Simple Surgery-Free Tips For Cellulite Reduction: Set A Plan And Stick To It

March 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Cellulite is fat that is caught between bands of connective tissue. The fatty deposits underneath the skin create the appearance of the bumps and ridges we know as cellulite.

It is difficult to get rid of, but it’s not impossible. Every woman can reduce the appearance of cellulite if she gets on and sticks to a cellulite reduction program.

Having a plan is a good idea because it can be difficult to stay disciplined without a clear course of action and accountability. By creating your cellulite reduction program, you’re setting up the foundations of an organized plan. Below are some things you should do.

1. Make sure to do cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise is essential in any cellulite reduction plan. It helps you lose fat and increase circulation, both of which help in the reduction of cellulite. You can do just two ten-minute bouts of cardiovascular exercise per day a couple times a week to get you started on the fat-burning path. Just be sure that you get your heart rate high enough so that you are in the training zone. You can monitor your exercise intensity by checking your breathing. You should be breathing hard enough so that you can’t sing but you should have enough breath so that you can carry on a conversation. Try to fit in as much cardiovascular exercise as you can every week.

2. Gradually overhaul your diet. Starting out, decide on one food that you can cut out from your diet or substitute with a lower-calorie or no-calorie alternative. It can be simple: diet soda or water for regular soda, no-calorie butter spray for butter, a mix of mustard and nonfat mayo for mayonnaise, or carrot sticks for potato chips. Once you incorporate this change into your diet, you can do more substitutions.

3. Keeping your budget in mind your budget, explore some of the various external treatment options. This may include topical treatments, Endermologie, massage, and Velasmooth. Relatively new, Velasmooth is the first cellulite reduction treatment to be approved by the FDA.

4. Use your head. Visualization techniques are surprisingly effective at helping people reach their goals. Visualizing your smooth cellulite-free body is no exception. Focus on the picture by making sure you’re relaxed. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Or if you prefer, visualize the steps of your cellulite reduction program. Clearly see yourself doing the cardio and eating well, and you are more likely to stick with your plan, which will lead to reduced cellulite.

Follow these four very doable tips on a consistent basis and you can reduce your cellulite in a shorter amount of time.

Looking for the best cellulite treatment for you? Visit Abbie Cheung’s blogs for tips and information for cellulite reduction.

Instant Cellulite Eraser – Good Or Bad At Removing Cellulite?

June 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

As you look for a great anti cellulite cream you will notice there are tons of different products on the market. Each product claims to be able to eliminate cellulite. A few of these products say they can get rid of your cellulite in just a few minutes. A produce that makes this claim is Instant Cellulite Eraser. But can a cellulite treatment really work that fast?

To better determine if these claims are true you need to understand where cellulite comes from. This condition is caused from pockets of fatty deposits that sit just below the skin’s surface. Women are the main targets of cellulite because of fluctuating hormones. If a woman does not get enough exercise or becomes overweight she will start to notice the appearance of cellulite. Poor diet choices will cause cellulite to form also. Cellulite does not appear overnight but over a period of months or years. It will become more noticeable as you age because the skin becomes thinner.

Now back to the claims that Instant Cellulite Eraser will get rid of your cellulite in just minutes. Actually, this claim may be true. But you need to read the description of the product a little closer. It claims to reduce the appearance of your cellulite for only a few hours. This can be possible if it contains skin tightening ingredients. Such ingredients would include caffeine and aminophylline. However, the response you get from this product would probably be dependent upon the severity of your cellulite.

If you really want to eliminate your cellulite the best way to do this is through diet and exercise. But you need to understand that this method will take dedication and patience on your part. It is not the easy way to get rid of cellulite, but it is the most effective.

So if you want to take a quick trip to the beach, and you need to reduce the appearance of your cellulite in a hurry, you may want to try Instant Cellulite Eraser. But if you want to eliminate it for good, you need to eat well and get plenty of exercise.

To find out which treatments can remove your cellulite visit instant cellulite eraser. Click instant cellulite eraser today and start removing your cellulite.

Liposuction Cellulite – Does it Work?

April 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Advertising for liposuction cellulite and other fat removal techniques may be cropping up as summer quickly approaches. As a society, we are constantly looking for quick fixes for our most troubling problems including cellulite. But will cosmetic surgery really solve all of your problems?

Many people think that cellulite is a disease. However it is just the fat cells beneath the skin. Cellulite occurs when the connective tissues of the skin start to lose strength and fail to hold the fat cells straight together. It tends to looks like orange peels on the skin and can be difficult to get rid of.

The majority of the female population will get cellulite at some point in their lifetime. This is mostly due to the fact that our ability to get cellulite is heavily influenced by our genes and hormone levels. Major hormone changes such as a pregnancy can also increase the appearance of cellulite. Also, women who’s mothers and grandmothers have cellulite are more likely to experience it at some point in their lifetime.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure used to move quantities of fat from the body. It is currently one of the more popular plastic surgeries being performed in the world today. Introduced in 1979, liposuction is great for removing unwanted bulges created by excess localized fat deposits. Fat can be harder to get rid of as we age. This can make liposuction more popular among middle age women.

Because many people associate cellulite with fat, it is often felt that liposuction cellulite and surgical fat removal will go hand in hand. This is not always the case however. Often, liposuction can make cellulite look worse than before. This can be frustrating for many women.

This is due to the fact that liposuction takes away the cushion of fat that may have been helping provide a smoother surface for the fat cells affected by cellulite. Also, cellulite occurs with the fat cells that are closest to the skin. Liposuction is designed to target fat cells deep beneath the skin.

Worried that after getting liposuction cellulite will appear worse on your body? While it is a definite possibility, there are things you can discuss with your doctor to minimize the odds. The best thing to do is to follow up the liposuction with a cellulite removal procedure.

Most cellulite removal procedures involve rollers and infrared machines that glide over the skin and help restructure the fat cells beneath. Many people report success with cellulite treatment procedures after surgery for fat removal.

However not everyone will see increased cellulite after undergoing liposuction. For some women after liposuction cellulite is reduced markedly. Patients need to be sure to talk with their doctors to make sure they have realistic expectations before undergoing treatment. This can also save money for patients in the long run.

Summer is quickly approaching – are you ready to hit the beach? If cellulite has you concerned, you’re not alone. Find out more information on cellulite and liposuction cellulite.

Cellulite Treatment Products: What Should You Choose?

January 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

You’ve noticed fatty deposits on your thighs and stomach, but you’re not quite sure that surgery is the best option for you. Procedures like ongoing injections, skin grafts, or liposuction are performed by surgeons quite often, but this is typically for patients who have tried other procedures with no luck. And sometimes, these methods don’t work as well as hoped. So, before you take the risk and spend the money that is involved with surgery, you may want to try a few cellulite products that will give you the benefit of topical treatment, which can prove to be safer.

You can start by searching for cellulite creams that contain malic acid, since this substance helps to get rid of the impurities that may have been collecting in the skin. Glycolic acid, which is also used for facials, can help the body to get rid of cellulite, and works as an exfoliant to help slough dead cells and impurities off of the top layer of skin. Glycolic acid helps to reveal a new layer of skin at a normal rate, so that the skin on your thighs and stomach will have a newer and healthy glow. As with all creams and skin treatments, you should make sure that you wear a sunscreen after using these treatments if you’re going to be in direct sunlight for more than a few minutes.

If you want to try out cellulite products that come in the form of lotions or creams, you can try lotion from Nivea; the cream comes with supplements that you can take along with the daily application of cream to give your body the right amount of nutrition while you’re applying topical creams. Some doctors and health professionals believe that having the right amount of protein or vitamin E will help to make the skin smoother and supple, which is why internal and external treatments used together may be ideal.

One of the most natural and affordable cellulite products on the market these days is aloe vera. This plant-based gel is found in most grocery and health food stores, and can help to even out the tone of your skin and even get rid of burns and stretch marks. Some people also use the gel or cream to get rid of fatty deposits beneath the skin.

Along with these cellulite products, you should consider losing some weight if you need to. Many people develop these fatty cellulite deposits underneath the skin after gaining weight over a period of time, or losing weight suddenly. Many women also find that these deposits can show up in the skin after having a baby, and it takes a while to get the body back to ‘normal’ again. By eating more fresh fruits and veggies, you’ll not only see improvements in your skin, but your energy will increase and your overall concentration should improve as well.

What exercises get rid of cellulite? Find out at the Exercise to Get Rid of Cellulite site.

Cellulite Treatment Cream And Healthy Looking Skin For A Lifetime

November 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Cellulite treatment cream works well. It makes it hard to see the cellulite. If you have problems with this beauty issue, you should try cellulite treatment cream. That way you can have smooth, dimple-free legs. It will improve the way you look and it will help you feel good. If you are not happy with the way your legs look then try a good cream. Cheap cream is not as effective, however.

It’s important to realize that some creams are better than others. You don’t want to waste your time with the ones that don’t work. So, don’t go for price alone. Look for top quality products from reputable companies. You can find a lot of information online and most of the better products offer good guarantees.

No one should have to live with cellulite and luckily there’s a lot you can do about it. Avoid frustration by doing a bit of research before you start shopping for a treatment cream. Your chances of success are much better that way. You’re more likely to get fast results and spend less money in the long run. And you’ll look better, too.

Before you buy cellulite treatment cream look at the ratings. Do other people like it? Do other people find it to be an effective treatment? Why do they like it? Reading user reviews can help you find the right treatment cream for your cellulite. You want good results and you want them fast. Educating yourself will help that happen sooner rather than later.

If you’re not currently exercising, maybe you should start. Not only is it good for your health, it’s also excellent for increasing muscle tone. When you firm up your muscles, your cellulite is much less visible. In fact, using a treatment cream along with a good diet and exercise program is the ideal way to get rid of cellulite and firm up you legs. Your results will be so much faster when you combine these methods.

Walking is also one of the best exercises you can do, especially if you are currently sedentary. The muscles you use to walk are the same muscles that can smooth out most cellulite problem areas. Thighs, hips and buttocks are common gathering spots for cellulite dimples. If you can walk 3 times each week for about 30 minutes at a time, you’ll be on your way to a firmer lower half.

You could see results in as little as a month when you walk, exercise your muscles and use an effective cellulite treatment cream. If you don’t see any results, make sure you’re doing everything you set out to do. If you are, it may be time to try a new cream. Don’t be afraid to experiment, but make sure you’re giving your first choice a fair chance to work. Many products come with money-back guarantees so always pay attention to those in the event you have problems.

Your cellulite problems are not always easy to solve. It’s a type of fat that tends to be stubborn and likes to stick around for as long as you’ll let it. Because of this, you’ll need to take a tough approach when trying to rid your body of it. When you’re doing everything right though, adding a good cellulite treatment cream will help speed up your results. In fact, it may be just the boost you need!

Firming cellulite cream is one of the most popular cellulite treatments today. And fortunately, there are several very good products on the market to help you smooth out those dimples in all your problem areas.

What You Need to Know About Laser Surgery for Cellulite Removal

September 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Cellulite is an unsightly condition that occurs when fat accumulates just below the skin and presses upon the connective tissue, causing it to appear lumpy. There is a variety of approaches to addressing cellulite, and a few of them work quite effectively without harming your body. Of these, laser cellulite removal is becoming ever more popular, and is proving to be very beneficial for removing the unsightly appearance of cellulite.

According to statistics, in the United States alone, women spend more than one million U.S. dollars each year on various kinds of procedures to remove cellulite, and laser removal is the most popular. Laser is looked upon by a number of them as a permanent way of eradicating this embarrassing state. It gets rid of fat due to the effect of concentrated light radiation under the epidermis. The breakup of the cell membranes is a result of the fat cells being heated. Massage therapy applied to the region further encourages the removal of cellulite.

Another form of laser cellulite removal employs light radiation in a less aggressive, non-penetrating method to get rid of body fat. The membranes of the fat cells begin to deteriorate after undergoing the effect of the laser.

Another form of laser cellulite removal involves the use of radio frequency to increase the temperature of the fat cells and get the lymphatic and blood circulation systems moving. The lymphatic system captures and removes the broken down fat after the collapse of the fat cell membranes.

The DEKA machine is another approach to cellulite removal, which applies three discrete approaches in combination to get the required results. In this approach, circulation is stimulated by six lasers which massage and cool, thus encouraging the cellulite to drain away via the lymphatic system. By combining massage with progressive stimulation techniques, cellulite is significantly reduced.

Laser cellulite removal can also be coupled with Endermologie massage. The laser serves to make the tissue softer while the Endermologie equipment improves the outcome.

Laser cellulite removal looks very promising, and can be a good alternative for women who are seeking an effective means of removing cellulite. A number of consecutive sessions are needed to achieve maximum benefits. Afterwards, make certain you keep your weight stable by maintaining an active lifestyle, since cellulite is likely to return otherwise.

Laser cellulite removal normally does the trick, however the cost can really add up. You can also deal with cellulite by eating well and exercising. You may also desire to use items geared toward eliminating cellulite such as various creams, lotions and ointments that are available. Just be sure to talk about the situation with your doctor before using any form of treatment, and research the subject thoroughly as well.

You can spend a lot on creams, lotions and therapeutic treatments to eliminate cellulite, but you might be simply throwing your money away on products that are more hype than help. The best way to target this unsightly condition is through a healthy diet, anti cellulite massage and cellulite exercises.