Are You Counting On Vitamin E To Help With Your Tendency To Bruise Easily?

May 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If you are used to finding new bruises on your body every day, you certainly can’t be blamed for being frustrated or even irritated by this situation. Luckily, there are a multitude of treatments claiming to heal bruises available, so all you have to do is a little homework to try to find the one that will work best for you.

Before you accept all the recommendations from the internet, your friends, or family about how vitamin E is a miracle for your skin and even your general health, you’ll need to do some research in order to separate truth from fiction. Vitamin E does have some wonderful qualities, and you’ll need to determine if any of these qualities will be beneficial for you.

To begin with, there is no doubt that vitamin E can be great for you. Vitamin E works well in combination with vitamin C, which is is most readily available from citrus, and both vitamins in concert can help keep your body in optimal condition. Vitamin can help clear up some of your skin’s imperfections and applying vitamin E directly to old and new scars both can help the scars fade and disappear. Keep in mind that vitamin E is a great choice as a home remedy that can help accelerate skin healing, and that can keep your skin’s appearance at its best.

However, the problem with using vitamin E to heal bruises is that it has nothing to do with your circulatory system, which is where bruises get their start. A bruise will form when the tiny blood vessels under your skin are broken. They leak blood directly under your skin and the bruises don’t go away until the blood has been taken care of. To get rid of the dramatic color of some bruises, you want to break up the bruise and get back to your natural color, but vitamin E is definitely not going to help you.

Vitamin E is generally good for your skin whether it is used as a topical application or taken orally. Even though many of the supposed cures for bruising say that vitamin E is a major ingredient, vitamin E is not going to be any real help for your bruises.

If you are only concerned about your skin quality after a bruise has healed, vitamin E might appear to be a great ingredient to tout, but it should not be touted as the only ingredient and certainly not the primary ingredient. For bruise treatments there are many other better choices for the primary ingredients. Keep in mind that you should acquaint yourself with the list of ingredients of any treatment before committing to any specific formulation.

Undertake an evaluation of why you are bruising and what is actually occurring with your body. When you are able to determine the source of your bruising you will be much more capable to select the proper treatment to provide the most benefit specifically for you.

You should know that following a prevention program like the Bruises Be Banned daily program can help you reduce bruising easily and prevent bruising altogether. This widely proven daily supplement program is successful without having vitamin E as as one of its ingredients.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the sole writer to have written a complete reference book on bruising which gives anyone a way to learn how and why they bruise, and how they can learn to avoid the embarrassment of constant bruising. You can get Section I of the new Desktop Book on Bruising free bruising causes and learn how to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

If I Eat Lots Of Fruits And Vegetables, Will It Help Me Stop Bruising Easily?

March 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Did you know that eating healthier can be something that helps you prevent bruising? When you want to get in better physical shape, remember that the foods that you choose to eat can help you prevent those unattractive blotches that can show up on your skin without warning.

If you are interested in combating bruising in yourself or in other people, you need to consider frequenting the produce aisle of your grocery store more often. Enormous impact on the way that your body feels and heals itself can start by putting more fresh produce on the dinner table. Most people don’t realize how much eating the right produce on a regular basis can go towards helping you prevent bruises.

Through helping to supercharge your immune system, vitamin C is a substance that can make a huge difference to the way that your body heals and protects itself. Eating foods that have high vitamin C content is something that many people disregard, but it is essential.

Think about looking for foods that are high in vitamin A as well. Your body uses vitamin A to fend off cellular damage and to make sure that it can deal with trauma. When you want to beat back bruises, Vitamin A is an important part of your tool set.

Although vitamin A can be obtained through supplements, but you should take this route very carefully. On rare occasions improper use of supplements has led to vitamin A poisoning. Getting vitamin A into your system by eating foods like collard greens, carrots, pumpkin, apricots and cantaloupe is a much safer route to take. These foods are all impressively high in vitamin A, and you cannot reasonably exceed a safe amount of the vitamin that gets into your body by eating these foods.

What about minerals? Your body needs minerals as well as vitamins, and this is where iron can come in. One way that iron is going to help you fend off bruising is through preventing anemia and through improving your circulatory system. If you are interested in eating foods that are rich in iron, look for the darkly colored green vegetables. Spinach, mustard greens, kale, broccoli, and Swiss chard are all great candidates for giving your body iron. Though eating these foods, you are going to be able to keep yourself much healthier.

Consider the type of diet you should follow when you want to help prevent bruising. Taking control of your diet is an essential step to improving your overall general health. Even if you think that you have the perfect diet, you should also consider the benefits of adding a daily, natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned as part of your regimen to help you prevent bruising altogether.

Jan Doan is known as the sole author to have written a complete reference book on bruising which allows anyone a convenient way to learn how and why they bruise, and how they can learn to avoid the embarrassment of constant bruising. You can have Section I of the new Definitive Desktop Reference Book on Bruising free bruising causes and learn how to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising

What Are The Ways That Bilberry Can Help Stop My Easy Bruising?

March 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

When you are tired of bruising so easily, or find yourself in a situation where you just want to just get rid of your constant bruising, you will need to determine whether bilberries or bilberry supplements can be helpful for you. You’ll need to discover how bilberry can affect bruise treatments and if it can really be helpful to you?

Before adding anything new to your daily routine, you should understand precisely how it will affect your body and how it will help you achieve the results that you want. You may have heard people talk about bilberry, but do you know whether it can help you? In fact, do you even have a clue about what a bilberry actually is?

There are a variety of bushes that produce a dark berry that are commonly referred to as bilberry bushes. Generally speaking real bilberry bushes grow in the mountainous areas of places that the UK, Russia, and Siberia. If you want to buy some bilberries, you shouldn’t be surprised that they are fairly expensive because their growing areas make them difficult to harvesting and a full bag of whole bilberries can prove to be quite pricey. A more practical solution may lie in the fact that you can get the benefits found in bilberries from bilberry supplements much more affordably.

Bilberry, unlike most other fruits, is noted for its ability to help prevent bruising, but, like some other fruits, it also helps promote overall good health. Bilberry has been most noted for its beneficial value to the circulatory system. Generally speaking, bilberry helps strengthen the walls of your capillaries and veins. Since bruises form because blood has seeped out of broken capillaries into the surrounding tissues, strengthening the walls of your capillaries will reduce the amount of bruising that you suffer.

Another factor that makes bilberries such an important part of healing is the flavonoid called anthocyanoside. Anthocyanoside is a substance that is most often found in fruits with dark skins, and you will find that it provides your body with antioxidants. Antioxidants are designed to remove free radicals from your body and in general, it will keep you healthier. You will also find that anthocyanoside can help your body heal itself faster after you have been in an accident or have undergone some sort of trauma. Many sources recommend combining your bilberry supplements with vitamin C and vitamin K for effective healing.

If you are interested in getting a cure that will allow you to heal your bruises faster, do not think that you are the only one. As we get older, our capillaries do tend to get a little frailer, and because our skin is not as protectively elastic as it once was, bruising becomes more and more common.

Bilberries are certainly a great addition to your diet to help you to reduce bruising easily, but you should consider following a complete daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which contains bilberry and several other important, natural ingredients that may prove to be your means to prevent bruising altogether.

Jan Doan is renowned as the only author to have authored a complete reference book on bruising which allows anyone a convenient way to determine how and why they bruise, and how they can learn to avoid the embarrassment of frequent bruising. You can own Section I of the new Definitive Desktop Reference Book on Bruising free bruising causes and learn how to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and prevent bruising

Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Easy Bruising, Reason 6 – Trying Treatment When You Should Be Trying Prevention!

November 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

For someone who bruises easily, you might find that people are too frequently quizzing you about what you did all weekend to cause all of the blotches on your arms. Bruising easily is a situation that can affect nearly anyone. Because there are so many different possible causes for bruising, you might become so overwhelmed by the variety of bruising causes that you don’t try to find preventative relief for your condition.

Because you are someone who tends to bruise easily, you need to look into how you are going to be able take care of the bruises that you already have. While starting an exercise program and maintaining a good diet is quite important, remember that sometimes you are just going to pick up bruises, and that taking care of the ones that already exist is going to be quite important too.

When you must deal with an existing bruise, keep in mind that you should start treatment as soon as the bruising occurs. Cold can be helpful because it will help reduce the inflammation of your skin, but any application of freezing should be avoided, because too much cold can damage the injured tissue. Similarly, you should avoid using very hot water, because it can increase the inflammation.

Pay attention to the site of the bruise so that you don’t unnecessarily aggravate it. You don’t need to be overly protective, but being aware can go a long way towards healing. Even if you have changed your actions to enhance bruise prevention, it is almost inevitable that some bruises will still occur.

To deal with bruises after they show up, remember that you should not pay attention to old wives tales. Butter, for instance, is not going to do anything for your bruise besides make you smell vaguely of old cheese, and that rubbing an ice cube on a bruise can damage it as well. Leave the steak for your bruise in the refrigerator, and look for a cool cloth instead.

There are definitely some over-the-counter remedies that can help treat an existing bruise, but do some research and choose carefully. Sometimes, your over-the-counter cure will only give you a tingly sensation and nothing else. Remember that a proven specialty remedy can be beneficial if you can’t prevent the bruising, because you will want to at least treat it after it occurs.

We should all feel that if prevention is the goal, adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned may be a good choice. This uniquely formulated combination of essential elements is intended to help treat existing bruises, but more importantly it is designed to help you reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising from occurring at all.

Carolyn Cooper is recognized as a renowned expert on bruising causes through a combination of her educational experience in nutrition and her real life experience with natural supplements for athletes, ranging from kids to the pro ranks. Get a free Special Report on bruising causes and see what she’s done to get us beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and prevent bruising

Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Easy Bruising, Reason 1 – Growing Older!

October 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

If seemingly every time you glance down you constantly notice new bruises, you need to recognize the fact that your body is trying to alert you to some type of change taking place. Whenever this type of alert occurs, you need to commit enough time so that you understand exactly what your body is trying to tell you.

There may be a number of reasons that you could discover as causes for this new situation of bruising easily, but the primary reason that you need to consider first is age. As people get older, they typically ten to bruise more easily. Easy bruising is not just a condition that necessarily happens as you get older. Instead, you need to consider all of the possibilities so that you can be certain that the plan you choose to reduce or prevent will be effective for your individual condition.

To begin with, you have probably noticed that your skin is not as elastic as it once was, and your skin seems to have gotten thinner as you’ve aged. Not only does your skin now show wrinkles quicker, your skin is not as protective of your blood vessels and your body in general as it use to be when you were younger. Your skin has gotten more fragile, and with its reduction of elasticity, it is now much more subject to injury.

Remember that bruising is essentially the breaking of small blood vessels beneath unbroken skin. Chances are good that while routine bumps won’t cause your skin to break, they will go through the limited protection your skin now offers and damage your weakened blood vessels.

The blood vessels typically affected are the capillaries which have thinner walls because of aging. Naturally, capillaries with thin walls are significantly easier to traumatize. These thinner walls can make bruising much more likely to occur and cause the bruises to appear much more dramatic. Obviously, if the skin is no longer providing adequate protection to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels are weakened, large bruises is an expected result.

You should also understand that your body is no longer producing the levels of collagen like it use to. Collagen is the substance that gives your skin it’s flexibility and firmness, and as we grow older, our bodies produce less of it. Large numbers of anti-aging formulas use collagen to improve skin tone, because youthful skin is smoother looking, and flexible skin is able to protect your body better.

Easy bruising is definitely a condition that becomes more common for a variety of people as they grow older. However, there are some people who tend to bruise more readily than others, while there are still other people that never seem to have bruises ever. Personal care and genetics could define differences between certain groups of people, but there can also be or to a wide variety other reasons explaining their tendency to bruise easily.

Each person needs to evaluate why their specific bruises occur. The better educated you can become in learning the causes for your easy bruising, the better chance you will have to find a means to overcome your easy bruising problem. Whatever reasons affect you, you should consider adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

Carolyn Cooper is known as a renowned expert on bruise treatment through a combination of her educational experience in nutrition and her real life experience with natural supplements for athletes, ranging from children to the professional ranks. Get a free Special Report on bruising causes and see what she’s done to get us past the heartaches of easy bruising and prevent bruising

Will Snowboarding Really Help Me Prevent Bruising?

September 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

When you are looking for a sport that combines the excitement of skateboarding, surfing and skiing, you’ll discover that snowboarding might be the choice for you. Snowboarding involves heading down a slope that is fully or partially covered with snow on a snowboard that is strapped to your feet using a special boots. This is an exhilarating sport and if you want to try something that is a bit out of the ordinary for most folks, it might be perfect for you.

You may be wondering, though how it is going to help you prevent your bruising. The first thing that you should remember is that this can be something of a rough and tumble sport; when you are skidding down the side of a mountain, there is a chance that you will fall and get bruised, but the truth is, the bruising might not be as severe as you would normally think.

Remember that bruising is a condition that occurs as we age due to the lessened protective qualities of our skin and capillaries. As collagen in the skin is produced less frequently and less abundantly, our skin loses the elasticity that it once had. This means that you are going to be much less protected than you would have been you were younger.

Getting the proper amount of cardiovascular exercise is one remedy to this condition of easy bruising. If your heart is healthy, you will have taken a major step in strengthening your blood vessels which in turn makes them significantly less vulnerable to being traumatized. This strengthening makes easy bruising much less likely to occur.

Are you looking for an adventure that also provides improved cardiovascular health which is beneficial in reducing your bruises? You should take a look at snowboarding. Snowboarding is a fun and active sport that can lead you to some of the most beautiful outdoor areas in the world, and if you are a snow lover, snowboarding will give you the ideal reason to enhance your chances to enjoy it.

Because snowboarding is a very physical sport, you should make certain that any old injuries that you may have will not impede your enjoyment. Decide what your options are going to be and what you should do to make sure that you can enjoy this activity safely. Have your physician evaluate what you may need to be careful about if you have any doubts at all.

Make sure that you squeeze every bit of excitement that you can out of this sport. It can be exhilarating and a little scary, and you will never know what you are going to learn about yourself unless you are willing to try something new.

Give some consideration to combining a daily, all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to the cardiovascular benefits of snowboarding. This combination could well help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

Carolyn Cooper is known as a well known expert on bruise treatment through a combination of her educational experience in nutrition and her real world expertise with nutritional supplements for athletes, ranging from kids to the professional ranks. Get a free Special Report on bruising causes and see what she’s done to get us past the nightmares of easy bruising and prevent bruising

Can Starting a Good Tennis Program Really Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

September 3, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

As we age, you shouldn’t be surprised to glance down and find more bruises than you used to find when you were younger. Although bruising easily is a condition that has been linked to some problematic disorders or diseases, you will generally find that bruising easily is not a serious condition at all; it is only a normal part of the way that your body acts as we grow older. On the other hand, it is a totally normal reaction to try to find a means to reduce the bruising easily as well.

Spend the necessary time to learn what causes easy bruising and what a tennis program, of all things, can do to help prevent the bruising that you now see too often. You do not have to be helpless in the face of your bruising, and there are a variety of things that you can undertake to help overcome this condition. Depending on your unique situation, you may find that a tennis program can be the best answer for you.

To begin with, you should remember that tennis is a highly aerobic activity. It involves a great deal of coordination and muscle tone, and it is a full body workout. Give some thought to how much conditioning this sport will require of you. Whether you pursue it on an indoor court or an outdoor court, you will find that it has numerous benefits for you.

Whether you are just getting started with tennis, or you are returning to the sport after a long absence, you are probably wondering how it can help you prevent your bruising. The thing that you need to recall is the fact that easy bruising is usually a result of the breakdown or lack of collagen in your body. Collagen is a substance that gives your skin its elasticity, and as you get older, its absence can make you more prone to bruising as your skin and blood vessels have less protection than when you were younger.

What this means is that you need to strengthen or otherwise toughen up your blood vessels. The best way to strengthen your blood vessels and to make sure that they are not going to suffer unduly from light pressure or mild trauma is with regular cardiovascular activity. This activity will make you considerably less inclined to bruise with seemingly little or no provocation.

With that in mind, remember that the best way to strengthen your blood vessels is to consider what your options are going to be to get the proper amount of cardiovascular exercise in your normal routine. Through strengthening your heart and your entire body, you will place yourself in a much better position to reduce the bruising that you are experiencing, especially easy bruising that is due to your aging.

Before getting started with tennis or with any other variety of consistent cardiovascular exercise, consider consulting with your family physician, particularly if you have any other health conditions that would make cardiovascular activity unfeasible.

Even though there are a number of benefits that the cardiovascular nature of a tennis program offers, you also need to consider starting an all natural, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which has been proved to provide you help to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

Carolyn Cooper is known as a renowned expert on bruise treatment through a combination of her educational experience in nutrition and her real world expertise with natural supplements for athletes, ranging from children to the pro ranks. Get a free Special Report on bruising causes and see what she’s done to get us beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and prevent bruising