Home Remedies For Head Lice

October 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

It is a plain and basic fact, that primary and junior school children catch head lice and pass them around among themselves. Therefore, do not be upset, horrified or surprised when your child comes home from school with head lice. It does not mean that you or your child is dirty or that you are doing a bad job as a parent. It happens because young children come into very close physical contact with each other.

Here are a number of interesting details about head lice. Head lice are not known to pass on any human illnesses. They cannot jump or fly. Itching begins about three weeks after infestation. The age group that is most at danger of head lice is 4-13 years of age. It is commonly thought that head lice prefer clean hair to oily hair, because it is simpler to attach their eggs to clean hair. Girls are more than twice as likely as boys to carry lice. Black children are less likely to have head lice than white children because of their type of hair, although they can still pass them on.

There are lots of ways of getting rid of head lice, but most parents will go to the chemists to buy a medicated shampoo and a lice comb. This will do the job successfully, but many people are trying to use fewer chemicals in their lives and on their bodies and this is one area where you can avoid chemicals too.

One of the simplest home remedies to try is vinegar. Soak the hair in undiluted vinegar and comb it well in. Wrap a towel around the head or better still use a shower cap and keep the hair wet for an hour. Vinegar can totally eradicate an infestation within three days

Tea tree oil has long been used to combat head lice. You can try massaging a few drops into the hair undiluted, but it is easier to add fifteen drops of tea tree oil to a three-quarter full bottle of ordinary shampoo and mix it up. Use it every day for five days to clear up an infestation or just use it every day for life to be rid of lice evermore.

Mayonnaise will kill head lice too, although it is a more expensive and a messier way of doing it than others. Massage the mayonnaise into the hair and leave it for an hour as with vinegar. Mayonnaise will poison the eggs too.

Rosemary oil will also kill head lice. Put a few drops of rosemary oil into a bowl of water and use it to rinse your child’s hair. Rosemary oil will not only finish off the head lice, but it will also add a gorgeous sheen to brown hair..

Seeing a child with head lice does not mean anything awful, unless it has them all the time, because then it is a sign of neglect. Children in the age group most at risk, should be checked for head lice at least once every week and if you have several children, you should check them more often. The more children in a family, the more chance of one of them picking up nits, bringing them home and passing them around.

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