Can’t Having A Tendency For Easy Bruising Be a Symptom of Diabetes?

August 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you are a person who has problems with easy bruising, you will find that it is essential to spend some time to determine what is happening with your body. Whether you’ve always dealt with the condition of bruising easily or whether you are just now beginning to deal with this situation as an out of the blue new development, you’ll learn that the more information that you can obtain about this issue, then the greater your chances will be to determine how to go about finding a solution. Diabetes is frequently cited as one disease that comes with the symptom of easy bruising, and the advent of bruising easily is often used as a way to detect the disease.

Are you a member of a family which has diabetes running through the family history? There is a particularly strong genetic link involved with this disorder, and if you have a parent who contracted it, there is a greater chance that you may end up contracting it yourself.

Diabetes is generally considered as a condition of an out of balanced metabolism, where the person who has contracted the disease experiences exceptionally high blood sugar levels. The basis for the problems that are symptomatic of diabetes is usually a condition centering on a defective system for the secretion of insulin or in the manner in which the insulin acts in the body.

Remembering the genetic linkage, why would you draw the conclusion that diabetes is tied to your bruising, or why should bruises unexpectedly showing up on your body be a reason for your concern? There are two situations that diabetes might cause your bruises to appear . The first condition is called acanthosis nigricans. In this situation, your skin will show black or brown discoloration in the creases and folds of your body. This generally occurs on the neck and in the armpits. This happens because excess insulin is spilling over in the skin, and it is often a significant indicator of Type II diabetes.

The second condition that you might experience is the fact that normal healing periods can be extended in people who have contracted diabetes. Your body rations its resources in other areas, and you’ll learn that there are numerous ways in which diabetes can be diagnosed due to this fact.

If you notice that you are seeing bruises like the kind mentioned above, or if you have some of the other symptoms besides easy bruising, including increased thirst and frequent urination, weight loss, fatigue and blurred vision, it is time to go see your doctor. On the other hand, easy bruising on its own is not necessary a sign of diabetes, especially if you do not have a history of this condition.

If diabetes is eliminated as the source for your experiencing easy bruising, then now is the time for you to begin following the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program. This uniquely formulated program can do for you what it’s done for other people all over the world in helping you prevent bruising altogether.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the sole writer to have written an entire reference book on bruising, showing people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Will Eating Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Help Me Prevent Bruising?

August 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

You would all like to have a healthier diet, and while you’re checking your wish list, wouldn’t it be great if you could also stop easy bruising? The real facts of the matter are that fruits and vegetables have a great deal to do with how efficiently your bodies cope with bruising, and if you happen to be someone who is subject to bruising easily, or if you are aware of someone who does, you may determine that it’s time to make a beeline to the produce section at the local supermarket. After you’ve made the decision to add more fruits and vegetables to your table, you’ll soon understand that you can make a huge impact on your body’s ability to heal itself and even improve your body’s ability to prevent bruising that you might otherwise be getting.

To begin with, let’s talk about the foods that are rich in vitamin C. Not only does vitamin C boost your immune system, it also makes your body more resilient and more likely to bounce back from things like bruises.

If you eat foods that are rich in vitamin C you can get a quick boost in energy, as well as aiding you to heal more rapidly from any bruises that you may have already sustained. When you are trying to determine which foods have an abundance of vitamin C, you should consider citrus fruits first. If you want to try something a little more off the beaten path, you should consider sweet potatoes.

Another thing that should be part of your evaluation is to consider foods that are abundant in vitamin A. Vitamin A is a primary nutrient that your body uses to reduce cellular damage and the effects of trauma, which makes it an excellent addition to your diet if you are interested in reducing the incidence of bruising.

While some people say that vitamin A is something that can be received through supplements, be wary of doing so because this can lead to vitamin A poisoning; even though it occurs only very rarely, it has been known to happen. The route that is better for you involve incorporating vitamin A into your diet, and you can do this with a variety of foods like carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, apricots and collard greens.

You also need to realize the fact that iron is a mineral that you should be obtaining from your diet. Not only does having sufficient iron in your diet prevent you from becoming anemic, it can also be beneficial in strengthening components of your circulatory system which is a necessary step to consider when you are trying to combat bruising easily.

When you want to eat foods that are rich in iron, take a look at the dark-colored green vegetables. These can include spinach, mustard greens, kale, broccoli and Swiss chard. Your body will absorb the iron, and this can be instrumental in helping to keep you healthy.

The value of a well balanced diet can not be overstated for its ability to help you overcome your being prone to easy bruising. Fortify your good diet with the same all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program that has helped people all over the world stop bruising easily completely.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is recognized as the one writer to have authored a complete reference book on bruising, showing people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can get for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Are There Homeopathic Solutions To Help Prevent Bruising Easily?

July 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you are someone who suffers from bruising easily, you will no doubt discover that you have a vested interest in examining the homeopathic path to a cure. Homeopathy is basically a version of alternative medicine that concentrates on treating and curing disorders through employing highly diluted preparations that often mirror the problems that are showing. If you are subject to easy bruising, you’ll learn that there are a variety of different herbs that can be used to try to deal with your bruising. These preparations can shorten the amount of time that your bruises are visible, and they may even help you prevent bruising in the first place.

First let’s talk about how we should size our doses. Usually, you can set the dosage that you use for bruising however you please, but you will probably be best served to keep the potency of your doses more towards the mild side. You should learn every bit of possible information that you can about homeopathic remedies, particularly if this is your first time to try to use them. Your self-education might make all the difference in the world as far as the results you enjoy.

If you have to deal with easy bruising repeatedly, you will quickly learn that arnica is one of the herbs that you should look into. Arnica is known to give some people a much shorter recovery time frame when used as a cold compress applied directly to the bruised area.

You may use it externally if the skin has not been broken, but you should never apply it to an open wound. Arnica has a long reputation as an excellent remedy for reducing the visible appearance of bruising.

Another herb that has been used to reduce bruising through the practice of homeopathy is bellis, and so too are the herbs ledum, hamamelis, and ruta. These could be used in possible treatments that you might want to experiment with if you are going to practice homeopathy yourself, or if you are going to use someone who already practices homeopathy.

It is very important not to shut your eyes to homeopathy just because its something that is a little off the beaten path. Do your homework so that you can really consider what these cures might be able to do for you. If you have ever worked with homeopathy before, what were your results?

Determining a viable solution for the bruises that you already suffered is sometimes very difficult. Everyone’s particular problem with bruising is made unique by their own varied circumstances, so consider your own individual situation. What type of diet, your age, and your level of physical activity are all conditions that really affect how easily you bruise and how frequently. Homeopathy is a practice that might make a considerable change in your own unique situation, so consider each of your possible solutions, to determine whether you decide to use homeopathy, or vitamin supplements, or a even a combination of both.

Your studies into the homeopathic healing of existing bruises can yield some great results, but there is a better solution to your being prone to bruise easily. Rather than treating an existing bruise you can help reduce bruising easily by following the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program which has proved to be effective for all sorts of people worldwide.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is recognized as the sole writer to have written a complete reference book on bruising, teaching people why they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Don’t Believe All These Old Wives’ Tales About Easy Bruising Remedies!

July 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

An amusing thing about old wives’ tales is that they are actually sometimes true. As an example, it wasn’t that long ago, that we had no idea about how good things like blueberries and apple cider vinegar could be for us. However, the opposite can also be true, and you’ll find out that there are a host of old wives’ tales around that get passed around as fact, particularly when we are talking about natural situations like being prone to easy bruising.

Bruises are present for different lengths of time for each of us, and it is too easy to accept that someone has found a magic cure for bruising when truth of the matter might just be the existence of a unusually strong immune system. Take enough time to ponder how to weed out any of these unproven cures that might have been relayed to you as the finest bruise treatment ever. You may just discover that there are no silver bullets.

Applying Massage to the Bruise: Even though massaging a bruise can help dissolve the blood clot, massaging the bruise is tricky in that you are only going to soothe the area if it is done lightly, or aggravation of the area will occur if done too roughly. While a properly done massage can be very gentle, you’ll determine that it increases the flow of blood into the area. Since you are dealing with seeping blood vessels, this is not a process that you wish to advance at this point. If you do decide to massage the area, do it oh, so gently, and understand that you may be going to make the bruise discoloration worse.

Grated Black Pepper: I’ve heard an old wives’ tales about how pepper can actually make the blood leave the bruise location. Pepper may contain substances in it that can ease the pain a small amount, but if the truth be known, the application of pepper onto your bruise is probably just going to make a mess. There are other cures that do the exact same thing and do it in a much better way, so just leave the pepper in its shaker.

Baking Soda: We are now getting to remedies that may help out a little bit, but probably not nearly as well as people say. Baking soda may be very helpful when you’re trying to calm down irritated (as in burned) skin, and it might actually soothe part of the inflammation out of a bruise, but the truth of the matter is that it will not help with a bruise that is overly dark, and it is not going to make the bruise heal any faster than it otherwise would.

Raw Meat: We’ve all heard this one, and a lot of us have seen, or perhaps we have even experienced it, but raw meat, no matter how expensive the cut, is unable to help you cure the bruise. I’ve listened to plenty of discussions over what variety of meat is best suited for the job, and the simple fact is that they are all similar. The only benefit for putting raw meat against a bruise is that it presumably just came out of the freezer or refrigerator, and the coldness may help reduce swelling. The meat should be on your dinner plate, not on a bruise.

Take some time to sort out which, if any, of these old wives’ tales are going to do well by you, and which ones are just a lot of bunk. Find a remedy that really works, and leave these old, unproven remedies alone.

Rather than try to heal a bruise after it occurs, it makes more sense for you to do something that will avoid your sustaining a bruise in the first place. Your best bet is to follow the tried and true all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program which has been proved by people all over the world to help prevent bruising easily completely.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the one writer to have written an entire reference book on bruising, teaching people why they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can get for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Vegetarianism and Bruising Easily, Tell Me Any Connection I Need to Know About!

July 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Whether you are already a vegetarian, or you are thinking about becoming one, you may be a little concerned about the effect that vegetarianism can have on your body, with some special attention your tendency for easy bruising. The truth of the matter is that while there is an urban legend that says that people who are vegetarians are prone to bruising easily, there is no reason that a little careful attention to your diet can eliminate it.

Right off the bat, we need to determine why the theory that vegetarians have a tendency for bruising easily exists in the first place. Normally, if a vegetarian, especially a younger one, is afflicted with bruising, this is seen as as indication of a deficiency for some vitamin.

This can, and in some cases does, happen, but if you pay close attention to your diet and make sure that you are getting all of the foods and nutrients that you need, this should not be a problem. There are a host of problems that can result if you are shorting yourself a vitamin or mineral that you need, but there is nothing about a vegetarian diet that promotes bruising any more than any other diet.

If you are eating as a vegetarian and have noticed that you are prone to increased bruising, you’ll find that one thing that you might need to look at is the amount of iron in your diet. Iron is an important mineral when you are looking at supplementing your immune system and encouraging better circulatory health. Iron is found much more abundantly in animal products than it is in vegetables, though it is certainly there, just in smaller quantities.

If you are a vegetarian, what are the best ways to put iron into your diet? First, look for dark green vegetables that are available at your local supermarket. Things like spinach and broccoli are going to be rich in iron, as will prunes, soy products, molasses and any cereals and breads that have been fortified with iron. Another fun way to make sure that you are going to get sufficient iron into your diet is to look into cooking with cast iron pans and pots.

Another excellent way to augment the rate of iron that is absorbed into your body is by upping your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C is very important for a variety of different reasons, so there is no excuse to not take a lot of it. Naturally fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, but so are more dinner and meal targeted vegetables, like sweet potatoes.

If you are a practicing vegetarian, it is very important that you make sure that you are going to be able to eat a balanced diet, and easy bruising is one sign that you may need to focus on your diet a little more closely. Be mindful of what your body is trying to tell you, and make sure that you are eating what you need to eat to keep you healthy.

It should now be clear that a proper, well balanced diet is critical to your general healthiness, regardless of whether it is vegetarian in nature or not. Add the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program to your proper diet, and you can receive the same benefits enjoyed by people all over the world in being able to stop bruising easily completely.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the one writer to have authored an entire reference book on bruising, showing people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Add These Specific Nutrients To Your Diet To Help Stop Bruising Completely!

June 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Though you may find that you are going to be more prone to bruising as you age, this doesn’t mean that it is inevitable. To make sure that you keep those dark bruises away, it is time to start taking a look at how you can supplement the food that you have been eating. Though all of our bodies will respond in different ways, starting with adding bioflavonoids and bilberry supplements will give you a great launching point when you are trying to get away from your bruising easily woes.

Even though near constant bruising is something that can happen as we age, we need to learn why that bruising takes place. It is a fact that we lose collagen as we age, and our skin becomes thinner and less flexible. It is also a fact that our capillaries have thinner walls making them easier to break, which can cause dark, dramatic bruises to form. Determining what causes our easy bruising will direct us to the options that are going to be most beneficial for us to evaluate.

First, let’s take a look at bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are plant pigments that are soluble in water. There are approximately 4,000 of them currently identified, and they can be found in everything from apples to grains to nuts to teas; and that’s really only the tip of the iceberg. When you are thinking about putting bioflavonoids into your diet, citrus bioflavonoids are the most readily available, and you are really going to be eating much more healthily just from the process of adding these nutrients.

Numerous qualities make bioflavonoids a healthy choice for you. Bioflavonoids have anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and anti-viral qualities. These qualities help you stay healthier and be less subject to illness, but, most importantly, they help your circulatory system maintain optimal health. A stronger circulatory system created by your intake of bioflavonoids will help you reduce bruising and limit muscle strains.

So what have you heard about bilberries? Bilberries, which is a generic name for an entire species of berries that grow on a specific variety of dark green shrubs, are unique sources of nutrients that act similarly to bioflavonoids. These small, delicious berries, and they have been used to help treat everything from certain illnesses and inflammation. They also help prevent hardening of the arteries, and they are also very beneficial for people who are trying to control high blood pressure.

Finding fresh fruit, particularly bilberries, is sometimes seasonally difficult. They are available supplements with bilberries as either the primary ingredient or as a secondary ingredient, so you just need to take a look around your natural foods store. Fresh bilberries, or any other fresh fruit, is better for your health than supplements, but supplements may be your only source available.

You do not have to deal with constant bruising as you grow older. Adding these two nutrients is one method to offset frequent bruising which should work, but if it doesn’t, there are other things that you can try. You shouldn’t believe that getting bruises and then trying to cover them up is your only way to live.

Now you need to plan how you’re going to add bilberries and citrus bioflavonoids to your daily routine. Citrus bioflavonoids and bilberries are a great next step in your quest to overcome your easy bruising. If you’re not thrilled about having to figure out quantities and schedules for adding these nutrients, you should consider following the all natural Bruises Be Banned unique, daily supplement program, which contains both the proper dosages of citrus bioflavonoids and bilberry as well as essential vitamins and minerals that can help you, just like other people worldwide have benefited, to reduce bruising easily.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the sole writer to have authored an entire reference book on bruising, teaching people how they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can get for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Are You Aware of These False Claims for Healing Existing Bruises?

April 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

When you want to get rid of bruising, you may feel a bit at your wits end. There are a lot of people out there who have to deal with easy bruising on a regular basis, and if you find that you are bruising with very little provocation or for no seeming reason, you definitely want a solution that will make the bruises fade and go away. The truth is that there are definitely some treatments that work great and can make your bruises disappear as though by magic, but there are also a number of so-called cures that originate with old wives tales and bad advice. In other words, there are a lot of erroneously recommended treatments out there.

The primary thing that you should understand is that heat should not be applied to the bruise. An application of cold may help, but heat is only going to increase the inflammation of the area, and in most cases, cause it to be worse. Although it is true that applied heat can help circulation, and although circulation is very important, this is not the tack you should take when dealing with a freshly formed bruise. Consider that a bruise is the result of the breaking of tiny blood vessels under the skin’s surface, and the last thing that you would want to do is to encourage a greater blood supply to the area. Heat application can actually foster a bruise that is much more pronounced.

Never rub an onion on the bruise. This is another of those old country remedies that gets told a great deal. Someone’s grandmother or someone’s great aunt might have told you that cold slices of onion placed on your skin will help reduce the bruise, but in actuality, all that all that is going to happen is that you’ll end up smelling like an onion. The cold might feel nice, but an ice pack, if the bruise is causing you pain, is going to be a much preferred choice. Don’t buy into this supposed cure, it actually won’t do you any good.

Another old wives tale that has been widely told is the idea that dairy products can help reduce a bruise. Well, milk may do a body good, but in almost all cases, this happens when used internally, not externally. Bathing in milk might be good for your skin, but there is not nearly enough lactic acid that is going to soak into your skin to make a difference in your bruising. Use the milk and cottage cheese for healthy bones, but keep it away from your bruising.

Stay away from using Orajel (kids teething pain medicine) or any other like type of product on your bruise. Find out what are the active ingredients. Normally, products like these are created to take down specific swelling, and they could give you a pleasantly cool tingle at the application site, but the real true story is that they are in no way meant for this purpose, and while they might help eliminate some pain, they aren’t going to provide any benefit for the bruise itself.

For all of the folks with bruising issues, it seems that everyone has their own best way to cure their existing bruises. Their individual cure may work very well for them, but remember that we all bruise differently, and that our bodies are all different. In the course of finding a cure that is right for you, always make sure that you know why the cure should work, and what the reasoning behind it is.

Rather than deal with bruises after they have occurred, a much better course of action is not to bruise in the first place. People all over the world have found that following the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program has helped them reduce bruising easily while accelerating the healing process for existing bruises at the same time.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the sole writer to have authored a complete reference book on bruising, showing people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can get for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

How Does A High Carbohydrate Diet Affect Your Tendency To Bruise Easily?

March 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Have you ever looked down at your body and discovered new bruises that weren’t there minutes ago? Do you ever find bruises that seem to be caused by just a gentle bump into the wall or a door? If this sounds like you, you need to take a serious look at your diet.

Carbohydrates are often cited as the cause of a lot of issues for our bodies, but even though they typically don’t directly cause easy bruising, it is still important to weigh the value of foods that are known to be high in carbohydrates and to learn how they affect our body’s functions.

First, you must understand what bruising is and what it signifies. Essentially, bruising is caused when the capillaries that are directly under the skin rupture and the blood pools underneath the skin. This means that if you are bruising more frequently, there is a chance that your capillaries are simply rupturing more easily.

When you want to make sure that your capillaries do not break so quickly or that they will repair themselves quickly when they do, make sure that you get plenty of iron, vitamin C and vitamin K in your diet. Carbohydrates will actually aid you in this process through keeping your immune system up and working for you, and through making sure that your body has enough energy and strength reserved to deal with the damage. Through eating a diet that has good carbohydrates coming in, you can heal a bruise faster.

When you are thinking about carbohydrates and how they function in your body, remember that they are not all evil. Though they do get a bad reputation from time to time, that is a result of your eating too many of them. They help your body by transporting energy, through maintaining good cell health and through storing energy. They will also play an important part in keeping your immune system stimulated, something that is an essential part of healing yourself.

If you are interested in eating healthy, living well and able to heal bruises, consider the foods will give you good carbohydrates. Fruits, whole grains, and beans all provide excellent sources of good carbohydrates, and they will also can provide vitamins, fibers and minerals that you might not otherwise be able to access as easily.

If you plan your meals correctly, your will contain sufficient quantities of vitamin C and vitamin K. Be certain that the carbohydrates you include are those that are easy to digest and good for you as well.

You need to be concerned about what carbohydrates may be doing to your body, because improper intake of certain carbohydrates can be a cause in contracting diabetes. Carbohydrates that come from highly processed foods like fast foods, particularly when combined with sugary soda can promote diabetes, and diabetes has easy bruising as a symptom.

If you are interested in reducing the bruising that you may be experiencing, you need to consider how eating the proper carbohydrates will have a role in your health. How you balance your diet is an essential component keeping in good physical shape, so consider which carbohydrates are included in your diet carefully.

Whatever diet that you choose, following the daily supplement program from Bruises Be Banned can be an excellent way to improve your odds to successfully reduce easy bruising and prevent bruising altogether, just as it has helped people all over the world.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the sole writer to have written a complete reference book on bruising, teaching people how they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Your Diet Needs To Change To Help Your Reduce Bruising Easily!

March 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Once you’ve decided that bruising at the least provocation is no longer acceptable, it’s time to take a proactive evaluation about what you are eating. The appearance of your skin and the way that your body deals with trauma is directly linked to your food intake, and your diet directly affects your tendency to bruise easily. Do a real evaluation of how healthy eating can help you reduce bruising easily.

To begin with, you need to understand that your circulatory system plays a significant role in your tendency to bruise easily. As you grow older, it is inevitable that your capillary walls become frailer, which causes you to become more susceptible to bruising. Even the slightest bump or knock can result in a very colorful bruise. Bruising easily is certainly not uncommon, but it is sufficiently unpleasant that you’ll want to look for ways to avoid it.

Your skin is no longer providing your body with the level of protection it once did because it is losing its flexibility, and your capillary walls are growing thinner and much more subject to breaking. These two conditions of aging will increase the likelihood of more bruising, but there are some things that you can do to offset this condition. By changing your diet you can affect improved healing for existing bruises, and start down the road to preventing bruising altogether.

There are several modifications and changes that you can make to your diet that will help you get rid of easy bruising and to maintain a higher level of health across the board. Everyone needs to eat better, so think about educating yourself on food and how it might affect the way that your body functions and heals itself. There are some important facts that you need to keep in mind when you want to eat to help reduce bruising.

You can simplify keeping up with your dietary changes if you keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat, what time of the day you ate it, and how much each item you ate. Any beneficial changes will be easy to pin point from your diary. By comparing your diary to any bruises that you might get, you’ll have a snapshot of just what is working and what isn’t. Begin by eliminating processed food and check your results.

Eating foods that are high in fat or high in carbohydrates will actually increase your tendency to bruise easily, and reduce your natural healing capability and maintain your overall health. Your diet cannot be balanced if you have too much fat or salt in your diet. High salt levels help increase your blood pressure and that causes excess bleeding when trauma occurs. It only makes sense that if you put increased pressure on weakened blood vessels, they will be much more likely to break.

When you are examining how your diet affects your body and what you can do to use diet to prevent bruising, think about steering yourself towards vegetables and fruits that have bright colors. Bright colors indicate nutrients that you need, and squash, sweet potatoes and red peppers are all good things to incorporate into a healthy diet.

Start today with your new diet that can help you overcome your easy bruising. You can enhance the benefits of your good diet by adding the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program. This supplement program can augment your new diet and help you prevent bruising altogether just as it has for people following the program all over the world.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the one author to have written an entire reference book on bruising, teaching people how they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can get for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

Add This One Mineral To Your Daily Regimen To Help Prevent Bruising Altogether!

March 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Some people believe that when they begin bruising easily that they have no choice except to live with the bruising. Even though bruising is more common as you age, you shouldn’t simply throw up your hands and accept it. You don’t need to accept a life of always wearing long sleeves as a means of covering up bruises. As your skin loses its flexibility, and when your capillaries become more fragile, bruising is more likely; but you shouldn’t resolve yourself to living with easy bruising.

Since bruising happens naturally to almost everyone, natural remedies can be used to overcome the condition. You don’t need prescription drugs to fight frequent bruising, and taking advantage of the qualities of certain minerals can make a huge difference. If you educate yourself about which minerals are going to deliver the results that you want, you can find a way to help you overcome your ugly bruising.

If you are looking for minerals that will help prevent bruising, a good place to start would be the type of sulfur that is found in bromelain. Pineapples are one natural source for bromelain, and the particular variety of sulfur that bromelain contains can be helpful for dealing with frequent bruising. If you add bromelain to your daily routine, it can help accelerate the healing process for existing bruises. Another reason to examine the qualities of sulfur is that it can also help stop future bruising, making it a perfect mineral to begin with.

Natural, elemental sulfur plays a necessary role in your body’s functions. Sulfur helps process and metabolize carbohydrates. Sulfur is commonly found in treatments for hypoglycemia and diabetes, and it plays an important part in your body’s ability to maintain your overall general health as well. Because sulfur is an important component of insulin, a shortage of sulfur in your diet could cause you to suffer from reduced insulin production in your body. Low insulin levels may negatively affect your mood and various other bodily functions.

Another important function that natural sulfur has is that it will actually allow your body to repair itself. You will find that it helps your bruises disappear quickly if you are using the kind that is found in bromelain. This important mineral is an integral part of the way that your body works.

You can add more sulfur into your diet from sources other than bromelain. MSM (Methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is another excellent source of natural sulfur, and it also helps overcome your easy bruising. MSM provides the sulfur that helps your body heal much quicker than it would without sulfur. MSM is generally more universally available than bromelain.

Essentially, the sulfur in MSM helps heal your body through helping it replace old and dying cells. Not only can it help you maintain your health, it can keep you healthy at a cellular level. Consider the fact that it is one of the most essential minerals that your body requires, and think about how it can get added to the meals that you eat.

Whenever you decide to add anything to your diet, remember to find out how it helps you. Sulfur can help you maintain your blood pressure, and to keep it at an appropriate level and you will also discover that it helps your body remove the toxins that can build up in the cells. It can also help you boost your energy, which is an essential part of keeping you healthy.

To get the most out of sulfur, you’ll need the types that are found in bromelain and MSM. To make sure that you are getting everything you need, consider taking advantage of the daily, all-natural supplement program from Bruises Be Banned, which gives you a balanced portion of minerals, nutrients, and vitamins. It contains sulfur, and you will find that it may be your first and last stop on the journey to reducing bruising easily, just like other people all over the world have proved.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is recognized as the one writer to have written a complete reference book on bruising, teaching people how they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can get for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

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