Effective Tips To Help You Stop Bruising Easily!

December 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

A people grow older, they tend to be more prone to bruising than they were in younger years. As your body ages, there is less protection beneath the skin than there was in earlier years. While most bruises offer no serious health challenges and do not require special treatment, there are ways to prevent bruising and ways to help a bruise that does occur to heal quicker.

Protective clothing can help to prevent bruising. Long sleeve shirts and long pants provide protection to arms and legs. Sometimes this is all the extra padding that is needed. If you find that you are often bruising your hips, wear long sweaters that cover the hips. Wear your shoes to prevent bruising of your feet and your toes. For forearms and thighs look for protective pads that will cover these areas at your local drug store.

Sometimes it only takes a increase in your vitamin K intake to increase the clotting that will help you stop bruising easily. You can get vitamin K from leafy greens and the members of the cabbage family. For some people vitamin K supplements will help, however if you are taking blood thinners, talk with your doctor before taking these supplements.

Crushed fresh parsley leaves are an effective response for helping to heal an existing bruise. Parsley leaves used as a compress promote healing and can help bruises to fade in as little as one day for some people. The parsley leaves can be held in place using an adhesive bandage or gauze held in place with tape.

Make sure that you are taking the right amount of aspirin. Aspirin is a blood thinner and often prescribed for persons with heart conditions. If your doctor has recommended that you take aspirin on a regular basis, then you should only take a baby aspirin (81mg) every day, not an adult aspirin.

A good multivitamin supplement may also help. In addition to providing the vitamin K already discussed, it should also provide vitamin C. These vitamins can help to keep your body healthy and help you avoid the tendency for easy bruising.

If you do discover a bruise, remember the acronym RICE. You need to rest the injured area in order for it to begin to heal. Ice causes the capillaries to shrink and can help to prevent further subcutaneous bleeding. Compression and elevation work together to cause the blood to drain out from the injured areas. Following this procedure can not only help to prevent further damage to the tissues, it can also help to heal the damage that has already been done.

Finally, try to eat citrus fruit every day. While you can get some vitamin C from a multivitamin, citrus fruit can also help to strengthen the walls of the capillaries. As the capillaries become stronger, they are less likely to leak, and there is less bruising. Vitamin C is also instrumental in healing in the body. A daily dose of citrus fruit can help to prevent and heal bruises.

While bruises may not be harmful, they can be painful. They are can also be very ugly. By taking the proper steps you can both prevent bruising and help to heal any bruises that do happen to form. This will help to stop the pain more readily. Following the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program has been proved effective for helping reduce bruising easily for people all over the world.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the sole writer to have authored a complete reference book on bruising, teaching people why they bruise, and how they can avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

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