How To Get A HomeFacelift Without Surgery

September 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Cosmetic facelift surgery is a huge business in our culture today. We are obsessed with appearing beautiful and young. Some say that a nice, good looking face is a like a good introduction to a letter, if the introduction is pleasant, more people will be interested. This could be why so many people turn to cosmetic facelift surgery.

Cosmetic surgery facelift is also called Rhytidectomy and is used improve our appearance by removing sagging skin and fat deposits, tighten and smooth creases and wrinkles, raise sagging eyebrows and more.

If youre unhappy with those wrinkles and sagging face lines, then facelift surgery might be something to consider. You should know, however, that a cosmetic surgery facelift will not change your appearance like other plastic surgery does, and it certainly wont stop the signs of aging from returning eventually. So its a good idea to consult with a reputable facelift surgeon and detail out both your expectations and questions.

Keep in mind that all surgery comes with risks and side effects. These include infections, nerve damage, scarring, hair loss and swelling. It is also possible to have slightly un-symmetrical features after sugrey. These risks should also be discussed with your surgeon.

You may be wondering what a cosmetic facelift surgery runs. The combination of a surgeons fees, facility fee, and anesthesia fee costs between $7,000 – $18,000 depending on the extent of the procedure. Its for that reason that many people combine plastic surgery procedures (like a nose job) with a facelift so that the anesthesia fee and site fee are only paid once.

Alternative to Face Lift: If you are looking for a more safer, less costly alternative to look younger and to lift your facial features. There is an excellent way you can take control of your aging face at home for almost no money at all….by performing Face Exercises. Click on the following to see a Free Video for Crow’s Feet

Your face is like any other part of your body. It needs a workout to stay toned and healthy. Many people who start utilizing facial exercise as part of their wellness routine find that their appearance substantively improves within six months. No need for cutting or injections, just a little time and diligence.

Face Exercises are a completely natural approach that improves the amount of oxygen and nutrients you skin cells receive. Over time facial exercises improve your complexion, skin color, and skin moisture. It also irons away wrinkles, leaving a younger looking you. In other words, its an excellent alternative to a cosmetic surgery facelift thats easy to do, no where near as costly, and much safer. Try these Free Face Exercises

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What You Need to Know About Laser Surgery for Cellulite Removal

September 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Cellulite is an unsightly condition that occurs when fat accumulates just below the skin and presses upon the connective tissue, causing it to appear lumpy. There is a variety of approaches to addressing cellulite, and a few of them work quite effectively without harming your body. Of these, laser cellulite removal is becoming ever more popular, and is proving to be very beneficial for removing the unsightly appearance of cellulite.

According to statistics, in the United States alone, women spend more than one million U.S. dollars each year on various kinds of procedures to remove cellulite, and laser removal is the most popular. Laser is looked upon by a number of them as a permanent way of eradicating this embarrassing state. It gets rid of fat due to the effect of concentrated light radiation under the epidermis. The breakup of the cell membranes is a result of the fat cells being heated. Massage therapy applied to the region further encourages the removal of cellulite.

Another form of laser cellulite removal employs light radiation in a less aggressive, non-penetrating method to get rid of body fat. The membranes of the fat cells begin to deteriorate after undergoing the effect of the laser.

Another form of laser cellulite removal involves the use of radio frequency to increase the temperature of the fat cells and get the lymphatic and blood circulation systems moving. The lymphatic system captures and removes the broken down fat after the collapse of the fat cell membranes.

The DEKA machine is another approach to cellulite removal, which applies three discrete approaches in combination to get the required results. In this approach, circulation is stimulated by six lasers which massage and cool, thus encouraging the cellulite to drain away via the lymphatic system. By combining massage with progressive stimulation techniques, cellulite is significantly reduced.

Laser cellulite removal can also be coupled with Endermologie massage. The laser serves to make the tissue softer while the Endermologie equipment improves the outcome.

Laser cellulite removal looks very promising, and can be a good alternative for women who are seeking an effective means of removing cellulite. A number of consecutive sessions are needed to achieve maximum benefits. Afterwards, make certain you keep your weight stable by maintaining an active lifestyle, since cellulite is likely to return otherwise.

Laser cellulite removal normally does the trick, however the cost can really add up. You can also deal with cellulite by eating well and exercising. You may also desire to use items geared toward eliminating cellulite such as various creams, lotions and ointments that are available. Just be sure to talk about the situation with your doctor before using any form of treatment, and research the subject thoroughly as well.

You can spend a lot on creams, lotions and therapeutic treatments to eliminate cellulite, but you might be simply throwing your money away on products that are more hype than help. The best way to target this unsightly condition is through a healthy diet, anti cellulite massage and cellulite exercises.

Here’s The Best Acne Treatment – And It Works!

September 19, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Lots of individuals have tried various acne treatments without actually having any luck in getting rid of acne. It’s too bad because dealing with acne is a huge nuisance! It’s ok though – eliminating acne is entirely possible.

I’m going to go over why almost all acne treatments don’t give you results.

Almost all treatments are formulated to merely attack existing zits rather than preventing and actually attacking the causes of acne – this is a big problem!. These products don’t truly treat the problem, they just try to treat one zit at a time after they are already on your face.

Here’s the problem! There isn’t a point in attacking one zit if you aren’t doing a thing to prevent new outbreaks! This is a big annoyance of mine and I notice many people wasting their cash because of it.

In order to eliminate your acne, you need to find a product that treats all of the things that cause zits. There are four major causes: extra oil on the skin, acne causing bacteria, irritation of the skin and clogged skin pores. Getting rid of acne involves treating every single one of the causes.

You won’t locate anything really effective in the stores, but there are acne products available that will actually get rid of your pimples. You will notice that these work as a system and normally use a few steps to ensure you’re targeting the causes appropriately.

You’ll be surprised at how fast you can see results by taking this path. Within a week your skin will show sizeable improvement and quickly after your skin will be clearer than you might have imagined. Being able to get out of bed, glance in the mirror and see perfectly clear skin is a terrific feeling.

Don’t get down if you have used products before that didn’t work! You will get rid of your acne once you obtain the best treatment for you.

Looking for the best acne treatment that will completely eliminate your acne? Click Here to find out how to knockout your acne 100% permanently.

Here’s How To Get Rid Of Acne Permanently – It’s Not Hard!

September 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Lots of people have used several different acne products without actually having any luck in clearing their skin. It’s unfortunate as dealing with acne is a great nuisance! It’s ok though – getting rid of acne is completely possible.

Right off the bat, let’s have a look at why the acne treatment products you buy in the drugstores almost never produce results. It’s critical to understand this if getting rid of acne is a mission of yours.

Most products are formulated to just attack existing zits rather than preventing and really treating the causes of pimples – this is a huge issue!. They merely act to “zap” zits one at a time instead of handling acne at the root of the problem.

This is a huge problem! There isn’t a point in treating one zit if you aren’t doing a thing to stop new outbreaks! This is a big annoyance of mine and I see many people wasting their money for this reason.

To truly eliminate your acne, you need to use a treatment that targets all of the things that cause zits. There are four main causes: extra oil on the skin, acne causing bacteria, skin irritation and clogged pores. Knocking out acne means you must treat each of these causes.

You won’t locate anything really useful in the stores, but there are acne products available that can actually get rid of your pimples. The great acne products will treat all of the causes and work like a full system to clear your skin.

If you use a product that truly treats the causes of zits, you will see results within a weeks time. It’s a great feeling looking at yourself in the mirror and notice the improvements.

Getting rid of zits is not only achievable, but it’s really easy when you use the right treatment system.

Looking for the best acne treatment that will fully get rid of your acne? Click Here to find out how to knockout your acne once and for all.

The Basics of An Anti Aging Anti Wrinkle Cream

September 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Have you been looking for an anti-aging wrinkle cream that is effective in diminishing the fine lines and signs of aging on your face? If you are like many, you have been less than successful in your attempts to track down such a product. There are many, many of these products on the market being sold by major cosmetic companies, but most are unable to produce much in the way of results.

Department stores and drug stores are stocked with skin care products. All look spectacular and make fantastic claims in their ability to make you look younger. Yet their packaging does not mean they produce real results. The reason that these products are ineffective is because they are not made with the quality ingredients necessary to really improve your skin.

Most name brand cosmetics and skin care products are made with synthetic ingredients. This keeps the manufacturing costs much lower than it would otherwise be. Unfortunately, synthetic ingredients do not do what needs to be done to work effectively. Natural ingredients of a high quality are needed to work with your skin to produce real change. When you are shopping for skin care products in the future, take a look at the ingredients listed and you will see what Im talking about.

Other than the anti aging anti wrinkle cream that contains a handful of natural ingredients, you will find that almost all of these products are strictly developed using chemicals. Even the ones that do contain a natural ingredient or two will still have plenty of these toxins as additives, and preservatives. Products containing these types of ingredients should be carefully avoided if you wish not to harm your health.

The toxic chemicals that these products for preventing wrinkles contain can cause you to develop cancer, can disrupt your endocrine system, and are known organ and neurotoxins. The cosmetics industry should not be allowed to endanger the health of their consumers, but courts have overturned any effort by the U.S. FDA to regulate the industry and force them to manufacture safer products.

The best way to avoid the risk posed by anti aging anti wrinkle cream is to look for such products where there regulations are in place to protect the consumer. One such country is within the European Union where companies sign an agreement to use only ingredients in their products that are not harmful to the consumers health.

One such company is in the small island country of New Zealand where they manufacture anti wrinkle cream formulas that are completely natural. Their products contain such high quality ingredients that they are also highly effective as well. New Zealand skin care products use ingredients that work with the skins natural ability to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Natural proteins and extracts are used to increase the skins ability to produce what it needs and therefore greatly improve the condition of the users skin and its natural ability to minimize wrinkles.

If you are looking for an anti aging anti wrinkle cream and have been unsuccessful with the many that appear on the shelves in this country, it may be time for you to turn to this New Zealand company to find what you are looking for.

Do you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines or age spots? Try natural skin care to achieve a more youthful complexion and a healthier skin. Go and visit my informational web site for the best and most effective skin care.

Skin in the Game: How Putting Yourself First Today Will Revolutionize Health Care Tomorrow (Kindle Edition)

September 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care Systems

Skin in the Game: How Putting Yourself First Today Will Revolutionize Health Care Tomorrow

While the American health care system has consistently been criticized for its noticeable detriments, few have taken the time to recognize the significant benefits and potential of this system. But with Skin in the Game, authors John Hammergren and Phil Harkins provide a comprehensive overview of the history of our health care system, an explanation of its current state, and a picture of the great strides that they see being made in the near future.

From the Inside Flap
Did yo (more…)

Excessive Underarm Sweat Can Lead To Diseases

September 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Sweating is theoretically a normal occurrence to a persons body. It has its own scientific functions to serve the overall body system. One of its roles is to get rid of the unnecessary minerals and vitamins that are stored in the body. Thus, it cleans up the internal organs of your body by excreting the wastes. Likewise, underarm sweat allows lubricating the arms and body as they rub against each other. What turns out to be abnormal is when a person is experiencing excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating is the direct effect of the malfunctioning sweat glands. The underlying factors for such a condition include the health level, biological changes, diet, hygiene and state of mind. Such an abnormality is a serious struggle among those who are into this situation. It could lead to suffer from embarrassment, low self-esteem, depression and frustration. These are definitely the things which you dont want to experience.

You need not worry too much because excessive sweating is definitely curable with the advancement of medical science. It is completely assured that it would not cause a serious threat to human life. You just have to be careful in deciding which treatment would be best to stop excessive sweating. Some things to consider prior to moving further are its cost, efficacy, risk, comfort and side-effects. You need to weigh things properly to be able to come up with the best remedy for the matter.

Underarm is where the normal sweating takes place. But, excessive sweating on that specific spot of your body is definitely another issue to deal with. There are two known kinds of excessive armpit sweating, the primary and secondary sweating disorders. The first one is not caused by any existing medical problem while the second is directly affected by the occurrence of other ailments like diabetes, thyroid and etc.

Those who are affected by this serious concern must seek for medical remedy the soonest possible time in order to avoid experiencing the worst out of it. With this disorder, you will completely feel uneasy to perform your daily work, play games and other activities. But again, before making any further medical decision on how to stop underarm sweat, you need to make it a point that such treatment you undergo would satisfactorily work out accordingly.

However, if you want to become more practical in the effort of stopping excessive underarm sweating you may actually apply the basics such as proper balance diet, healthy lifestyle and body exercises. These things definitely aid to curtail too much sweating of your body and it is absolutely economical. Nevertheless, if you feel more comfortable with the medical advancement nowadays, you are always free to choose whichever treatment is the best.

Having questions or interest in the topic on Excessive Underarm Sweating? Me too, and I have some research findings to share. Find them at How To Stop Excessive Sweating.

Do Wrinkle Creams Work? Judge it yourself

September 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Superstores all over the world have flooded their racks with all sorts of anti aging skin care products claiming to remove wrinkles and permanently arrest aging. Many conscientious individuals find it amazing and appalling to be bombarded with advertisements promoting these products. Let me tell you what they find particularly amazing? The observation that these advertisements claim to provide multiple benefits to the user but none of them actually provides a scientific explanation of how they actually deliver these benefits. In this article, we shall discuss the all important question? Do wrinkle creams work.

Scientific studies have shown that some of these products actually deliver good results. However, generalizations can’t be made. The effects of such products are as varied as the variety of ways in which they are formulated. Since many of the formulations that work have process patents and trademark secrets, I can’t divulge the details thereof in this article. However, I can certainly enumerate the effects that these creams have regardless of their formulation method. After reading this article, you won’t wonder, “Do wrinkle creams work?”

Some of the acidic formulations act by clearing the pores that our skin has. This is achieved either by flooding these pores with fresh lease of oxygen or by flushing out sebum contained in these pores through external fluid media. Either way, the end result is skin that can breathe.

By unblocking the pores and allowing the skin to breathe, these creams attempt to aggravate expulsion of toxic waste from the epidermis. Build-up of toxic waste is the number one reason for acne and many other dermatological problems. These dermatological ailments are known aggravators of wrinkling. This is the first line of attack or primary effect of any such cream.

To further evaluate wrinkle creams and their function, we will now review them from a different perspective. How do these creams affect the secretion of oil from glands located in the dermis, the second layer of skin, underneath the epidermis?

Some wrinkle creams my contain the oil from the glands in the dermis that keep oily skin clear if the build up that influences bacterial growth, which in turn is a major cause of skin diseases. These creams neutralize the potential skin issues that induce the signs of aging. The main indicator of this type of cream working is less signs of oily skin.

Other wrinkle creams are created with the intention of alleviating dry itchy skin. These creams are formulated to induce the dermis glands to secrete the proper amounts of sebum. This result is achieved by providing extra moisture, which enables these glands to dissolve dead skin cells and flush them out. The main indicator of a working cream is the increased moisture and softness of the skin.

The keys to purchasing the right cream is to understand the ingredients and functions, to have knowledge about the results desired and knowledge about the contents of the cream that will produce the desired result. Now the reader has the necessary information to determine on their own…”Do wrinkle creams work?

Geoff Hopkins has worked in the anti aging skin care industry for years. He maintains websites about anti aging skin care and wrinkle skin care.

The Right Wrinkle Cream Will Help You Look Younger.

September 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

To look and feel younger, you have to be able to confront the mirror and be satisfied with the way that your face radiates and glows. It doesn’t matter whether you are going to work or for a night out on the town; beautiful skin is what makes anyone feel more confident and beautiful. In fact, when anyone compliments you on how youthful you look; it is an immediate reflection of the skin around your face and neck that radiate with a youthful glow.

Therefore, if you want to look and feel younger,a good anti wrinkle cream is an essential part of your daily beauty regime. Nowadays, over-the-counter face creams have far surpassed their predecessors. These kinds of creams minimise the appearance of wrinkles, diminish age spots, and mainly provide hydration for the delicate areas around your eyes; but they also work on other problem areas like the forehead, the cheeks, and a sagging jaw line. There are good wrinkle creams that target specific areas of the face and neck, and will also make you look and feel younger if you use them as directed.

Don’t wait to look and feel younger.

If you have had a track record of a complexion that looks older than it should, getting started right away with a good skin cream will not only start repairing damage, but will also prevent new damage from occurring and make you look and feel younger. This is because any skin cream that you use will lock out free radicals like pollution and sun damage. Many women don’t know it, but exposing your face to the sun during daily activities like going shopping or going to work over the course of a year is the equivalent of one week of sun exposure at the beach with no sunscreen.

You should always protect skin from the effect of ozone depletion and sun damage to look and feel younger.

The first thing to do is get a good wrinkle cream with an SPF of at least 15. Apply this kind of cream in the morning before you go out and you will start to look and feel younger within a few weeks.

Another factor behind applying this kind of cream in the morning is because of the air pollution. If you live in an urban area, you will get a certain amount of air pollutants from cars, buses, and even factories. These pollutants all go right into your skin if you aren’t protected. However, an application of skin cream in the morning will not only reduce the appearance of wrinkles, it will also keep out pollutants that will help you look and feel younger.

If you want to look and feel younger, get a good anti wrinkle cream for your face and hands.

Age spots come from a variety of places. They may be genetic, but most likely age spots are a product of your lifestyle. However, wrinkle creams can offset a lot of bad habits in order to make you look and feel younger. These products can reduce the effects of alcohol, reduce the effects of saturated fats, as well as reduce the effects of smoking. They do this by penetrating the skin and provide the hydration that is necessary for anyone who wants to look and feel younger.

Skin care products have come a long way in recent years. New skin care products are proven to work much better than their original counterparts. This is mainly due to new ingredients and formulas in anti wrinkle creams that will make you look and feel younger than ever before.

Jenna Keys is an author and writes about skin care issues at herSkin Care blog.

Extra-ordinary Uses for the Indoor Bug Zapper

September 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

I don’t know whether you have ever used a handheld, indoor bug zapper, but I think that they are marvelous. I’m talking about the handheld sort that looks like a child?s plastic, toy tennis racquet. They come in two basic types. I rather the rechargeable bug zapper, because batteries end up costing more than the indoor bug zapper itself, although you could always buy rechargeable batteries, but then they are steep too.

My wife and I like to spend time in the garden. We meet friends there, dine there and in general loaf about outdoors, as do most folks around here, when they are not working. Besides, it’s far cooler outside than indoors. A comfy chair, some snacks, a cool drink and a book or a friend and life does not get much better. In fact, it?s idyllic.

That is until about six or seven o’clock when the first wave of mosquitoes have judged that the sun’s rays have lost enough strength that they will not evaporate and they come out searching for blood. Some evenings are worse than others, of course. Usually, the mosquitoes are pretty tolerable, especially seeing as I have discovered the indoor bug zapper. (I don’t know why it is referred to as an ?indoor bug zapper?, it is just as effective outdoors as in).

It’s not that I like to slaughter things, but I find it hard to have compassion for mosquitoes. Nevertheless, I do get a certain amount of enjoyment from seeing and hearing mosquitoes and other bugs literally blow up with a flash and a spark as they come into connection with the electric and ground wires of the indoor bug zapper. These electric bug zappers can pack quite a charge, particularly if the batteries are new or the pack is completely charged.

The other day, I discovered a novel use for my handheld, indoor bug zapper. I’ll tell you how it came about. I was in the garden, as usual, and my bug zapper was close at hand as the first squadron of mosquitoes was due. I had my book in one hand and the bug zapper on my knees, when my wife asked me to go to the shop for her. No problem, so, I set off on the five minute walk.

I was half-way there when I realized that I had the indoor bug zapper in my hand, but it was not worth taking it home and beginning the journey again. Anyway, on my return trip, I had my small bag of groceries in one hand and the indoor bug zapper in the other, when a local tyrant of a dog came running out of a garden right for me. This has occurred often and, although he has never bitten me yet, it is quite intimidating. He stood there glaring at me with teeth bared and his ‘pack’ of sundry neighborhood pals came out to surround me and join in.

I don’t actually know what the best tactic is in this situation. I have tried standing my ground, but the intimidation just goes on and I have tried to keep walking, but he gets terrifyingly nearby on occasion. This time, I unexpectedly lashed out with the indoor bug zapper and just caught him on the nose. Well, I’m not sure if it hurt him, it did not appear to too much, but it gave him a very nasty shock in more ways than one, I can tell you! He jumped about four feet into the air as if he were on a pogo stick and then ran for all he was worth with all his pals following him. It was very satisfying after six months of persecution from this dog.

Nevertheless, I don’t take my indoor bug zapper everywhere with me, but I will in future, if any other local dogs bother me. I know it works a treat. I have seen that one since, but he keeps well away from me and doesn’t utter a squeak. I think I would take my indoor bug zapper with me, if I were roaming in an unfamiliar part of town or the park nevertheless.

Have you ever heard of an indoor bug zapper? If not, or if you want to get an indoor bug zapper, please click one of the hyperlinks to our web site or blog.

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