right into old age, and you’ll feel great and look great.

If you do all the right things for your skin and stay healthy yourself the results will be visible in your skin.

Want to find some more Tips For Healthy Skin? Visit Peter’s website all about All Natural Skin Care to find out more about great skin care.

The Search For The Best All Natural Skin Care Products.

March 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

There is a worldwide movement towards more natural skin care products. And there’s a good reason for this. There are now millions of women looking for natural skin care and trying to determine which are the best all natural skin care products.

Gradually consumers are realizing that our skin care products and cosmetics as well as many other personal products can contain harmful ingredients.

As an example a study done recently found lead in over 50% of big brand name lipsticks that you may well use now.

And whilst its good to look better or have better skin or use a nice smelling soap or deodorant or other personal product its not as important as guarding your health. After all, who wants lead in their system?

And big name manufacturers are now recognizing this and trying to get a foothold in the natural products market.

L’Oreal has recently bought The Body Shop, a big seller of natural personal products.

Now lets consider skin care. Firstly, what does “all natural” mean when applied to skin care? Well there is no definition of natural for either cosmetics or skin care or other products.

It’s not known what natural formally means, and for this reason there are companies out there marketing “natural” products containing chemicals that most would not consider “natural”.

So if there are still “natural” products out there that we should avoid how do we find the best all natural skin care products?

If you’re looking for a “natural” product it’s pretty sure you’re looking for a product what works well and is SAFE.

So once we recognize this we can use this information to find what we want.

So what do we actually do? Firstly search out and find the Cosmetics Safety Database website. It looks at most of the ingredients found in a wide range of personal products and considers their potential health risks, and rates those health risks.

So you can look at any product and search the ingredients to see if they are considered unsafe to health. You could search “parabens” for example, (a popular chemical preservative) and see what risks parabens pose.

Then search out the website of the Campaign For Safe Cosmetics. There you can find a compact that any company can sign to pledge them to only producing safe products that don’t contain potentially dangerous ingredients. Get there and you can search this to see if the company that makes the products you use has signed.

And if a company has signed that compact it should make safe skin care products. You can search this compact for any company name to see if they have signed.

So that covers safety. How do you know if the company that makes those all natural skin care products actually makes good skin care products? Well the best way I know is to find a company that gives you a money back guarantee on their products. Even amongst the good natural skin care companies getting a money back guarantee is rare.

Yes there is a company that has signed the compact and offers a full money back guarantee on their products, and they make the best all natural skin care products.

Find out who they are on my website.

Want to find the company that makes the Best Natural Skin Care Products? Visit Peter’s website that writes about the Best Natural Skin Care

Are You Trying To Find The Consumer Rated Best Facial Moisturizer?

February 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Many people rely on consumer ratings for information on buying products. After all, where better to find unbiased opinions on a particular product than from the people who use them?

So you’d think it makes sense to look for consumer ratings and there are plenty of women who look for consumer ratings of skin care products and especially consumer rated best facial moisturizer.

And why not?

But lets think carefully about whether it is in fact a good approach. Skin care products can be difficult to rate successfully.

If you’re rating a child’s toy for example, it can be simple. Does it work as it should? Is it good value for the price? Does the child play with it and enjoy it and does it take a beating without breaking. There’s a few simple things that you could take into account when rating a toy.

But lets say you were asked to rate a moisturizer. Now that’s more subjective isn’t it? There’s plenty of women who would give quite opposing views on exactly the same product.

The reason is that the result you get is really entirely subjective. You may think you have an improvement, someone else may see the exact same result as no improvement.

So I really don’t trust consumer ratings of skin care products and I have never seen a site where you can get a large database of consumer ratings of skin care products that are reliable anyway.

I suggest a different approach. Why not try a product yourself and see how well it works for you, and if it doesn’t work then just get your money back?

Impossible you say? Well if you buy the big brand name skin care products you may have a distinct lack of success trying to get your money back because you think they’ve done nothing for your skin.

It’s not going to happen is it?

But I also believe that a company that markets a product should stand by their product, and offer a money back guarantee.

And it’s nice to be able to tell you that the company that makes what I think are the worlds best skin care products IS so proud of their products that they offer a money back guarantee.

Try their natural skin care products and if you don’t like them you can get your money back.

Now that’s standing by your product. And one of the reasons why they can do so is that their products are so good that they rarely get a request for a refund. If they do they honor it.

So if you use the right skin care products you can try them risk free, because they have a solid guarantee.

And if you’re actually looking for a moisturizer then here’s the good news. If you use their skincare products you don’t need a facial moisturizer because their products work so well that they moisturize successfully, so they don’t even need to make one.

So if you’ve been looking for some consumer ratings of facial moisturizers don’t bother, you’re unlikely to get much good information from them. Rather try the best skincare products for yourself, risk free, and see how well they work for you, and how well they moisturize.

Head over to my website to see where you get them.

Want to know more about the best skin care products and about consumer rated best facial moisturizer? Visit Peter’s Website Natural Health-Natural Skin Care.

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