If You Don’t Have Any Vitamin K In Your System, What Happens?

September 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you are someone who is concerned about bruising for no apparent reason, or if you seem to bruise dramatically with seemingly no real cause, you will discover that one factor that you will want to consider is the possibility of your having a vitamin K deficiency. The concerns of bruising, particularly as we mature, is something that we must face head on. The reality is that there are a variety of reasons why bruising can become a concern, and you may not know how to deal with the situation A deficiency in vitamin K is something that can take place in people of any age, and although it is most common in young people and pregnant women, it is still a situation that you should be aware of.

What are the symptoms that might derive from a vitamin K deficiency? When you are investigating vitamin K, give thought to how your body uses it. Its primary function is to cause your blood to clot, and it is critically important when it comes to maintaining correct bone density. It is essential in the functioning of most of the proteins that are involved in blood clotting.

It plays a very necessary part in the development of the fetus, and the proper intake of vitamin K during pregnancy helps your infant become a healthy child. As you have learned, a vitamin K deficiency may cause some severe consequences.

Heavier than normal menstrual bleeding is known to be one side effect of vitamin K deficiency, as are frequent nose bleeds, anemia, gum bleeding, hematomas and a thinness of the blood. A vitamin K deficiency can make you bruise very easily, to the point where you don’t even remember how you got the bruise to begin with.

When examining a vitamin K deficiency, you’ll discover that most of the harmful effects have to do with an impairment of your body’s ability to cause blood clotting. If you find that you are suffering from any of these symptoms, take some time and figure out what whether a vitamin K deficiency is something that you need to address.

Do you know if you are considered to be at risk of a vitamin K deficiency? Vitamin K is usually not a concern for adults because it is readily available in a large variety of foods, but if you are required to take anticonvulsants, they can interfere with the vitamin K that does exist in your body’s system. It is generally well known that people who have physical problems which involve an inability to absorb fat can be more likely to have a vitamin K deficiency. Some foods that can enhance the levels of vitamin K in your system include broccoli, cauliflower, soya beans, wheat bran, cereals, and cabbage.

We all want to stay healthy, and if you have noticed any of the symptoms that are listed above, take some time and speak to a doctor about your particular condition. It may be that being prone to bruising can point to other, more serious conditions, so always be aware of what your body needs and what it may be trying to tell you. It is very important to pay attention to the signs that your body gives you when something is going wrong, so be diligent.

Normal aging may increase your tendency to bruise easily because of your thinner skin and your weaker capillary walls. Even though daily exercise and a proper, well balance diet can help offset these aging symptoms, you would be well served to follow the same all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program that has help people all over the world reduce bruising easily. This program has, as one of its ingredients, a full, daily dose of vitamin K.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is recognized as the sole author to have written an entire reference book on bruising, teaching people why they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can get for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

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