Propolis Is Good for Skin

March 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Honey bees produce a lot of different substances which are good for health and skin. These substances include honey, royal jelly, propolis and honey wax, etc. Different honey produce can be used to make different health and skincare products including pills, lotion and lip balm, etc.

What is propolis? Propolis is a mixture of resin, bee wax, pollen and secretions from bees. Resin and bee wax are the main components of propolis. They comprise 85 percent of propolis in total. The remaining 15 percent is mainly essential oil and bee pollen. According to scientists, there are 38 essential acids for human. Propolis contains 30 of these essential acids. Besides, propolis is effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria and protozoa.

Propolis is luxurious and has been proved to be good for skin and health. Propolis contains more than 50 different types of flavonoids. Flavonoid promotes skin health by facilitating blood circulation, decomposing pigments and preventing skin aging. Besides, propolis contains almost all kinds of vitamins, especially vitamin P (in rutin), which strengthen cell walls.

Approximately 55 percent of propolis is composed of Resin. Resin is mainly collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are substance that found in human body and are essential for growth of skin cells, blood vessels, muscles, bone and teeth. Around 30 percent of proteins in human body are collagen and elastin. With sufficient collagen and elastin, our skin will be hydrated and rejuvenated.

Bee wax is mainly composed of high quality fatty acid and ester. It is an effective skincare product for wrinkle reduction. Eating of bee wax helps reduce the stickiness of dead skin. This facilitates the removal of dead skin, wrinkle reduction, improvement in acne problem and pigmentation.

Pollen is rich in protein, amino acid and fragrance. Protein is the essential substance for the growth and recovery of skin cells. Without protein, skin will be dry and inelastic and wounds will be different to be healed.

Learn more about body beauty and skincare, visit: how to apply fake eyelashes Facial Exfoliators

Things To Keep In Mind Concerning Household Remedies For Acne That Have Been Proven With Results

February 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

It is one of the more annoying things in the world to contend with on a routine occurrence, the topic of acne is something that needs to be taken into account on a routine occurrence. There are a decent amount of household remedies for acne that need to be given serious consideration on a constant level, this article will give you all that you need to know about having clear skin.

The belief that it cost an arm and a leg to get effective results is something that needs to be dismissed on the front end. There are several different aspects that will give a person the results that they seek out without having to break the bank in order to effectively accomplish this on a routine occurrence.

Many times the basic natural or home designed cure is a lot better in treating this condition than many of the expensive products that are on the market on a routine occurrence.

There are several minerals and vitamins that are an excellent way to keep this condition well under control to the point that this can be used on a regular basis to keep the condition from reappearing and causing a person some massive issues in the long run, this is one of the many things that needs to be kept in mind when dealing with this subject.

Vitamin A and E will also help a lot in the way of getting you the optimal possible results for the efforts that are being placed in the attempts to battle acne on a routine basis. This is a battle that many times can seem like a losing effort for you to endure, in the end though with the right attitude, you will be able to get the positive results that you are hoping for in order to get the optimal possible looking skin that you is able to have on a routine basis.

There are several vitamins on the market that are able to assist a person in their efforts of taking the acne fight and making an effort to win with a strong defensive effort. This will go a long way in ensuring that you are able to keep a person’s acne under control to the point that they are able to get the best overall results that can many times allow for a person’s self confidence to be a lot higher.

Zinc is a mineral that can go a long way in making it a point that the person is able to get the best desired results that they are seeking out in a large number of different ways. The use of this will be one of the better household remedies for acne that you will be able to get on the market.

Home remedies for acne is many times looked upon as being one of the optimal methods that a person is able to use in the end to get the looks that they will be proud of for a long time in the future. This will be one of the biggest things that will need to be looked at on a routine occurrence.

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Do You Know This Much About Acne?

February 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Skin Care

In truth, primarily from hormonal changes might be the primary cause for acne. As a matter of fact, it is the reason why a lot of adolescents suffer from the condition. However, there are things you can do to keep it at bay. Learn about them, and do.

There are lots of more serious infections that could stem from a simple outbreak of acne. See the first part of it as a precursor, and attack it with aggression. Then you mightn’t have to live your life with the complications of the disease.

Some form of endocrine disorder also causes acne. It is why you sometimes see extreme cases of it in adults. It of course is not the only reason why people have the disease, but it is the reason why it may persist in people who are closer to fifty years of age. When you try to administer treatment, you might want to start from there.

When you suffer a lot from acne, you might want to keep the makeup down to a minimum. You would only be adding to the complications if you line your face so hard with rogue so all the time. Watch that habit, will you.

People who have acnes should maintain clean sheets all over the house. Anything that could come in contact with their faces should be kept clean so that chances of the condition worsening can at least be kept in check.

I’d like to warn you about mixing acne medications. Sometimes it is the best way to address the condition, and sometimes it is a total mistake. One thing I can say is that it should never be practiced without professional supervision.

You must know by now about acne medication adverse effects. They happen when you are not very careful about the medication that you use. You might want to adopt the habit of taking better care of what you put on your skin. It’s for your own good after all.

One form of acne, the type referred to as chloracne, is caused by chlorinated compounds. When you use too many chlorinated products, you leave yourself wide open. However you cannot just cure it by quitting, you are going to have to start taking the right acne medication to speed up the recovery process. And of course, you have to bring your doctor in on it too.

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5 Cardinal Rules To Stop Zits and Get Rid of Pimples

April 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Millions of people worldwide are having acne breakouts. If they have not yet felt the effects of it, then chances are they will someday. It mostly occurs upon the skin of adolescent teens but it strikes adults as well. Acne has been known to depress those who are hit by sudden breakout. Frequent breakouts that dominate your face make you want to stop zits from showing up and get rid of acne as fast as possible. It can make a person who is normally very social into a shy introverted type. Self esteem and confidence can also be damaged after seeing what acne does to the face everyday.

To stop zits, you must understand what it takes to care for your face. The skin on your face is different from the skin anywhere else and its also more sensitive. The skin on your face is exposed to a lot more on a daily basis compared to the rest of your body. Your face is exposed to the sun, dirt, makeup, your fingers, and other things that other parts of the body are shielded from.

5 tips to consider to stop zits:

1. Put down the soda and the juice and drink more water throughout the day. Get yourself some bottled water or tap water with ice and get yourself used to drinking more pure clear water. It helps cleanse your system. It is also important that you always keep yourself hydrated. The majority of your bodily functions need a sufficient amount of water to operate properly, including the functions of the skin.

2. Watch your diet and eat healthier foods. Make sure you get vitamin A from your diet because it is good for repairing and protecting the skin tissues. Biotin helps to produce the hair, nails, and your skin cells. Niacin has been known to assist with the moisture of the skin. Vitamin C aids in helping to guard the skin against skin cancer. vitamin E can help lessen the amount of wrinkles on the face. Vitamins C and E work together to help the DNA in the skin fight against any damage and other free radicals like smoke, dust, pollution and etc..

3. Even though it may be tempting, please avoid popping your pimples. You will create scars that will last alot longer than the life span of the pimple that was popped. You also risk infection because of the open lesion created by busting the pimple which can open the door for other serious issues.

4. Wash the face twice a day. Wake up in the morning and wash before you leave, wash it again before you go to sleep. The soap used for washing yourself in the shower or bath is not the same soap to use for your face. These soaps have chemicals that can harm the sensitive skin of your face, and also cause more breakouts.

5. Selecting the right wash for your face To stop zits you should use a cleanser that contains ingredients that will exfoliate your skin, help to lighten scars, and help to prevent dead skin cells from clogging your pores. A few of these ingredients are salicylic acid, glycolic acid, alpha or beta-hydroxy acid, SD alcohol 40, and mandelic acid.

With consistency and a daily routine, great results should be visible really soon. You must have patience because it will not go away overnight.

Is acne hurting your appearance? Are pimples popping up regardless of how clean your face is? Stop wasting your hard earned money on products that don’t work! You want to stop zits? Go to

What Is Acne?

April 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Acne is the most common skin disease and nearly 17 million individuals in the United States have it. Cystic acne can cause scars in some people. You can reduce scars by not squeezing or picking at pimples. Acne develops when small holes on the surface of the skin, called pores, become clogged. Each pore is an opening to a canal called a follicle. It contains a hair and an oil gland.

It is characterized by pimples, cysts and abscesses. It occurs when the pores in the skin are blocked, trapping oil, dead skin and bacteria in the hair follicles. Acne can often disappear only to leave a discoloured or raised mark where it once was, or even small craters in severe cases. Redness often fades in a matter of months or in a year; but, in some cases, these acne scars can be permanent.

Acne, especially cystic acne, can cause scars in some people. You can help reduce scarring by not squeezing or picking at blemishes.

Acne in young women tends to be more random and linked to hormone changes, such as the menstrual cycle. It shows up on the face, neck, and back as different types of bumps. They include whiteheads, blackheads, red bumps (pimples), and bumps that are filled with pus (pustules).

It can often disappear only to leave a discoloured or raised mark where it once was. Even small craters in severe cases can form. Redness often fades in a matter of months or in a year but in some cases these acne scars can be permanent.

Lesions ordinarily occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Although acne is usually not a serious health threat, it can be a source of great emotional depression. It is NOT caused by dirty pores but most likely by over active oil glands. The excess oil makes the pores sticky allowing bacteria to become trapped inside.

Want to find out more about how to properly treat and cure your acne, then visit Shawn Everette’s website,, which is Your Complete Online Acne Source.

What Really Causes Acne? 5 Common Myths

December 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Many myths persist today about what causes acne despite a lack of scientific evidence to support those myths.

By understanding what is causing your acne, you can take effective measures to treat it and keep it under control. Even though doctors are still not exactly sure what causes acne and why some people are not affected, there is more knowlegde and treatment options available today than in the past.

Here are 5 common myths about what causes acne:

Myth #1: Poor hygiene or dirty skin causes acne.

While bacteria in the skin is involved in the creation of acne, and antibiotics can help improve acne, lack of cleanliness is not the actual cause for the acne breakouts. Acne is caused by excess oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores and build up under the skin. Cleansing your skin of oil and debris with a gentle cleanser that kills the acne bacteria is important for preventing breakouts, but it’s not necessary to use harsh cleansers or abrasives. Scrubbing too hard or washing your face too often can irritate and dry out your skin, and can actually make your acne worse.

Myth #2: Breakouts are caused by fried foods or chocolate.

The myth that fast food and chocolate cause acne still persists today; yet there are no studies that have proven any food actually causes acne. Although no particular food has been proven to cause breakouts, some people can be sensitive to certain foods and may find their skin clears up when that food is avoided.

While your acne will most likely not simply disappear with a healthy diet, it is important to eat healthy foods that contain nutrients that support healthy skin. Some find improvement by avoiding meat and dairy products that contain hormones and switching to organic products.

Myth #3: Everyone outgrows bad skin and you don’t need to treat it.

There are a variety of acne treatment options available both over-the-counter and prescription medicines from a dermatologist. While many will find their acne improves or goes away completely with time, there is no reason to not treat it and prevent permanent scarring. Many will need to treat their skin continually well into adulthood because it will not simply go away with time.

Many unfortunate people find their skin gets worse or acne shows up for the first time in their twenties. This is called “adult acne” and can be difficult to treat. If severe, it needs to be treated aggressively to prevent scars because this skin condition cannot be cured but can be managed.

Myth #4: Makeup causes acne.

The first cosmetics were oil based and could definitely make acne worse, but today there are many makeup products that are created for acne prone skin. As long as you use make up that is oil-free and does not contain any other ingredients that can clog pores you can use makeup to help improve the appearance of your skin. Hiding blemishes and the redness of active acne can go a long ways towards improving your self-esteem as you work to control your acne. Be sure to read the labels and look for the term “noncomedogenic” which means the product does not cause comedones or acne from clogged pores. Another term you may see is “nonacnegenic” which is also safe for acne prone skin. Today there are even some makeup brands which include acne fighting ingredients that actually improve your skin!

Myth #5: Popping pimples will clear them up faster.

While its tempting to pop pimples in an attempt to get rid of them quickly, it can actually worsen acne by spreading the bacteria that is causing it. Popping acne cysts can cause the infection to spread in the deeper layers of the skin, damaging the skin which leads to scarring. In cases of severe acne, this scarring can be permanent. Acne cysts or painful nodules should be treated by a dermatologist who knows how to treat them safely.

By eliminating the common myths and learning what really is causing your acne, allows you to prevent future breakouts by treating your skin appropriately.

Looking for some anwers to Stubborn Acne? Visit Joy Byers’ skin care website Healthy Skin Resources and finally discover some Real Solutions for Acne.