Discover the Secrets To Look Sexy In A Bikini With Exercise And Stretch Mark Removal Creams

February 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Summer is one exciting season as it is the time for beach trips. But not all women get so thrilled about the thought of going to the beach and wearing a bikini due to having stretch marks. Striae will not only make your skin look awful but can also affect your social life. Good thing you don’t have to hide on the beach anymore and start regaining your confidence in wearing those sexy two piece swimsuits through the help of stretch mark creams and regular exercise, specifically on the abdomen and legs.

No matter how expensive and stylish a bikini is, it will not look sexy at all if the person wearing it doesn’t have legs and abdomen that are well-shaped and don’t have stretch marks. In order to have a skin that’s glowing with health and striae free, try following these tips:

Abdominal and Leg Exercises – You need to understand that a well balanced exercising is needed because doing too much of it will result to more stretch marks rather than eliminating them. Here’s what you need to do:

25 sit ups a day for this will help in making the skin in the abdominal area smooth and strong, thus avoiding skin tears that will later on turn to striae

Doing crunches is also great for getting rid of stretch marks in the abdomen. Conduct at least 10-20 crunches a day.

For thigh stretch marks, leg raises are suggested. 25 repetitions daily are already enough.

Regular squats, jogging or walking are also great exercises that can help firm and tone your skin, thus lessening the appearance of stretch marks in your legs and thigh.

Proper application of Stretch Mark Creams — A good cream will not work at its best if applied wrongly. Make it certain that you are following the correct steps in putting the cream to reap its benefits.

Choose a specific time of the day for you to apply the cream and make sure you can keep up with this daily routine so you’ll follow it regularly.

Prior to putting the cream, exfoliate the body part wherein you plan to apply the medication. This is done to clean the skin and remove dead skin cells so the stretch mark cream will really penetrate on the affected area.

Use a circular motion when applying the cream and massage it for at least 2 minutes or until the cream is fully absorbed.

Let the cream dried off before putting on your clothes just to make sure that it is thoroughly absorbed by your skin.

Strictly follow your everyday routine of applying the cream for skipping a beat will not generate successful outcomes. You can as well apply the cream twice a day for faster results, but don’t exfoliate on the second time.

Looking good in a bikini requires great effort, most especially if you have unattractive striae on your legs and abdomen. Following a regular exercise routine and the correct way of applying a good cream will surely help in obtaining skin that looks healthy and irresistibly sexy.

If you want to have beautiful skin so you can go back to wearing swimsuits or those summer dresses, get a stretch mark removal cream that effectively gets the job done. Yomi A discusses womens health issues and how to stretch mark removal tips after weight loss.

You Can Reduce Cellulite With Revitol Cellulite Solution

February 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Revitol Cellulite Solution may be your answer to your cellulite problem. This is the cottage cheese effect. Fat deposits build up under the skin and then appear just under the skin to give a wrinkling look that no one finds appealing. You can try solutions to get rid of this problem.

But many could have avoided the problem rather than trying to solve the problem. The best way to address the problem is not to allow it in the first place. If people would simply avoid the fast food and other unhealthy eating habits then they would not need a cellulite solution.

This has to do in part to our busy schedules. Years ago cellulite was not such a problem. This was because women stayed home and prepared meals for the family. Today this is not the case. We have most families eating out more often because in most cases both husband and wife work.

This means fast food for lunch fast food for breakfast and a lot of choices of processed foods for breakfast. This means eventual cellulite. People eat out at work because they have nothing from home to bring for lunch. So they to to the nearby fast food stop for a quick meal.

Then people do not exercise like they did years ago. More jobs are sit around the office jobs. They eat and then wait for the fat to deposit around their body and under their skin. So they turn to man made solutions to fight off man created problems.

They try to get help with products like Revitol Cellulite Solution. And some find a solution with this product. But if they keep their diet of fast food and other unhealthy choices they will need to keep using it. Take a stand today and find a way to eat healthier meals. Do yourself and your family a service and cook at home for a change.

Want to find out more about Revitol Cellulite Solution then visit Vanessa Summer’s site on how to choose the best Revitol Cellulite Solution for your needs.

Get Rid of Stretch Mark Without Surgery

February 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Not everyone believes that surgery is the best way of getting rid of stretch marks. There are other options worth discovering. If you are not keen to go under the knife yet interested on getting rid of stretch marks there are plenty of other treatments available that are equally effective.

One of the most effective way of dealing with the problem is to know what causes of stretch marks. Conditions that result to overstretching of skin are the common culprits resulting to these unwanted streaks. Individuals who experience radical weight gain and subsequent weight loss display stretch marks in areas where fat cells are located like hips, waist, thighs, and lower back. Pregnant women also develop stretch marks as their bellies expand. Extreme weightlifting and exercise resulting to too much muscle development in a short time also cause stretch marks to appear.

Below are tips and noninvasive options against the infamous stretch marks:

Drink Lots of Water – Make water your best friend. Not only does water keep your skin well hydrated for that dewy and plump look, people who prefer water than the usual sugary beverages are more likely to maintain their weight stable. Water also aids in flushing out toxins that can manifest in your skin.

Eat Healthy – Pile on the produce. Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential nutrients that play a role in healthy skin. Citrus fruits for vitamin C, nuts and monounsaturated oils for vitamin E, and carrots and leafy vegetables for getting your daily dose of vitamin A. Zinc is a mineral found in oysters an seeds that is also vital for the promotion of good skin. Added benefit by munching on fruits and veggies? Most of them are low in calorie, so go ahead, eat away!

Go For Protein Packs – Eat meat. Protein, as many of us know, is the main building block of the body including your skin. Specifically collagen and elastin, the substances responsible for the structure and elasticity of skin, respectively, are made up of proteins. Thus, the more protein you eat, the more raw material for collagen and elastin production, which in turn means the stronger and bouncier your skin will be. Choose lean and trimmed cuts of chicken and beef for meat lovers while tofu and nuts for meat freers.

Get Active – Exercise daily. Not only is exercise good for your heart and your weight, it also keeps your body and your skin toned. Just imagine how good your skin will look and be free of toxins as you endure that hour-long spinning class.

Natural Methods – Go try herbal. Creams, ointments, and lotions are worth trying. Results may be more gradual compared to surgical methods but they do work. Some random ingredients in these topical treatments include vitamins A, C, and D, zinc minerals Centella asiatica extract, and collagen elastin hydrolysate. Remember that results may vary from one person to the next. Nevertheless, these topical remedies have other advantages in soothing associated symptoms of stretch marks such as easing of itchiness and other discomfort. Cocoa butter, aloe vera, lanolin, and wheat germ oil are also herbal alternatives used to supposedly treat stretch marks.

Camouflage – If one cannot wait to put on that bikini, concealers and other camouflaging cosmetic products are the way to go.

Remove those stretch mark with the right stretch mark treatment. Discover the most effective stretch mark product in the market today.

Things To Know About Toenail Fungus Home Treatment

February 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Toenail fungus is a common problem which most of us will have to suffer through at some point or another. It is more common in athletes or those who use their feet a great deal. Toenail fungus treatment can be difficult to find, as not every treatment is the same for every person. It can also be quite embarrassing to purchase and some people would rather live with the problem than solve it.

If you keep your feet very clean and well tended to in the first place, you are already doing all you can. Just keep watch over your toes and take action if something seems wrong, like the nails are detaching or are cloudy and discolored. If you paint your toenails all the time, it may be hard for you to notice.

Go to your doctor first before you buy any over the counter products. A fungus is never something you want and it could infect other parts of your body. Research the problem and have plenty of options to talk to your doctor about.

Laser treatments are something fairly new that seem to work wonders. The laser are completely painless for you, but they will fry and kill the bacteria. It can be inexpensive and can treat the problem much faster than creams or pills.

You should know how old this infection is. The older it is, the longer you have let it work its way into your system. A pill can start curing things inside and a cream may have to be applied on the outside. Remember that the longer you let it sit there, the longer it will take to cure.

Think, too, about how long it takes for your toenails to grow. Remember that you will have ugly looking toenails until the problem is entirely cured and your toenail has completely grown out and been cut off. This could take upwards of half a year. Keep your toenails short to better track your progress.

Here’s a natural solution for healthy looking toenails – ZetaClear Toenail Fungus Treatment. Related article – Toenail Fungus Treatment – What Are Your Options?

What You Should Know About Your Natural Cellulite Remedy

December 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Most people eagerly buy natural cellulite remedy and only end up getting disappointed. While there are really products that offer no good results, there are also some good natural cellulite remedy products that show no results because people do not have the right expectations and attitude or use a product incorrectly. Here are a couple of things that you need to remember before using a natural cellulite remedy.

There’s No Magic

People can get so easily carried away with all the hype and advertising that they easily forget to learn more about the product. One cannot expect therefore to come across a natural cellulite remedy that can remove all traces of cellulite overnight. There may be some products that can claim to do that but many of them just succeed in covering up the cellulite for a limited time. After a few hours or days, you will notice that your cellulite is back right were you left it.

The secret to a good cellulite remedy is patience and consistency. You need to use it as instructed and you need to wait for the results. Cellulite remedy products that are used properly will help you get rid of the toxins in your body, increase your metabolism, limit fat storage and strengthen your skin.

People are Different

Not everyone is the same. One person can have more apparent cellulite than you even if you seem bulkier or heavier. This is because cellulite can be caused by a lot of other factors. In some cases, cellulite can even be genetic. If you have a severe condition then common sense would say that your cellulite remedy will probably take longer to have an effect. Even the best natural cellulite remedy therefore will not have the same quick effects on everyone.

Help From You

If you keep on countering its progress, your cellulite home remedy may not work regardless of how effective it truly is. It is believed that one reason why cellulite looks more obvious on other people is that cellulite may actually be made worse by a bad lifestyle and toxic substances. You can easily increase your level of toxin deposits in cellulite areas if you eat fat and junk food everyday and if you smoke and drink excessively.

A sedentary lifestyle may also lead to more fat deposits. Maintaining bad eating and personal habits can decrease the effectiveness of a good natural cellulite remedy. This means that you need to be part of the cellulite solution by getting rid of your bad habits.

Be Cautious

Be aware of even the slightest itch, redness, and other possible side effects even if your natural cellulite remedy claims to have no side effects. This is especially true if you have a medical condition, if you are under heavy medication or if you are pregnant. In these cases, always consult your doctor before you use any cellulite remedy.

Proper Product Use

Along with consistency, you should also be aware of how you use the product. Check if you are using enough on an affected area or if you allow the product to be absorbed first before putting on your clothes.

Can a natural cellulite remedy really be effective? Get your natural cellulite cream review to know which products work and which do not.

Simple Yet Effective All Natural Beauty Tips

November 29, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Society has a way of abusing words at times and natural is one of the worst ones yet. Beauty companies will throw that tag out there knowing that people will just eat it up and spend their money blindly. When consumers are looking for all natural beauty tips, they need to be more careful and make sure that they are not actually being hard sold on some new product. Here are some real all natural beauty tips that will not cost a ton of money to follow.

The first thing that anyone seems to notice is our smile. Far too many people neglect their teeth during their younger years and they end up with graying teeth and a smile that they are embarrassed about. There is no need to spend a small fortune to get those pearly whites back. Simply put baking soda on a damp toothbrush and use it just as you would normally. In no time at all there will be a dramatic increase in the whiteness of your smile.

Do not ever underestimate the toll that a particular lifestyle can have on someone. People think that they are going to stay young forever and live that way. One day they wake up looking old and haggard and wonder what happened. Sooner or later everything will catch up to you no matter how beautiful you were during your teen years.

Start drinking plenty of water every day to avoid this from happening. It will not only keep the body hydrated, but will also continue to flush out toxins. Some exercise is always a good idea and eating a well balanced meal is not going to hurt either. Doing all of this will keep that body and face looking great for many years.

Antioxidants are touted in health magazines everywhere you look, and for good reason. The plain truth of the matter is that they really are superfoods when it comes to our bodies health. It is time to get the junk out of your diet and fill it with foods that will help you and taste good instead of creating body fat that will be impossible to get rid of as you get older.

While all of these all natural beauty tips will help, it defeats the purpose if products laced with harmful chemicals are put on your skin. Using home remedies like oatmeal, honey and yogurt will work much better and will cost a lot less money. When makeup is needed, there are plenty of real all natural products to choose from, just check the labels.

When people want to look great inside and out, it is time to get rid of the garbage and to live a better life. Eating right, exercising and living an all around healthier lifestyle will do wonders to preserve that all natural beauty that everyone possesses. Sometimes it just takes a dose of reality to make people understand that.

Finding the right natural beauty treatment for your face and body is essential for proper health and long lasting beauty. Discover the secrets of natural beauty simply by following these beauty tips and secrets. Get rid of those wrinkles and sagging and start to look and feel more beautiful. Find out all the secrets by visiting Natural Beauty Treatment today.

How to Cure My Recurrent Yeast Infection

November 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

So you are having a problem with your recurrent yeast infection? If so, you are in the perfect spot.

Just over 8 months ago, I was also suffering from a recurring yeast infection. No matter what I did, it just seemed like I couldn’t get rid of it.

I spent countless hours online looking for any information on how to get rid of my recurrent yeast infection. What I found was all useless.

All search engines gave me the same information when I typed in phrases like”how to get rid of my current yeast infection” and “how to cure my recurring yeast infection”. Still, no results were found.

It was almost like I was never meant to cure my recurrent yeast infection!

I began trying some over the counter pills, and even prescription pills. They did not do a thing.

All they really do is just mask the real problem. They never eliminate the recurring yeast infection.

What happens is the yeast infection ends up coming back in full force, and here you are left again with this painful infection, and money wasted on medications that did not work.

The other thing you’ll find when you search for “how to get rid of my recurrent yeast infection” is a bunch of natural remedies.

Or at least that’s what they say. But what people are not realizing is that hundreds of remedies online are actually harmful and dangerous to your body.

Some of those home remedies for yeast infections are telling you to do some pretty crazy things, and if you are just following what some random site tells you to do, that is insane!

You need to follow someone who has had this problem in the past. Someone who has been able to successfully get rid of their recurrent yeast infection.

After struggling with my yeast infection, I am 8 months free of any type of yeast infection, and could never be happier. I no longer have the pain and headache of this infection to deal with, and I did it all through natural cures.

If you would like to get rid of your recurrent yeast infection through safe and natural get rid ofs, head over to to read exactly how I got rid of my recurrent yeast infection.

Make Your Hair Look Silky with Tigi Bed Head Manipulator

November 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Skin Care

Tigi Bed head Manipulator is designed for people who desire to get the modern, unconventional ‘just got out of bed’ look. It’s a terrific product which is specially designed to manipulate hair into varied styles. Bedhead Manipulator works equally well both on wet or dry hair. A pea size quantity spread on palms and applied on hair is enough to detangle hair and to style it into your favourite hairstyle. You may try the spikes to twists and punky and it all looks and sets perfectly. It lasts for a long time irrespective of length and texture of hair.

Tigi Manipulator has a sweet smell and it spreads evenly through hair. It’s not a wax or a gel nor a mousse either. It has a sticky matte feel and Tigi describes it as “a funky gunk that rocks”. It leaves hair frizz free and separates each hair filament making it look voluminous. Hair looks silky and feels manageable. It is non oily and washes out easily. Bed Head Manipulator Shampoo appears in a dazzling shade of pearly turquoise blue and gives the ‘rock on’ effect to all those fashion lovers. It has a sweet smell and is ideal for daily shampooing.

Manipulator Shampoo comes in a cylindrical shape plastic bottle with a pop up nozzle which can also be unscrewed to pour the very last bit out whenever the product gets exhausted. Tigi Manipulator Shampoo is ideal for daily use. It is quite thick in consistency and when massaged into the hair and scalp for about a minute produces a rich lather. After having rinsed out the shampoo the hair appear less tangled than it was prior to application. It gives a deep cleansing effect which makes hair feel light on the head. Manipulator Shampoo should be used in conjunction with the Manipulator Conditioner for best results. Results may vary if used with other conditioners.

Manipulator Conditioner is a daily conditioner and should be used after cleansing hair with manipulator shampoo. After washing hair with Manipulator Shampoo, rinse hair well and squeeze out excess water. Rub a small amount of conditioner through your hands and massage with fingers tips through the roots till the end until hair feels soft and smooth, and leave it on for about a minute and rinse out. Blow dry and style as desired.

It leaves hair beautifully soft and gives a fabulous shine. Manipulator Conditioner can also be used along with a random shampoo, but if used together with Manipulator Shampoo it works perfectly well and the scent from both the shampoo and the conditioner blends well together leaving a long lasting fragrance in the hair. The manipulator conditioner is a lovely thick texture, about twice as thick as the shampoo. It does not lather and avoid using too much of it as it may give a greasy effect.

Jennifer Summers has been advising on Tigi Bed Head Manipulator for the last 5 years giving clients an in-depth knowledge and guiding them on how to get the best for their hair from using Bed Head Manipulator.