5 Cardinal Rules To Stop Zits and Get Rid of Pimples

April 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Millions of people worldwide are having acne breakouts. If they have not yet felt the effects of it, then chances are they will someday. It mostly occurs upon the skin of adolescent teens but it strikes adults as well. Acne has been known to depress those who are hit by sudden breakout. Frequent breakouts that dominate your face make you want to stop zits from showing up and get rid of acne as fast as possible. It can make a person who is normally very social into a shy introverted type. Self esteem and confidence can also be damaged after seeing what acne does to the face everyday.

To stop zits, you must understand what it takes to care for your face. The skin on your face is different from the skin anywhere else and its also more sensitive. The skin on your face is exposed to a lot more on a daily basis compared to the rest of your body. Your face is exposed to the sun, dirt, makeup, your fingers, and other things that other parts of the body are shielded from.

5 tips to consider to stop zits:

1. Put down the soda and the juice and drink more water throughout the day. Get yourself some bottled water or tap water with ice and get yourself used to drinking more pure clear water. It helps cleanse your system. It is also important that you always keep yourself hydrated. The majority of your bodily functions need a sufficient amount of water to operate properly, including the functions of the skin.

2. Watch your diet and eat healthier foods. Make sure you get vitamin A from your diet because it is good for repairing and protecting the skin tissues. Biotin helps to produce the hair, nails, and your skin cells. Niacin has been known to assist with the moisture of the skin. Vitamin C aids in helping to guard the skin against skin cancer. vitamin E can help lessen the amount of wrinkles on the face. Vitamins C and E work together to help the DNA in the skin fight against any damage and other free radicals like smoke, dust, pollution and etc..

3. Even though it may be tempting, please avoid popping your pimples. You will create scars that will last alot longer than the life span of the pimple that was popped. You also risk infection because of the open lesion created by busting the pimple which can open the door for other serious issues.

4. Wash the face twice a day. Wake up in the morning and wash before you leave, wash it again before you go to sleep. The soap used for washing yourself in the shower or bath is not the same soap to use for your face. These soaps have chemicals that can harm the sensitive skin of your face, and also cause more breakouts.

5. Selecting the right wash for your face To stop zits you should use a cleanser that contains ingredients that will exfoliate your skin, help to lighten scars, and help to prevent dead skin cells from clogging your pores. A few of these ingredients are salicylic acid, glycolic acid, alpha or beta-hydroxy acid, SD alcohol 40, and mandelic acid.

With consistency and a daily routine, great results should be visible really soon. You must have patience because it will not go away overnight.

Is acne hurting your appearance? Are pimples popping up regardless of how clean your face is? Stop wasting your hard earned money on products that don’t work! You want to stop zits? Go to PreventingAcneOnline.com