Get Rid of Stretch Mark Without Surgery

February 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Not everyone believes that surgery is the best way of getting rid of stretch marks. There are other options worth discovering. If you are not keen to go under the knife yet interested on getting rid of stretch marks there are plenty of other treatments available that are equally effective.

One of the most effective way of dealing with the problem is to know what causes of stretch marks. Conditions that result to overstretching of skin are the common culprits resulting to these unwanted streaks. Individuals who experience radical weight gain and subsequent weight loss display stretch marks in areas where fat cells are located like hips, waist, thighs, and lower back. Pregnant women also develop stretch marks as their bellies expand. Extreme weightlifting and exercise resulting to too much muscle development in a short time also cause stretch marks to appear.

Below are tips and noninvasive options against the infamous stretch marks:

Drink Lots of Water – Make water your best friend. Not only does water keep your skin well hydrated for that dewy and plump look, people who prefer water than the usual sugary beverages are more likely to maintain their weight stable. Water also aids in flushing out toxins that can manifest in your skin.

Eat Healthy – Pile on the produce. Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential nutrients that play a role in healthy skin. Citrus fruits for vitamin C, nuts and monounsaturated oils for vitamin E, and carrots and leafy vegetables for getting your daily dose of vitamin A. Zinc is a mineral found in oysters an seeds that is also vital for the promotion of good skin. Added benefit by munching on fruits and veggies? Most of them are low in calorie, so go ahead, eat away!

Go For Protein Packs – Eat meat. Protein, as many of us know, is the main building block of the body including your skin. Specifically collagen and elastin, the substances responsible for the structure and elasticity of skin, respectively, are made up of proteins. Thus, the more protein you eat, the more raw material for collagen and elastin production, which in turn means the stronger and bouncier your skin will be. Choose lean and trimmed cuts of chicken and beef for meat lovers while tofu and nuts for meat freers.

Get Active – Exercise daily. Not only is exercise good for your heart and your weight, it also keeps your body and your skin toned. Just imagine how good your skin will look and be free of toxins as you endure that hour-long spinning class.

Natural Methods – Go try herbal. Creams, ointments, and lotions are worth trying. Results may be more gradual compared to surgical methods but they do work. Some random ingredients in these topical treatments include vitamins A, C, and D, zinc minerals Centella asiatica extract, and collagen elastin hydrolysate. Remember that results may vary from one person to the next. Nevertheless, these topical remedies have other advantages in soothing associated symptoms of stretch marks such as easing of itchiness and other discomfort. Cocoa butter, aloe vera, lanolin, and wheat germ oil are also herbal alternatives used to supposedly treat stretch marks.

Camouflage – If one cannot wait to put on that bikini, concealers and other camouflaging cosmetic products are the way to go.

Remove those stretch mark with the right stretch mark treatment. Discover the most effective stretch mark product in the market today.

How to Cure My Recurrent Yeast Infection

November 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

So you are having a problem with your recurrent yeast infection? If so, you are in the perfect spot.

Just over 8 months ago, I was also suffering from a recurring yeast infection. No matter what I did, it just seemed like I couldn’t get rid of it.

I spent countless hours online looking for any information on how to get rid of my recurrent yeast infection. What I found was all useless.

All search engines gave me the same information when I typed in phrases like”how to get rid of my current yeast infection” and “how to cure my recurring yeast infection”. Still, no results were found.

It was almost like I was never meant to cure my recurrent yeast infection!

I began trying some over the counter pills, and even prescription pills. They did not do a thing.

All they really do is just mask the real problem. They never eliminate the recurring yeast infection.

What happens is the yeast infection ends up coming back in full force, and here you are left again with this painful infection, and money wasted on medications that did not work.

The other thing you’ll find when you search for “how to get rid of my recurrent yeast infection” is a bunch of natural remedies.

Or at least that’s what they say. But what people are not realizing is that hundreds of remedies online are actually harmful and dangerous to your body.

Some of those home remedies for yeast infections are telling you to do some pretty crazy things, and if you are just following what some random site tells you to do, that is insane!

You need to follow someone who has had this problem in the past. Someone who has been able to successfully get rid of their recurrent yeast infection.

After struggling with my yeast infection, I am 8 months free of any type of yeast infection, and could never be happier. I no longer have the pain and headache of this infection to deal with, and I did it all through natural cures.

If you would like to get rid of your recurrent yeast infection through safe and natural get rid ofs, head over to to read exactly how I got rid of my recurrent yeast infection.

Laser For A Rosacea Treatment

November 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

There are a few different ways in which Rosacea treatments can be done, depending on the type of symptoms you have. If you are a person who suffers from the flushing and redness, than you should look into laser treatment for your rosacea.

You can tell if you have rosacea if you seem to look as if you’re constantly blushing. This will be on your chin, forehead, cheeks and nose that will be affected. The condition will worsen in some cases and the blood vessels will grow larger.

Normally even after one treatment the patient will notice how much this rosacea treatment works. Laser has also been shown to help with those pimples that will normally be part of rosacea. To help out with Rosacea you should try and avoid the sun as much as possible.

One of the suggestions that people with rosacea should do is to stay out of the sun as often as they can. Or if they plan on being in the sun they should put some heavy sunscreen on. The laser treatment for rosacea can actually show great results in only one treatment.

Though sometimes another appointment will need to be set up for a final time. The costs of these treatments are not the least expensive thing in the choices, but perhaps your insurance will cover the cost.

If not you can always look to see if a doctor may be willing to accept some sort of payments on the laser treatments. With the combination of both of these rosacea treatments being used though many rosacea sufferers will see a clear new look. The different topical creams that may be used for this treatment include tetracycline, minocycline, and doxycycline. They all work to help with inflammation, and should have very few side effects that will be experienced.

Asking relatives or friends is another choice. But whatever you do make sure the person is professional and reputable. You are looking for relief for the blood vessels in your face; you need to know the person really knows what they are doing. Also be sure to check if your medical insurance may pay for the cost of the laser treatment. You will never know until you try.

Once the laser treatment has been done you should try and change your diet also. Getting rid of the coffee and alcohol so that your skin will not react again. It’s not much of a change that you will need to make though, and to keep the great results it should be worth it.

Don’t give up hope, you can get a full recovery and have a face that is just like anyone else’s. So check out the laser treatment and antibiotic cream combination. With only a slight bit of swelling on the day of the laser treatment in most cases, it’s a very simple process.

Rosacea is a problematic skin problem that too many have to deal with. Learn about the best rosacea treatments at the Rosacea Treatment Guide.