Got Sensitive Skin? Sensitive Skin Care Explained.

December 31, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Have you got sensitive skin and find that it’s getting on top of you? If so there are some simple sensitive skin tips that I can pass on to you.

Because some people don’t have sensitive skin and some people do have sensitive skin. And if it’s you that has sensitive skin you might need to.

All that annoying blotchiness, redness, inflammation and itchiness can often be controlled.

Of course it may always be worthwhile seeing a dermatologist, but before you consult an expert you can try out some, or all of these remedies. Let science wait till you’ve tried some basic stuff to see if your skin conditions improve.

So if you suffer then the first thing you need to do is to examine all those creams, blushes, foundations, moisturizers and so on that you use now, because it can often be those anti aging skincare products and cosmetics and more that are causing the problem.

You’ll know if you’ve read my site that Ive warned often about the dangerous ingredients often found in big brand name skin care products like moisturizers, face creams and other skin care treatments and anti wrinkle creams.

Ingredients like parabens, which are used extensively in big brand skin care products as a preservative, can be dangerous. For example the cosmetics database lists 2 parabens (parabens refers to a group of chemicals, not one) as, on a scale of 1 – 10 of hazard, as being at least a 7 or an 8. Ie, in their words, high hazard.

And there’s no reason why the presence of parabens would not of itself cause sensitive skin problems. It may or may not, but it’s worth asking the question.

Many big brand cosmetics and skin care products include similar or the same ingredients, and you may well find that if you change your cosmetic brand to a natural non allergenic cosmetic brand many, or all, of your sensitive skin problems go away.

The writer of this article has direct experience of this. My 8 year old daughter had to use cosmetics for her first ballet performance recently. Not something that an 8 year old would normally use, but she did that day.

Within an hour or 2 her face had broken out in a huge rash, and at that point we decided to do something about the cosmetics she used.

So maybe it’s time to have a look at those cosmetics on your shelves and those anti aging skin care products sitting there. If they’re big brand name products they may have some nasty ingredients in them that might be causing your problems with sensitive skin.

And there’s more. Use low allergenic laundry detergents. Some contain ingredients that can cause skin reactions. And avoid washing pillow cases and anything else that your face goes on in regular laundry detergent. Make sure you rinse well and avoid fragrances, as these too can cause problems.

Fragrances can cause skin problems for people with any skin type, including oily and healthy skin.

And if you do have problems with skin allergies, make sure you visit an allergy specialist, a good one can also point you to other products that can be causing problems.

You need to source a range of non allergenic range of both natural cosmetics and natural anti aging skin care products.

And we’re very lucky that there are a couple of small niche skin care and cosmetics companies that make natural skin care products and natural cosmetics that are not only perfect for sensitive skin they are also excellent skin care products and cosmetics, and at very competitive products.

That’s because they don’t even try and compete with the big brand name skin care and anti aging products. They don’t advertise on TV which contributes hugely to keeping the cost of their products down. They rely largely on the quality of their products to sell their products for them through word of mouth.

And you’ll find that those big brand name products are made down to a price rather than up to a standard.

So there’s a few things for you to do if you have sensitive skin and are looking for some good sensitive skin care tips. If these don’t work then try consulting an expert like a dermatologist, but for many people with skin problems just doing these things will clear up those nasty rashes and blotches and redness and itchiness.

Visit my website where I tell you more about the best natural skin care products and cosmetics.

Want to know more about sensitive skin care tips and about organic skin care? Visit Peter’s Website Natural Health-Natural Skin Care.

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