Do you Need Abdominoplasty and Body Contouring Surgery?

February 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and body contouring is a common procedure but is does carry some risks. Post-surgery, the abdomen looks firm and relatively flat and often gives patients a confident feeling. Since body contouring involves major incisions in the skin, scars are bound to remain. Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and body contouring is different from liposuction in one significant way. High blood pressures patients too are at a slightly higher risk those others.

All it means is that it is usually detached from the earlier flabby tissue and embedded in the tissue and skin that remains. There’s another thing patients must be prepared for and that is the relocation of the naval. It’s called necrosis and abdominoplasty patients simply cannot run this risk.

Some patients need to take analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs regularly for conditions such as migraine. While the former removes both skin and fat, the latter sucks out excess fat alone. Make sure your surgeon is experienced and comes with a good reputation as well as credentials.

Many elect for abdominoplasty and body contouring surgery to get the middle region of their anatomy in shape. These are usually candidates for abdominoplasty and body contouring surgery, which has become a common cosmetic procedure across the world.

Surgeons need to educate patients about these so that they can take an informed decision before electing for the operation. In extreme cases, patients of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and body contouring have thus suffered paralysis or a heart attack. A skilled surgeon will know exactly how to minimize this and conceal some of the scars.

Risk of Tissue Death

Vasoconstriction could lead to the death of tissue as such tissue does not get sufficient oxygen, nutrients and fluids. Most smokers don’t realize it when they light up but smoking constricts the blood vessels. Patients may run the risk of bleeding or hematoma, infections, tissue and fat loss or death, or even a pulmonary embolism. The actual surgery is a lengthy procedure and requires extreme skill. This is a condition where a blood clot occurs and lodges itself in the pulmonary artery to the major artery of the heart.

The abdomen, or stomach as commonly referred to, is perceived as being critical to the figure and most women agonize about “excess baggage” around the midriff. After the skin that remains are red raped, the abdominal region gets a new and much more contoured appearance. People who have had multiple pregnancies, people who are obese, those whose muscles have detached them from the rest, individuals who have suddenly lost an unusual amount of weight, and those who are simply prone to weight gain. After major surgery, those areas that are sensitive need normal and a healthy blood supply for the growth of tissue.

Firm and Flat Look!

The most important condition is that candidates should maintain a constant weight for at least a year before surgery. This is because patients often lose a lot of blood during abdominoplasty and body contouring surgery and clotting is therefore important. This does not mean that it will be positioned in a different place! The skin and muscles here sag due to various factors. Body sculpting is major surgery and a patient needs to be prepared for it both medically clinically. Blood pressure needs to be monitored and controlled well before abdominoplasty and body contouring surgery because this could lead to undue loss of blood. Most of the skin removed in abdominoplasty lies below the navel.

Painkillers and Blood Loss

Also, painkillers that inhibit clotting must be avoided. Hence smokers are advised to stub out the habit at least four months before surgery. Abdominoplasty and body contouring, which is also called a tummy tuck, is performed on both men and women anxious to get rid of excess skin and fat from the abdominal region. It is important to disclose every detail of your medical history to your doctor so that he can switch drugs if necessary or make any changes that are required.

Seomul Evans is with Dallas Web Marketing Services consultant for informational Medical resource site specializing in: Skin Care Treatment articles.

The Way to Treat Eczema

March 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Eczema and psoriasis are both chronic skin diseases that may be easily confused by the layperson, however a dermatologist can sometimes be able to inform the two apart just from looking at the symptoms. But each skin diseases have distinct causes and need terribly totally different treatments, understanding the differences can facilitate with obtaining an correct diagnosis from a dermatologist.

Whereas studies have shown that both eczema and psoriasis appear to possess a genetic relation, both have entirely triggers and causes. But if you’re feeling the requirement for absolute certainty during a diagnosis of eczema vs. psoriasis then a skin biopsy will be performed.

Eczema vs. psoriasis is indicated by skin that’s itchy, scaly, and in severe cases might be raw, red, and could additionally bleed. Raised patches of reddish skin on the other hand indentify psoriasis; a white or silvery layer sometimes covers these patches and also the knees, elbows, scalp and lower back are most typically affected.

Whereas psoriasis conjointly seems in red, itchy patches there are typically silver or whitish layers on the patches, and therefore the skin lesions might additionally be tender. The areas that are suffering from skin lesions can additionally help to determine if a person is full of eczema or psoriasis.

The treatment of eczema vs. psoriasis typically involves the utilization of moisturizing creams that facilitate to take care of the natural oils of the skin. Psoriasis on the other hand is not related to allergies and can sometimes happen in parallel with psoriatic arthritis. On the other hand skin lesions that seem on the inner arm and the rear of the knees are usually symptomatic of eczema.

In severe instances of eczema there may be the requirement to prescribe antibiotics to forestall bacterial infection where the skin is cracked and a chance of bacteria coming into the lesions is possible.

In the case of psoriasis there are totally different varieties of treatment that can be used to get the disease beneath control and eventually to cure the disease. Some treatments will work for both eczema and psoriasis, though this can be not always the case as some cases of either disease need specific treatments.

It is necessary to steer clear of scratching when addressing both diseases as broken skin can result in the likelihood of bacterial infection. A dermatologist will be in a position to assist determine the diagnosis, though a skin biopsy might facilitate to further confirm an initial diagnosis of either eczema or psoriasis.

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